
SketchUp 2024 + VRay Next. Aprende con Proyectos 3D Reales.

Aprende de la mano de un Arquitecto a modelar y renderizar proyectos de arquitectura. Interiores & Exteriores.

4.40 (647 reviews)
3D & Animation
SketchUp 2024 + VRay Next. Aprende con Proyectos 3D Reales.
10 263
11.5 hours
Aug 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

El curso más vendido de SketchUp 2021 y VRay Next en Udemy

Realizaremos múltiples prácticas para que puedas usar este fantástico software de forma totalmente profesional.

Conocerás en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto realizado con este imprescindible programa.

Aprenderás a tu ritmo (curso 24/7 sin caducidad), reforzará tu portfolio y te certificarás profesionalmente.

Al acceder a este curso formarás parte de una comunidad educativa especializada en la materia, que te dará soporte, recursos y asesoramiento de por vida.

Why take this course?

¡Hola! Estás viendo una descripción detallada del curso "SketchUp 2021 + VRayNext. Aprende con Proyectos Reales" en la plataforma Udemy. El curso está diseñado para llevarte de manera comprensiva desde los fundamentos hasta el uso avanzado de SketchUp y VRay Next, con un enfoque en proyectos prácticos y reales que te permitirán dominar estas herramientas esenciales para el diseño 3D.

El itinerario formativo incluye:

  1. Introducción a Udemy y bienvenida al curso.
  2. Fundamentos de VRay Next, tanto básicos como avanzados.
  3. Casos prácticos para aplicar tus conocimientos de SketchUp con VRay Next.
  4. Recursos adicionales para los alumnos y usuarios de VRayNext.
  5. Resolución de dudas y consultas de los alumnos a lo largo de la formación.
  6. Emisión de un certificado de finalización del curso.

La metodología de aprendizaje ofrece:

  • Vídeos en alta definición con audio estéreo compatible con diversos dispositivos.
  • Artículos didácticos y proyectos paso a paso.
  • Recursos descargables y acceso a un foro de aprendizaje exclusivo.
  • Aprendizaje a tu propio ritmo, con la posibilidad de repetir contenido y saltar las secciones que ya domines.
  • Tutorización online y soporte continuo del instructor.

El curso está pensado para usuarios de cualquier nivel, desde principiantes hasta profesionales que deseen mejorar sus habilidades en SketchUp y VRay Next. Además, ofrece flexibilidad para aprender desde cualquier lugar y momento, sin restricciones de tiempo o caducidad.

Con esta formación, podrás compartir tu proyecto final y tus experiencias de aprendizaje con un amplio público, y al finalizar el curso, obtendras un certificado personalizado y firmado por el instructor.

Es importante que te familiarices con la plataforma Udemy y sus políticas de devolución si decides que el curso no se ajusta a tus expectativas, aunque parece ser una opción de aprendizaje robusta y completa.

¡No dudes en unirte a esta experiencia de aprendizaje y emprender este viaje hacia la maestría en diseño 3D con SketchUp y VRay Next!


SketchUp 2024 + VRay Next. Aprende con Proyectos 3D Reales. - Screenshot_01SketchUp 2024 + VRay Next. Aprende con Proyectos 3D Reales. - Screenshot_02SketchUp 2024 + VRay Next. Aprende con Proyectos 3D Reales. - Screenshot_03SketchUp 2024 + VRay Next. Aprende con Proyectos 3D Reales. - Screenshot_04

Our review

🌟 Global Course Rating: 4.05

Based on recent reviews, the course has been largely well-received, with an emphasis on clear and concise explanations, comprehensive content, and the provision of valuable resources for practical application. However, some users have noted that certain sections could be more focused and that while the course covers a wide range of topics, it may occasionally feel repetitive or incomplete.


  • Clarity and Precision: Lecciones are described as clear and precise, enabling learners to grasp the material effectively.
  • Valuable Content: The content provided has been deemed very good and extremely useful, particularly for beginners looking to get up to speed with Vray and SketchUp.
  • Recommendations and Resources: Additional recommendations and resources are mentioned as a significant strength of the course, helping learners to practice and refine their skills.
  • Attention to Detail: Some users appreciate the detailed explanations, especially in areas such as FUR (Forest Ray rendering) and final render adjustments.
  • Overall Satisfaction: Many users express satisfaction with the overall course material, finding it informative and applicable to their needs, especially for students of architecture or those new to 3D rendering.
  • Responsiveness: The instructor, Alvaro Garcia, is commended for his method of teaching and responsiveness to learner inquiries.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: The course covers a broad range of topics related to Vray and SketchUp, providing a solid foundation for learners.


  • Repetition: A few users have pointed out that the course can be repetitive in certain areas, which may be less engaging for more advanced learners.
  • Pacing and Organization: Some sections, such as the explanation of the dome light, are noted to use an outdated version of Vray, potentially making it less relevant for those using newer versions.
  • Inconsistencies with Course Promotion: Expectations set by promotional materials were not always aligned with what was covered in the course, leading to disappointment.
  • Incomplete Content: There are mentions of some topics being touched upon briefly or not thoroughly explained, leaving learners to seek additional resources like YouTube tutorials to fill gaps.
  • Outdated Information: Some users felt that the course content, particularly regarding the creation of materials and the use of certain tools, could be updated to reflect newer versions of the software.

General Feedback:

  • Engagement and Expectations: There is a disconnect between what some users expected from the course, based on promotional videos, and what was actually delivered. This has led to mixed feelings about the overall value of the course.
  • Practical Application: Despite some areas for improvement, many learners find the practical aspects of the course useful and are able to apply the knowledge gained to their projects.
  • Resourcefulness: The course is seen as resourceful, providing learners with the tools they need to succeed in 3D rendering, with a strong focus on Vray and SketchUp.

In conclusion, while there are areas that could be improved for clarity and relevance, particularly concerning the use of outdated software versions and the coverage of certain topics, the course is overall praised for its comprehensive approach and usefulness in teaching Vray and SketchUp to beginners and intermediate users. It is recommended that updates be made to ensure the content aligns with current software capabilities and that any misalignment between promotional materials and course content be addressed to better manage user expectations.



SketchUp 2024 + VRay Next. Aprende con Proyectos 3D Reales. - Price chart


SketchUp 2024 + VRay Next. Aprende con Proyectos 3D Reales. - Ratings chart

Enrollment distribution

SketchUp 2024 + VRay Next. Aprende con Proyectos 3D Reales. - Distribution chart


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