Passo a passo para iniciar com o MailChimp

Aprenda a utilizar do MailChimp para montar suas listas (a partir de sites WordPress) e enviar suas campanhas e-mails .

4.70 (1011 reviews)
Digital Marketing
Passo a passo para iniciar com o MailChimp
1 hour
Feb 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Criar uma conta gratuito no MailChimp

Montar suas listas de e-mails

Capturar e-mails através de sites em WordPress

Enviar campanhas de e-mails (newsletters) para suas listas

Why take this course?

No curso MailChimp Essencial você vai aprender a montar suas listas, enviar os e-mails e integrar com o seu site, inclusive site que utilizam o WordPress.

O curso abrange desde o registro da conta, passando pela criação da primeira lista, integração com sites, envio das campanhas e por fim apresento alguns recursos mais avançados.

O curso é indicado para pessoas iniciantes que desejam aprender a utilizar a ferramenta.

Hoje no Marketing Digital, o envio de emails costuma ser uma parte fundamental nas estratégias de qualificação dos leads, e portanto, dominar uma ferramenta de envio de emails é essencial para o sucesso das campanhas.

O MailChimp possui um plano gratuito, ideal para quem está começando pois permite que você utilize a ferramenta de forma gratuita, e quando estiver em um período mais avançado de seu negócio, você pode optar por utilizar outros planos.

E mesmo optando por outras plataformas posteriormente, o que você aprenderá aqui certamente será de grande valia pois as plataformas de email marketing tem funcionalidade bem similares e equivalentes.

O curso foi gravado com um didática simples e direta ao ponto, focando no que realmente importa para que você possa durante o curso já praticar em seu próprio negócio.


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Our review

--- **Overview of the Course:** The course serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding and utilizing MailChimp, one of the most popular email marketing tools. With a recent global rating of **4.70**, the course has garnered positive reviews from users who have found it informative, clear, and practical. The content is delivered in a high-quality format, with some reviewers highlighting the need for updates due to the platform's frequent changes. **Pros:** * **Informative Content**: Reviewers praised the course for its ability to explain MailChimp's features and functions in an easily understandable manner. It covers a wide range of topics from the basics of creating campaigns to more advanced features such as capturing leads and integrating with WordPress. * **Clarity and Objectivity**: The instruction style is straightforward, direct, and focused on practical application, which has been appreciated by learners. * **Ease of Learning**: Many users reported that they were able to learn effectively and efficiently without requiring extensive prior knowledge. * **Free Access**: As a bonus, the course is available for free, offering high-quality content at no cost to the learner. * **Real-World Application**: The course includes examples and case studies that help learners apply the concepts directly to their own email marketing efforts. * **Engaging Presentation**: The course's presentation style has been recognized as engaging, with some learners expressing their enthusiasm to implement what they learned. **Cons:** * **Content Updates Needed**: A few reviewers pointed out that the course content was slightly outdated, particularly in relation to the latest MailChimp interface and features. * **Technical Issues**: Some users experienced issues with incorrect subtitles or captions in videos, which could potentially disrupt their learning experience. * **Detailed Content Desired**: A few learners felt that some sections lacked depth, especially when it came to detailed instructions such as annexing specific file types or setting up automation. * **Incomplete Topics**: There were expectations for more comprehensive coverage of certain advanced topics, like automatization within MailChimp. **User Feedback:** The overwhelming majority of users have expressed satisfaction with the course, citing its role in demystifying MailChimp and equipping them with the knowledge to effectively run email campaigns. The feedback has been positive, with many users recommending the course to others looking to start with or deepen their understanding of email marketing. **Final Thoughts:** The course on MailChimp is a valuable resource for beginners and intermediate users who wish to enhance their email marketing skills without a significant financial investment. While there are areas that could be improved, such as content updates and technical accuracy, the course remains an excellent starting point for those interested in exploring MailChimp's capabilities. Users are encouraged to check for any new developments or updates from the creators of the course to ensure they have the most current knowledge. --- **Note to Instructors/Course Creators:** - Ensure that all content is up-to-date with the latest MailChimp features and interface changes. - Review and correct any technical issues, such as incorrect subtitles or captions. - Consider adding more detailed instructions for advanced topics like automatization to provide a more comprehensive learning experience. - Keep the course structure intact while providing additional content that addresses user feedback for a more rounded educational offering.



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Passo a passo para iniciar com o MailChimp - Ratings chart

Enrollment distribution

Passo a passo para iniciar com o MailChimp - Distribution chart

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