PMI-ACP Exam Prep Success

Pass the PMI-ACP Exam based on the PMBOK: Everything You Need to Pass the PMI-ACP

4.61 (13206 reviews)
Project Management
PMI-ACP Exam Prep Success
13 hours
Jan 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Qualify for the PMI-ACP Certification Exam

Build an Agile Mindset

Identify characteristics of value-driven projects

Claim 21 Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Identify the characteristics of a successful agile project

Discuss agile project management in depth

Pass the PMI-ACP examination

Why take this course?

Looking for a PMI-ACP exam prep course with 21 PDUs? This is it!

You want to earn the PMI-ACP certification and you need quality training without all the nonsense and fluff so many courses offer. You do want to learn from an authority in project management that’s also certified as a PMI-ACP.

This is the course you want. This course provides 21 hours of Agile project management education and is taught by project management author and expert Joseph Phillips. You can claim these 21 hours as 21 PDUs for your continuing PMI education.

Our PMI-ACP® Exam Prep course provides complete coverage of the PMI-ACP® exam objectives and the library of Agile resources PMI recommends. Start today, invest in your career, and begin working to clear your PMI-ACP® exam. Here's what's included in our PMI-ACP® Exam Prep Online Seminar:

►21 Professional Development Units (PDUs)

►Complete coverage of the entire PMI-ACP® exam objectives

►21 contact hours of project management education

►Practice exam questions and answers on all exam objectives

►Module exams covering every PMI-ACP exam objective

►PDF course workbook; entire course for note-taking and following along

►Videos of all concepts, formulas, theories, and agile project management practices

►Lectures on the entire PMI-Agile® exam objectives

►24 x 7 Web and mobile access

►All terms for the PMI-ACP terms you must know for exam success

►Course discussions with the Instructor and peers

►30-day satisfaction guaranteed


Preparing to Pass the PMI-ACP Exam

All About the PMI-ACP Certification
Qualifications for the PMI-ACP Exam
Applying for the PMI-ACP Exam
Money and the PMI-ACP Exam
Join PMI
Passing the PMI-ACP Exam
Preparing a Study Strategy - to Pass!
What to Expect on Testing Day
What Your Exam is Based Upon
PMI-ACP Exam Domains
PMI-ACP Exam Handbook
PMI-ACP Exam Details Learning Game
Section Summary
Key terms
PMI-ACP Overview Quiz

Agile Principles and the PMI-ACP Mindset

Overview of Domain I: Agile Principles and Mindset
Defining Agile Values for Projects
Managing Knowledge-Work Projects
Comparing Empirical Processes and Defined Processes
Exploring the Declaration of Interdependence
Being Agile and Doing Agile
Inverting the Triple Constraints
Leading Organizational Agility
Thinking About Agile Practices
Doing Agile Project Management
Encouraging Others to Embrace Agile
Reviewing the Agile Manifesto
Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools
Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation
Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation
Responding to Change Over Following a Plan
Twelve Principles of Agile
Comparing Agile Project Management Approaches
Introducing Scrum
All About Kanban
Extreme Programming
Lean Product Development
Dynamic Systems Development Method
Feature-Driven Development
Introducing Crystal
Leading an Agile Project
Management and Leadership in Agile
Serving as a Leader
Create a Safe and Trustful Team Environment
Experiment to Find Efficient And Effective Ways Of Working (NULL)
Encourage Emergent Leadership
Agile Principles and Mindset Learning Game
Section Summary
Agile Mindset Quiz

