Psycho Sweets - Das Psychologische Selbstcoaching Programm 3
Eine Spielanleitung für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben : Selbsthilfe durch coole psychologisch wirkungsvolle Übungen

What you will learn
Positive Psychologie
Psychische und physische Heilung
Mehr Selbstvertrauen
Mehr Motivation
Ruhe & Gelassenheit
Harmonie & Ausgeglichenheit
Umgang mit Stress
Innere Stärke
Why take this course?
🌟 Psycho Sweets - Das Psychologische Selbstcoaching Programm 3 🌟
Welcome to "Psycho Sweets", an enchanting journey into self-discovery and personal growth! This course is not just a series of exercises; it's a delightful mix of psychological expertise, spiritual wisdom, and fun activities designed to elevate your life. Guided by the insights of a seasoned clinical psychologist, a somatic therapist, and a musical therapist, you'll unlock the secrets to achieving your desired goals with ease and joy. 🧫✨
Ziele des Kurses:
- Mentales Zähneputzen: Tackle negative thought patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you.
- Innere Balance: Find inner harmony while pursuing the life you aspire to live.
- Selbstbestimmte Wunschziele erreichen (Attainment of Personal Goals): Set intentions, clarify your desires, and make them a reality with step-by-step guidance. 🎯
Was erwartet dich im Kurs?
- Entspannung und Loslassen: Learn to let go of past burdens and stressors that weigh you down.
- Alte Muster erkennen und neue Wege finden: Discover how your habits were formed and how to change them to better serve your current life and aspirations.
- Stärkung des Körpers und angenehme Präsenz - Charisma: Harness the power of your body, develop a pleasant demeanor, and enhance your charisma for more impactful interactions.
- Freudvolles Lenken der Gedanken: Master the art of joyfully steering your thoughts towards constructive and life-affirming paths.
- Befreiung aus der Grübelschleife (Breaking Free from Overthinking): Break free from overthinking and experience liberating moments of clarity and purpose.
- Lebensgestaltung mit Freude und Weisheit: Shape your life with delight and wisdom through proven methods.
- Energiearbeit: Connect and balance your energy to create a strong foundation for personal development.
With "Psycho Sweets", you're not just learning—you're experiencing a transformative process. Our approach is scientifically grounded yet enriched by ancient wisdom, ensuring you receive a comprehensive toolkit for self-coaching. 🛠️🌱
Masterclass-Übungen im Kurs:
- Am See der Heilung (Healing Pond Visualization): Dive into a serene healing experience that soothes your mind and spirit.
- Frabtrance (Morning Ritual to Set the Tone for the Day): Start your day with intention and positivity.
- Chakren reinigen (Cleanse Your Chakras): Align and balance your energy centers for optimal well-being.
- Fremde Energien loswerden (Releasing External Energies): Learn techniques to shield and clear your space from unwanted external energies.
- Blick in die Zukunft (Vision of the Future): Gain clarity and direction for your future endeavors.
- Master Spirits von Kyra: Experience Kyra's powerful guided meditations designed to elevate and empower.
- Regenerationsbuster (Rejuvenation Technique): A dynamic method to recharge after periods of intense activity or stress.
- Zaubertrank (Magic Elixir): A restorative concoction for the body, mind, and soul.
- Selbst genug sein (Embracing Self-Sufficiency): Cultivate a sense of being complete within yourself.
- Liebe anziehen (Attraction of Love): Draw love into your life through this heartfelt and inspiring practice.
- Einschlafmeditation (Sleep Meditation): Drift off into a peaceful slumber with this guided meditation.
- Yoga – Wecker (Yoga to Wake Up): A dynamic yoga sequence to ignite your senses and energize your day.
- Yoga – Den Tag loslassen (Yoga to End the Day): A soothing yoga practice to let go of the day's tension and prepare for restful sleep.
- Master- Musik von Dirk (Dirk's Healing Music): Immerse yourself in soothing melodies for deep relaxation and healing.
- Panik Pendel 1 (Panic Pendulum 1 – Acute Panic Management): A step-by-step method to navigate acute panic moments with breath and intention.
- Panik Pendel 2 (Panic Pendulum 2 – Managing Ongoing Anxiety): A technique for managing and transforming ongoing anxiety into calmness and peace.
Join us on this transformative journey, where each session will leave you feeling more empowered, peaceful, and aligned with your highest self. Welcome to a world where growth meets tranquility, and science blends with spirituality. 🌟☀️
Sich anmelden: Don't miss out on this life-changing experience—sign up now and begin your journey to a more fulfilled, balanced, and joyful life! 🙏💖



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