
Nutrición Holística: DISEÑA TU "DIETA"

Descubre cómo tomar el control de tu salud, tu peso y saber por ti misma qué comer según tu bio-individualidad.

4.58 (901 reviews)
Nutrición Holística: DISEÑA TU "DIETA"
3 479
8 hours
Jan 2025
last update
regular price

What you will learn

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SABER Y SENTIR QUÉ Y CÓMO DEBES COMER REALMENTE aprendiendo los fundamentos básicos para entender las bases de una alimentación consciente.

La importancia de una buena digestión y el conocimiento de tu microbioma, a planificar tus comidas, hacer ayuno intermitente y adquirir hábitos saludables, etc.

Crea tu propia «dieta», para dejar de seguir una dieta diseñada por alguien cuya genética y necesidades nutricionales son diferentes a las tuyas.

Aprenderás a crear tu plato ideal, practicar Mindfulness eating, reducir el estrés.

Hacer un «detox» para que puedas remplazar de tu dieta esos alimentos que te perjudican, Incorporando nuevos alimentos y hábitos saludables en tu vida.

Recibir la info necesaria para que puedas tener el control de tu salud, incrementar la energía y eliminar el malestar de una mala digestión.

En definitiva, te ayudaré a que seas capaz de crear tu propia «dieta» con alimentos deliciosos y llenos de nutrientes, desplazando los que no son tan buenos.

Why take this course?


Gracias por estar aquí y por tu interés en el programa DISEÑA TU «DIETA». Me complace presentarte esta oportunidad transformadora que he diseñado para ayudarte a entender y conectar con tu cuerpo, mejorar tu digestión, equilibrar tus emociones y, en última instancia, sentirte saludable y energético/a de una manera sostenible y adaptada a tus necesidades individuales.

Como mencionaste, he recorrido mi propio camino hacia la salud holística luego de enfrentar una enfermedad que me obligó a reevaluar mi forma de vivir. Este viaje personal ha dado mío un profundo entendimiento de cómo la alimentación influye en nuestro bienestar integral y cómo podemos recuperar esos antiguos instintos que nos dicen qué comer para sentirnos al máximo.

En este programa, te guiaré a través de una serie de pasos y actividades diseñadas para que descubras y adoptes un estilo alimenticio que no solo nutra tu cuerpo sino que también alimente tu mente y alma. Aprenderás a escuchar a tu cuerpo, a seleccionar alimentos que te hagan vibrar energéticamente y a mantener un equilibrio entre tus obligaciones y tus deseos de bienestar.

Te animo a tomar este paso hacia una vida más saludable y energética, gradualmente y de manera permanente. Estoy aquí para apoyarte y guiarte en cada etapa del camino, para que puedas alcanzar tus objetivos de salud actuales y futuros y descubrir la belleza y el potencial que reside dentro de ti.

Con paciencia, comprensión y un gran entusiasmo por compartir este conocimiento contigo, te invito a unirte a mí en esta aventura de autoconocimiento y transformación saludable.

¡Es hora de cuidar tu salud y vivir la vida que mereces! ¡Te espero en el programa DISEÑA TU «DIETA» para dar el primer paso hacia una nueva forma de ser y vivir. Con cariño y apoyo, Elisabet Mariné.


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Our review

Overview of the Course: The online course has garnered an impressive global average rating of 4.53, with all recent reviews being positive. The course stands out for providing valuable information on nutrition and its impact on health, both physical and mental. It is recommended for those looking to improve their dietary habits and overall lifestyle.

Pros of the Course:

  • Informative Content: Reviewers have praised the course for its comprehensive coverage of nutritional topics, which are presented in a clear and informative manner. The content has been described as "extremely complete" and "reflexive," suitable for application in everyday life.

  • Accessibility: Despite some reviews mentioning the absence of subtitles, many have found the course to be highly accessible, offering insights that are not commonly discussed but are crucial for understanding one's relationship with food.

  • Impact on Health and Wellbeing: The course is credited with promoting a holistic approach to health and wellness, addressing both physical and emotional aspects of nutrition. It has helped users to "feel well physically" as well as "well emocionalmente."

  • Practical Application: The guidance provided in the course is not only theoretical but also practical, allowing individuals to directly apply what they learn to their daily lives.

  • Emotional and Psychological Benefits: A significant number of reviewers have highlighted the emotional benefits of the course, such as improving self-esteem and overcoming negative body image issues.

  • Altruistic Value: The course is also commended for its potential to improve the lives of others, with users expressing a commitment to share their learnings to help many.

Cons of the Course:

  • Pacing and Presentation: A few reviewers have noted that some videos seem to be read rather than presented engagingly, which they found less than ideal. Some also suggested that the course description might have set more advanced expectations than what was delivered in the content.

  • Course Progression: There are mentions of users having already made progress on their dietary habits before starting the course but finding the teachings to be a valuable complement to their existing changes.

Accessibility and Inclusivity: The course has been recognized for its potential benefits, especially in a world where nutrition is increasingly important due to environmental and health factors. It is particularly noted for its impact on improving relationships with food, which can be challenging in places with less healthy eating environments.

Personal Growth and Empowerment: The course appears to have a profound personal impact, not only by educating users on nutritional science but also by empowering them to make positive changes that affect their overall well-being. Users have expressed a sense of fulfillment and a commitment to using the knowledge gained for the betterment of themselves and potentially others in their lives.

Conclusion: Overall, this course is highly recommended for those seeking to understand and improve their relationship with food, as well as for individuals looking to enhance their health and emotional well-being. The positive feedback from users indicates that the course successfully delivers valuable nutritional insights and has a broad appeal for personal growth and empowerment.



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Nutrición Holística: DISEÑA TU "DIETA" - Ratings chart

Enrollment distribution

Nutrición Holística: DISEÑA TU "DIETA" - Distribution chart


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