Value-Driven Delivery

Overview of Domain II: Value-Driven Delivery
Delivering Value in Agile Projects
Creating Value ASAP
Removing Waste
Defining Value in Organizations
Exploring the Time Value of Money
Introducing Earned Value Management
Agile Project Accounting
Creating Key Performance Indicators
Managing Risks in Agile Projects
Adhering to Regulatory Compliance in Agile
Prioritizing Value in Agile Projects
Deliver High-Value Requirements First
Utilizing MoSCoW
Using Kano Analysis
How to do Dot Voting
Spending Monopoly Money
Trying the 100-Point Method
Setting Requirements Prioritization
Relative Prioritization and Ranking
Delivering Value in Increments
Reviewing the Cost of Change
Creating the MVP
Embracing Low-Tech/High-Touch Tools
Value and Validation
Creating Kanban Boards
Making a Task Board
Setting the WIP Limit
Exploring Little’s Law
Working with Vendors In Agile Projects
Introducing DSDM Contracting
Graduated Fixed Priced Contracts
Fixed-Price Work Packages
Validating Value in Agile Projects
Software Testing and Verification
Exploratory Testing
Usability Testing
Implementing Continuous Integration
Working with Test-Driven Development
Acceptance Test-Driven Development
Value-Driven Delivery Learning Game
Section Summary
Value-Driven Delivery Quiz

Stakeholder Engagement

Overview of Domain III: Stakeholder Engagement
Leading Stakeholder Stewardship
Defining Stakeholder Values
Defining Community Values
Managing Stakeholder Engagement
Identifying Project Stakeholders
Building Stakeholder Synergy
Keeping Stakeholders Involved
Leading Stakeholder Conversations
Sharing the Project Vision
Creating the Project Charter
Defining Done in Agile Projects
Modeling an Agile Project
Use Case Diagrams
Leveraging Data Models
Knowing Wireframes
Meeting Personas
Communicating with Stakeholders
Leading Face-to-Face Communication
Sharing Knowledge with Stakeholders
Building an Information Radiator
Collaborating with Stakeholders
Creating Green and Red Zones
Hosting a Workshop
Brainstorming Ideas
Playing Collaboration Games
Defining Soft Skills for Agile Projects
Basics of Emotional Intelligence
How to Listen Actively and Effectively
Facilitating Meetings
Negotiating with Stakeholders
Resolving Conflicts
Making Good Project Decisions
Empowering the Project Team
Making Decisions as a Group
Stakeholder Engagement Learning Game
Section Summary
Stakeholder Engagement Quiz

Team Performance

Overview of Domain IV: Team Performance
Valuing People Over Processes
Defining the Delivery Team
Identifying the Product Owner
Responsibility of the Team Leader
Recognizing the Project Sponsor
Forming the Agile Project Team
Working with Generalizing Specialists
Building a High-Performing Team
Developing the Project Team
Leading the Project Team
Providing Motivation
Training the Project Team
Coaching Team Members
Building a Collaborative Team Space
Working with Co-Located Teams
Defining the Project Team Space
Identifying Osmotic Communications
Managing Team Diversity
Working with Distributed Teams
Monitoring Team Performance
Building Burn Charts
Calculating Team Velocity
Team Performance Learning Game
Section Summary
Team Performance Quiz

Adaptive Planning

Overview of Domain V: Adaptive Planning
Agile Planning Concepts
Adaptive Planning
Agile and Non-Agile Planning Activities
Principles of Agile Planning
Agile Discovery
Leading Progressive Elaboration
Value-Based Analysis
Timeboxing Meetings and Events
Creating Estimate Ranges
Working with Ideal Time
User Stories
Creating the User Story Backlog
User Stories: Sizing, Estimating, and Planning
Breaking Down the Project
Grooming the Backlog
Utilizing Affinity Estimating
Sizing T-Shirts
Creating a Product Roadmap
Using Wideband Delphi
Planning with Poker
Creating Release and Iteration Plans
Using Spikes
Visioning the Releases
Planning for Releases
Planning Project Iterations
Completing Daily Stand-Ups
Adaptive Planning Learning Game
Section Summary
Adaptive Planning Quiz

