Preparatório Mikrotik MTCINE - BGP

Prepare-se para a certificação mais desejada da carreira Mikrotik cobrindo o tópico de BGP.

4.15 (176 reviews)
IT Certification
Preparatório Mikrotik MTCINE - BGP
4.5 hours
Aug 2020
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Obter conhecimento teórico e prático referentes aos recursos Internet e BGP

Planejar, implementar, manter e depurar as configurações de BGP implementados pelo RouterOS.

Aplicar filtros BGP.

Manipular tráfego através de políticas de BGP.

Why take this course?

También conocido como "El Maestro de las Redes", Jordelson Santiago te guía en una odisea digital con su curso "Prepare-se para la certificación más deseada de la carrera Mikrotik cobrando el tópico de BGP". 🛠️🌐

¿Listo para conquistar el mundo de las redes con Mikrotik?

Prepárate a sumergirte en el universo del roteamiento avanzado con Mikrotik MTCINE y especialmente en el protocolo BGP, la tecnología que permite la interconexión de sistemas de telecomunicaciones autónomos en Internet. 🌐✨

¿Qué Aprenderás?

  • Configuración básica y avanzada del BGP: Dominarás los conceptos fundamentales y aplicarás técnicas expertas para configurar el BGP en tu red. 🔧

  • Uso de Links Single-homed e Multihomed: Aprenderás a optimizar la conectividad de tu red utilizando tanto enlaces únicos como múltiples enlaces con eficiencia y efectividad. 🔁

  • Aplicación de Atributos BGP Específicos: Te familiarizarás con router-reflector, confederation, communities y otros atributos clave para el manejo del tráfico de red. 🧩

Beneficios del Curso

  • Preparación para la Certificación Mikrotik MTCINE: Este curso está diseñado para te proporcionar un conocimiento profundo y práctico que te equipará para pasar con éxito la certificación MTCINE. ✅🏆

  • Contenido Práctico y Actualizado: Aprenderás conceptos teóricos y aplicarás técnicas de manera práctica en entornos virtuales, asegurando que tu conocimiento esté al día con las últimas tendencias y tecnologías. 🖥️💻

  • Estrategias de Roteo Real del Mercado: No solo te teorizará sobre BGP, sino que también te mostrarás cómo los profesionales en el campo lo utilizan día a día para optimizar su red y servicio al cliente. 🔗🛠️

¿Por Qué Escoger Este Curso?

  • Experto Aprobado: Jordelson Santiago, con años de experiencia en el campo de las redes, te conducirá a través de este curso con ejemplos reales y análisis detallados. 🎓👨‍💻

  • Acceso a Laboratorios Virtuales: Practica lo aprendidos en un entorno seguro y controlado sin riesgos para tus redes reales. 🔬

  • Material de Apoyo Incluido: Recurso a documentos, guías y foros para apoyarte en tu aprendizaje y más allá del curso. 📚✍️

¿Estás Listo?

Inscríbete hoy mismo y transforma tu carrera como profesional de redes con Mikrotik MTCINE - BGP. 🚀🎯

Con este curso, estarás listo para enfrentar los desafíos más exigentes del roteamiento en la industria de telecomunicaciones y mostrar tu experticia con el protocolo BGP de Mikrotik. ¡No esperes más y dale un paso hacia tu futuro profesional! 🛠️🚀

Our review

📚 Course Review for BGP & MPLS Network Engineer Certification

Overview: The course on Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Network Engineer Certification has received a global rating of 4.65 from recent reviews. The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of BGP and MPLS, with a focus on practical application for network engineers.


  • Comprehensive Content: The course content is described as "excellent" with a detailed explanation of the BGP basics, governance, and filtering concepts. The MPLS content also starts from the basics and progresses to more advanced topics such as traffic engineering.
  • Structured Learning Path: A clear learning path is outlined, including pre-course materials on EVE-NG setup with RouterOS, followed by modules on BGP basics, multi-homed networks, BGP attributes, MPLS basics, MPLS VPNs, and MPLS traffic engineering.
  • Complete Materials for Exams: The course provides all necessary materials for taking the exams, including practice questions and topics.
  • Positive Feedback on Content Relevance: Some users have praised the course for its content quality, stating that it is superior to similar courses offered by the same platform (MTCINE vs. MTCNA and MTCRE).


  • Audio Quality Issues: Several reviews mentioned that the audio quality in some videos is poor and can be too soft, making it difficult for learners to hear the instruction clearly.
  • Inconsistent Content Delivery: There are reports of the instructor not adhering to the course's scheduled release dates, causing delays in accessing new content as per the cronograma.
  • Pedagogical Challenges: Some users have highlighted that while the instructor has a solid understanding of BGP and MPLS, there are instances where they struggle to effectively communicate complex concepts, particularly when explaining 'why' certain functions work the way they do.
  • Video Quality Concerns: The video quality is also criticized for being pixelated or unclear at times, with one user suggesting that learners have a full screen view while instructors might not be presenting content optimally.
  • Administrative and Support Issues: There are complaints about the administrative process on Udemy being complex, with one review specifically mentioning the frustration of the course not being completed as advertised in 2019, and another noting unanswered questions over four months regarding the launch of modules.

Additional Notes:

  • Course Completion Timeline: It's important to note that the course is set to complete in 2019, and there may be delays as the instructor seems to not strictly follow the provided timeline.
  • User Experience Concerns: The user experience is negatively impacted by the poor audio and video quality issues, which need to be addressed for a better learning environment.


  • Improve Audio Quality: Ensure that all videos are recorded with clear, audible audio.
  • Adhere to Scheduled Timeline: Follow the course cronograma and release content as planned to avoid delays for students.
  • Enhance Communication Skills: Work on explaining complex topics in a clear and concise manner, addressing both the 'how' and the 'why.'
  • Optimize Video Presentation: Make sure that all video content is presented in a way that is easily visible to learners, with full screen views where necessary.
  • Address Support Issues: Promptly respond to user questions and concerns, ensuring a smooth administrative process for course enrollment and content release.

Conclusion: The BGP & MPLS Network Engineer Certification course offers a rich curriculum with a structured learning path that is highly regarded by users for its comprehensiveness and relevance. However, the course suffers from audio/video quality issues, inconsistent delivery of content, and administrative hiccups that need to be addressed to enhance user satisfaction and improve the overall learning experience.

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