【超入門】新規事業の担当者が最低限知っておきたい会計の知識「財務三表 B/S・P/L・C/S・損益分岐点(CVP)」

What you will learn
Why take this course?
🎓 【超入門】新規事業の担当者が必要に知っておくべき會計の知識「財務三表B/S・P/L・C/S・損益分岐点(CVP)」 🎓
- 📊 財務三表の基礎:貸借対照表(B/S)、損益計算書(P/L)、キャッシュフロー計算書(C/S)の概要をわかりやすく解説します。
- 🎯 損益分岐点(CVP)の求め方:「このような価格で商品を売ることで、損をしない(もしくは利益を得る)かどうか」を判断する方法を学びます。
- 🕵️♂️ 会計による事業の可能性の探索:あなたの事業が持つ潜在的な収益力を分析し、財務上で成功するためのポイントを把 tateます。
- 📖 ビジュアルと図解:複雑な会計知識を、視覚的に理解しやすいビジュアルと図解を使って説明します。
- 🧐 丁寧な説明:会計の基本からしっかりと進め、初心者でも踏む道の筋序が分かるようにしていきます。
- 🤝 実践的な学習:損益分岐点については、実際にグラフを作成することで、理論と實践の橋渡しを実感します。
- 📊 財務三表についての基本的な理解を身につけることができます。
- 🎯 損益分岐点の計算方法と、実際のビジネスシナリオでどのように適用するかを学びます。
- 📈 グラフ作成能力を身につけ、事業の可能性を視覚的に分析したり、財務計画を立てることができるようになっていくでしょう。
「今さら聞けない…」でも、だからこそ!やるなら今です! この機会に、ぜひ一緒に学んでいきましょう。会計があなたの事業を成功に導く手助けとなるはずです。

Our review
Overview of the Course: This online course is designed to convey financial and accounting knowledge in an accessible and engaging manner, primarily through the use of animations. It is particularly useful for those who are either starting out with little to no background in these subjects or for professionals looking to refresh their understanding of key concepts and terminology.
Pros of the Course:
Animated Explanations: The course employs animations extensively, which simplifies complex financial concepts and makes them easier to understand. This approach is highly effective, especially compared to traditional reading materials where it can be challenging to follow along with textbook explanations.
Clear and Comprehensive Content: Reviews highlight that the course breaks down advanced topics into digestible pieces, ensuring that students do not feel overwhelmed by the subject matter. The content covered is comprehensive and well-paced, allowing for a better grasp of essential concepts.
Value for Money: Students have found the course to offer exceptional value for its cost. The quality of teaching and the clarity with which information is presented make it worth the investment, even at a higher price point compared to other educational materials.
Versatility for Different Learning Needs: Whether you are responsible for financial operations in a new endeavor, such as a software development project, or if you simply need to understand the basics of finance and accounting for business purposes, this course is versatile enough to cater to various audiences.
Educational Quality: The course serves as valuable education for individuals who have not pursued formal training in financial management, providing key insights and understanding of financial terminology and their implications.
Cons of the Course:
Cost Consideration: Some may find the course to be more expensive than other study materials or free resources available online, which could be a barrier for those with limited budgets.
Learning Pace: While the content is explained at a pace conducive to understanding, individual preference plays a role. Some learners might prefer a faster or more detailed explanation depending on their own learning speed and style.
Tips for New Students:
Embrace the Animation Style: Take advantage of the animated explanations as they are a key feature that sets this course apart from traditional ones.
Go at Your Own Pace: Though the content is well-paced, feel free to replay sections if you need extra time to grasp the concepts being taught.
Utilize the Course for Various Purposes: Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your understanding of financial concepts, this course has something valuable to offer.
Conclusion: The online course in question is a highly recommended resource for anyone seeking to learn about finance and accounting, particularly those who benefit from visual learning tools. Its use of animation, clarity in explanation, and comprehensive coverage make it an asset to the learning community, offering both educational value and practical insights that are applicable across various professional scenarios. The positive feedback from students underscores its effectiveness as a teaching tool and its overall contribution to making willingly complex subjects more accessible and understandable.


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