Option Spreads and Credit Spreads Bundle

This 2-course bundle on Option spreads and Credit Spreads surgery is the bedrock of stable "Monthly Strategies"

4.36 (1051 reviews)
Investing & Trading
Option Spreads and Credit Spreads Bundle
10 166
4.5 hours
Dec 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Learn Option spreads and advanced Option spreads

Provide the foundation to create consistent "monthly income strategies"

Enable someone to achieve 3 to 4% returns per month with credit spreads

Deep insights into tactics that can produce an edge for the Options trader

Setup, management and the art of adjusting credit spreads

Why take this course?

在这个概述中,我们可以看到一系列关于可交易选项(如Bear Put和Bull Put spreads)和定期收入策略的课程内容。这些课程旨在帮助投资者理解和使用不同类型的选项策略来生成收入,同时管理风险。以下是这些课程内容的详细解释:

  1. Bear Put Spread: 这种策略是对Long Put的一个扩展,具有吸引人的特征。它结合了Long Put的优点(如限制的风险)和对市场下跌的敏感度,同时也对变化的实现波动性(IV)保持了正向。课程将通过在Netflix等公司上实施实际交易来展示这种策略的特征。

  2. Bull Put Spread: 这是一种较为平滑到有利于上涨的策略,主要从时间贫化中获益,但也可以更快地从价格上升中获益。课程将分析Google等公司的过去价格动态、支持水平并实施Bull Put spread。

  3. 月度收入策略初学者指南: 这个模块介绍了为什么即使有常规工作也可以通过选项销售(定义风险的情况下)创建一个较为稳定和可靠的收入流。课程将深入探讨信用衍生品,特别是Bear Call和Bull Put spreads,这些策略是创建定期收入的基础。

  4. 高级信用衍生品策略: 这个模块将深入探讨信用衍生品的高级应用,包括选择标准的信用衍生品交易 setup、管理和调整。这些策略是创建稳定和可预测月度收入流的关键。

  5. 定期收入策略的入口、管理和退出: 在这个模块中,你将精通如何作为选项销售者进行交易,理解“定义风险”的选择证券投资者的含义,以及如何进行高效的交易入口分析、选择适合的到期序列和优化变量。你还将学习如何处理债务上涨的情况,以及如何在需要时调整你的位置。


Our review

Course Review Summary

Overall Rating: 4.45/5

The course in question has received a series of reviews from students with varying degrees of experience with options trading. The consensus among recent reviews is that it is an exceptional course, particularly for beginners, offering a deep dive into the mechanics of credit spreads and adjustments. The instructor, Hari Swaminathan, is commended for his expertise and clear presentation style, which effectively communicates complex financial concepts through real-world examples.


  • Clear and Engaging Presentation: The course is praised for its clarity in explaining the intricacies of options trading, with a focus on credit spreads.
  • Real-World Applications: Students appreciate the practical examples that illustrate key points, demonstrating real situations faced when making trading decisions.
  • Inclusive of Profitable Scenarios: The course not only covers winning trades but also discusses losing trades and how they can still be profitable through strategic adjustments.
  • Useful Content and Examples: The content is considered comprehensive, with a good mix of theoretical knowledge and practical applications.
  • Well-Organized Structure: For most students, the course is well-structured, allowing for a systematic understanding of the material.
  • Advanced Knowledge Reinforcement: For those who already have some knowledge of options trading, the course serves as an excellent refresher and deepener of their skills.
  • In-depth Insights: The course provides detailed explanations and elaborate scenarios that are highly appreciated by students.
  • Positive Impact on Trading Skills: Students report learning valuable adjustment techniques and how to stay on top of trades to minimize risk.
  • Up-to-Date Content: Despite some concerns about older content, the concepts taught remain relevant and valid.


  • Outdated Content Concerns: A few reviews mention that some videos are from 2012 and one module ended abruptly. Some students also find the course resources outdated.
  • Potential Confusion with Advanced Topics: Some beginners may find the advanced spreads section challenging, as it involves complex concepts.
  • Lack of Modern Resources: There is a missing resource in the form of PDF that students expect to accompany the course material.
  • Dated Presentation: The recording quality of some videos may not meet the expectations of those accustomed to newer production standards.
  • Incomplete Content: One review notes an abrupt ending in one of the modules, which could be confusing or leave the student with unanswered questions.

Additional Notes:

  • Course Relevance: The course covers both debit and credit spreads but focuses more on credit spreads.
  • Complementary Material: Some students have taken other courses by Hari Swaminathan, including "Options Trading Basics," to enhance their understanding of the broader spectrum of options trading.
  • Adjustment Focus: The course emphasizes the importance of adjusting credit spreads for real success in options trading.
  • Language Consideration: The course materials are available in English, and there is at least one review in Spanish affirming its depth on the subject matter.

Based on the collective feedback from students, this course appears to be a valuable resource for those looking to understand credit spreads and options trading strategies. While there are some concerns about the dated nature of certain elements of the course, the foundational knowledge imparted remains highly relevant. It is recommended that potential students approach the course with an open mind regarding the production date and focus on mastering the concepts taught.

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