
400+ PL SQL Interview Questions Practice Test

PL SQL Interview Questions and Answers Preparation Practice Test | Freshers to Experienced | Detailed Explanations

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400+ PL SQL Interview Questions Practice Test
1 127
423 questions
Jul 2024
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What you will learn

In-depth Understanding of PL/SQL Concepts and Applications

Proficiency in Writing and Debugging PL/SQL Code

Expertise in Advanced PL/SQL Features and Best Practices

Preparedness for Real-world PL/SQL Interview Scenarios

Why take this course?

  1. Correct Answer: A

Explanation: PL/SQL is an imperative programming language designed specifically for triggering, procedural logic in the Oracle database. It is a powerful tool for writing stored procedures and triggers to manipulate data directly within the Oracle environment.

  1. Correct Answer: C

Explanation: The primary purpose of PL/SQL is to extend the capabilities of SQL by incorporating procedural elements to process and manage data in complex ways that cannot be accomplished with standard SQL statements alone.

  1. Correct Answer: B

Explanation: Exception handlers in PL/SQL are used to catch and handle runtime exceptions (errors) that occur during program execution. They allow a program to continue running or gracefully terminate when an error occurs, rather than abruptly stopping. While improving performance and facilitating database interaction are important aspects of PL/SQL, they are not the primary purpose of exception handling.

  1. Correct Answer: B

Explanation: The key distinction between functions and procedures in PL/SQL is that functions must return a value and are typically used for computations that produce a result. Procedures do not return a value but can perform operations and can accept parameters, perform actions, and return multiple values through OUT or INOUT parameters.

  1. Correct Answer: B

Explanation: The FOR loop in PL/SQL is most appropriate for executing a block of code a specific number of times because it allows for precise control over the number of iterations. It is designed to loop over a range, subprogram, or cursor.

  1. Correct Answer: D

Explanation: Cursors in PL/SQL are used to process individual rows returned by SQL queries. They provide a way to handle data one record at a time and perform complex data manipulation operations on each row of data.

  1. Correct Answer: A

Explanation: PL/SQL collections are data structures for temporary data storage, allowing for the management of sets of data within PL/SQL programs. They are essential for handling multiple pieces of data under a single variable and are used for bulk operations or complex data processing tasks.

Feel free to enroll in a PL/SQL course to deepen your understanding and practice these concepts in real-world scenarios!



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