Python PCEP-30-01: Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

Pass Python PCEP-30-01/PCEP-30-02 in the 1st attempt - Score at least 90%

4.27 (762 reviews)
IT Certification
Python PCEP-30-01: Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer
14 630
8.5 hours
Aug 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Students will pass the PCEP – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer Certification in 1st attempt

Students who wants to score more than 90% in the PCEP exam(PCEP-30-01)

Python from basics

Complete Python Practice sets that will help to clear the PCEP exam

Those who are preparing for Certified Associate in Python Programming (PCAP) will also clear their basic concepts

This course is stirctly PCEP-30-01 at this moment in Nov 2022. Once this exam will be retired, I will be upgrade it to pep-30-02

Why take this course?

根据您提供的内容,这是有关Python编程语言的入门水平证书考试PCEP(Python Certified Entry-Level Programmer)的详细信息。以下是对您列出的主要点的总结和额外注释:

  1. PCEP考试信息:

    • 考试名称: PCEP Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer
    • 考试代码: PCEP-30-01
    • 考试级别: 入门水平
    • 前提条件: 无
    • 持续时间: 考试45分钟加大约5分钟的非披露协议/教程时间
    • 题目数量: 30题
    • 格式: 单选题、多选题、拖放题目、填空题(Gap Fill)和字符串匹配题目(Python 3.x)
    • 合格分数: 至少70%
    • 语言: 英文
    • 考试平台: OpenEDG Testing Service
  2. PCEP认证的优势:

    • 确保候选人对Python编程的基础知识有扎实理解,包括语法、语义和基本概念。
    • 帮助学生准备通过微软98-381考试,该考试专注于Python。
    • 为准备PCAP(Python Certified Associate)考试提供宝贵的资源和练习。
  3. PCEP考试内容概述:

    • Python语言的基础元素,包括字面量、输入/输出等。
    • 操作符(单目,双目,位运算,布尔,逻辑等)。
    • 控制流(循环、条件语句等)。
    • 数据集合(列表、元组,字典,字符串)。
    • 函数的定义和使用,包括参数/arguments、递归、作用域、全局关键字、位置参数、关键字参数、None值、生成器等。
  4. 迭代学习和实践:

    • 通过实际编写和执行Python脚本,练习和理解上述概念。
    • 利用在线资源和社区,如Stack Overflow、GitHub等,来解决问题并学习新技能。
    • 参与开源项目或自己创建项目,以应用所学知识并提高编程技能。
  5. 准备考试的策略:

    • 熟悉考试内容和格式,包括题型和期望的答案形式。
    • 通过模拟考试或练习题来检验你对Python语言的理解程度。
    • 复习关键概念,特别是那些在历史问题上经常出现的话题。
    • 确保你有足够的时间来完成所有题目,并留有一些时间来检查和修正答案。



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Our review

Overall Course Rating: 4.58/5

Review Summary:

Pros of the Course:

  • Comprehensive Content: Reviewers found the content to be comprehensive, covering a wide range of Python topics with clear explanations and numerous examples, especially appreciated by beginners.

  • Engaging Presentation: Sandeep's teaching style was praised for being organized and inspiring confidence; he presents concepts in a way that makes them easy to understand.

  • Practical Application: The course provides ample opportunities for practice with examples that help solidify the learning material, particularly for complex topics.

  • Structured Approach: The course gradually introduces more complex rules and concepts, ensuring a steady learning curve.

  • Encourages Good Programming Habits: The course is designed to not only teach Python syntax but also good programming habits and practices.

Cons of the Course:

  • Quiz Frustration: A significant number of reviewers expressed frustration with the quizzes, citing a lack of proper explanations for incorrect answers and a gap in guidance on how to arrive at the correct ones.

  • Outdated Content: Some users felt that the course was outdated, following older guidelines and syllabus (PCEP-30-01) instead of the latest (PCEP-30-02).

  • Miscellaneous Math Examples: A few reviewers pointed out that some examples included in the course were more math-focused rather than Python-focused, which they felt missed the point of the course.

  • Repetitive Questions: There were mentions of repetitive questions in the exam, which could indicate a need for more varied testing scenarios to reinforce learning.

  • Over-Explanation Concern: Some users felt that in certain instances, the explanations provided were unnecessarily detailed, potentially causing confusion rather than clarification.

Course Recommendation:

The course is highly recommended for beginners and those looking to improve their understanding of Python. The clear presentation, comprehensive examples, and structured approach make it an excellent learning resource. However, potential students should be aware that there may be challenges with the quizzes and ensure they are using the most up-to-date materials.

Final Verdict:

Definitely Recommend for Beginners: The course is well-reviewed overall and is a solid choice for those starting out with Python, offering clear explanations and practical examples. However, users should approach quizzes with caution due to the potential lack of helpful feedback.

Note on Updates: Ensure you are following the most current guidelines and syllabus to get the latest content and avoid confusion related to outdated materials.

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