Problem Detection and Resolution

Overview of Domain VI: Problem Detection and Resolution
Controlling Project Problems
Cost of Change
Reviewing Technical Debt
Create a Safe and Open Environment
Failure and Success Modes in a Project
Strategies for Success
Detecting Problems and Defects
Understanding Lead Time and Cycle Time
Completing Variance Analysis
Identifying Trends in a Project
Setting Control Limits
Creating a Risk-Adjusted Backlog
Determining Risk Severity
Creating Risk Burndown Charts
What's the Problem?
Solving Problems in Agile Projects
Problem Detection and Resolution Learning Game
Section Summary
Problem Detection and Resolution Quiz

Continuous Improvement

Overview of Domain VII Review: Continuous Improvement
Leading Continuous Improvement as a Process
Tailoring Processes
Completing Systems Thinking
Participating in Process Analysis
Creating Value Stream Maps
Hosting a Project Pre-Mortem
Leading Product Review Sessions
Examining a Product Feedback Loop
Understanding Approved Iterations
Leading a Retrospective
Completing Team Assessments
Section Summary
Continuous Improvement Learning Game
Continuous Improvement Quiz
Course Wrap and the PMI-ACP Coach
PMI-ACP Final Exam
How to Claim PDUs and the Certificate of Completion
Link to Certificate


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Our review

🏆 **Overall Course Rating:** 4.61 The course has received a generally positive reception from recent reviewers, with most highlighting the quality of instruction and the comprehensive coverage of Agile Project Management Certification (ACP) material. The majority of users found the content valuable for both preparing for the ACP exam and enhancing their understanding of Agile principles in real-world applications. **Pros:** - 🎓 **Instructor Expertise:** Joseph Phillips is consistently praised for his clear explanations, depth of knowledge, and engaging teaching style. - 🎥 **Content Coverage:** The course is noted to cover all relevant areas for ACP certification and provides a significant amount of information through extensive video content. - 🤝 **Real-World Application:** Many users appreciate the practical examples and the application of principles, which they found useful beyond just passing the exam. - 🎓 **Learning Approach:** The course is structured in bite-sized pieces, which is generally well-received for its approach to delivering extensive knowledge in an organized manner. - 🛠️ **Motivation and Encouragement:** Joseph's encouragement throughout the course is a recurring positive point, helping students stay motivated and focused. - ✅ **Exam Prep Effective:** Some users successfully passed their ACP exams after taking this course, crediting it for helping meet the requirements and providing practice questions. **Cons:** - ⏳ **Intro/Exit Segments:** A common complaint is the presence of lengthy intros and exits in each segment, which some users feel could be bypassed for a more direct learning experience. - 📄 **Note Organization:** Some reviewers found the information in their notes to be all over the place, with a desire for more structured or real-life examples to clarify the concepts. - 🧐 **Theoretical Nature:** The course is described as somewhat theoretical, with a suggestion that it would benefit from more practical, real-world examples and less abstract knowledge. - 🤔 **Exam Question Answers:** There is a notable absence of detailed explanations for the correct answers in practice questions, which could be a significant aid for learners. - 📈 **Exam Prep Gap:** One user highlighted a significant discrepancy between the course's approach to memorization and the actual ACP exam format, which is based on situational questioning and understanding rather than rote memorization. - 💰 **Value for Money:** The most critical review points out that while the course fulfills the requirements at a low cost, it may not sufficiently help with passing the exam, especially when compared to other resources like textbooks. **Additional Notes:** - It's important to note that individual experiences may vary, and what works for one person might not work for another. Some users found the course perfectly matched their expectations and provided all the necessary information in an easy-to-digest format. - The course is generally recommended for those looking to understand Agile principles thoroughly or prepare for the ACP exam, with the caveat that additional resources may be beneficial for mastering the exam format. - Users are encouraged to seek out supplementary materials, such as textbooks, if they wish to have a deeper understanding of situational application of Agile concepts as tested in the ACP exam. In summary, this course is a valuable resource for those seeking to learn about Agile Project Management and prepare for the ACP exam. While it has some shortcomings, particularly in terms of theoretical focus and the formatting of practice questions, the quality of instruction and comprehensiveness of content make it a solid choice for many learners.



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