Meditaciones para cambiar tu mente y reconectar con tu poder
Aprende a pedir para ser escuchado por la energía universal de abundancia total

What you will learn
Aprende como funciona el universo y úsalo a tu favor
Reconfigura tu energía para atraer lo que te pertenece
Aprende el idioma de la energía y háblale claro
Manifestar tus sueños
Desbloquea tus creencias limitaciones y conecta con la abundancia
Herramientas para la relajación física, mental y emocional.
Arte terapia para manejar el estrés y la ansiedad de forma creativa.
Visualizar tu futuro perfecto y tomar acción para cumplir tus objetivo
Integrar hábitos empoderantes para el logro y satisfacción sin importar las circunstancias .
Descubrir la relación entre lo que eres y lo que te pasa
7 leyes universales para liberarte y romper tus bloqueos
Why take this course?
🌟 ¡Descubre el Poder De Tu Mente! 🌟 strengthen your inner wisdom and reconnect with your inner power through the transformative journey of "Meditaciones para cambiar tu mente y reconectar con tu poder". Join Paulina Céspedese, a seasoned course instructor who has personally experienced the life-changing impact of these profound practices.
📚 Cómo Pedir Efectivamente y Saberse Escuchado 📚 In this inspiring online course, you'll learn to harness the universal laws of abundance and ask for what you truly desire with ease and grace. Through a blend of the Secret, the 7 Universal Laws, Mindfulness, and meditative visualizations, you'll be guided to:
- Despertar tu consciencia (Awaken Your Consciousness) - Embrace a life unshackled by earthly constraints.
- Ser el regalo que verdaderamente eres (Be the Gift You Truly Are) - Express your unique essence effortlessly and joyfully.
- Empoderarte (Empower Yourself) - Discover strategies to give meaning to your life and share it with the world boldly and confidently.
🚀 El Camino hacia tu Esencia (The Path to Your Essence) 🚀 Paulina shares her personal journey of transformation that has led to a more profound sense of being a better parent, professional, and partner. She'll guide you through:
- Guided visualizations designed to unlock your true potential.
- techniques to connect with your spirit & enhance self-esteem.
- exercises in forgiveness for healing past hurts.
- insights into the light of love and spirituality.
🛣️ ¡Tu Mapa para el Cambio Interior! 🛣️ Transform your inner world with our comprehensive program that includes:
- 16 sesiones (16 Sessions) - A series of immersive sessions to guide you step by step.
- Libros (Books) - Written resources to complement and enhance your learning experience.
- Mediciones Especializadas (Specialized Meditations) - Tailored audio meditations for deep mental and spiritual alignment.
- Videos para Despertar la Conciencia y Sanar tu Alma (Videos to Awaken Consciousness and Heal Your Soul) - Visual tools to inspire introspection and guide your journey of self-discovery.
- 1 Sesión en Línea conmigo (1 Online Session with Me) - A one-on-one session to reprogram your subconscious mind, transforming painful beliefs and experiences into opportunities for growth and happiness.
Embark on a journey to awaken the power of your thoughts and align your inner world with the abundance of the universe. With Paulina's guidance and the empowering tools provided in this course, you can tap into your inner wisdom and uncover a life filled with purpose, passion, and profound connection. 🌈✨
Join us now and start living the life you were meant to live! #MeditacionParaCambiar #ConectaConTuPoder #TransformaciónInterior



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