
What you will learn
Why take this course?
🌟 「初心者のための『テーブル・データベース論理設計』」 🌟 **辻 大貴が指導する、あなたのデータベース知識を一歩踏むコース! **
- エンティティの抽出・定義・正規化・ER図の作成方法を学ぶ
- 実際の練習問題を解くことで、理論を実践に結びつける
- データベース設計から論理設計の要点を理解する
- 中学生から大学生まで、幅広い対象者に配慮した内容でstructured 🏗️
- 多くの初心者が悩むトピックを丁寧にアプローチする
- 小難しい側面(マイナー)は割愛、中級者・上級者向けのコースへ移行をお勧めする
- 1.0 - 2021/2/14 (コースを公開)
- 2.0 - 2022/05/26(完全リニューアル)
1. データベース基礎とは?
- データベースとは何かの説明
- リレーショナルデータベースの特徴
- SQLの基本的な理解
2. エンティティとは?
- エンティティの定義と属性
- エンティティ間の関係性の定義(一対多対多)
- エンティティ図の作成方法
3. 正規化とは?
- 正規形の重要性
- ファースト・ノールマン・デイタ・ノールマン(2NF、3NF)の理解
- アクションや更新のアノマリを防ぐ方法
4. 論理設計の実践
- ER図の作成と読み取り
- 練習問題を通して学んだ知識を応用する
- データベース設計の文脈での意味を深める
- 初心者:データベース設計に挑戦している方
- 学生:中学生から大学生のさまざまな背景を持つ方
- 転職活動者:新たな技術スキルを身につける意欲のある方
- プログラミング学習者:データベースと連携するアプリケーション開発への理解を深めたい方

Our review
based on the recent reviews for the course, here is a structured summary of the course rating and key points:
Course Rating:
- Overall Rating: 4.09
Pros of the Course:
Clear Explanations: The course provides clear and understandable explanations, which are especially helpful for beginners in database design and ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagram) creation.
Practical Application: The course includes exercises with detailed solutions that help solidify the theoretical knowledge provided.
Sequential Learning: The course breaks down the process of database modeling, normalization, and design from basics to advanced levels in a step-by-step manner, offering a comprehensive learning experience.
New Features: The updated course includes new material on specialist database problems that are solved with visual aid, which is highly beneficial for understanding how to tackle real-world problems.
Initial Learning Steps: The course starts with basic concepts that are essential for understanding more complex topics, ensuring a solid foundation before moving on to advanced subjects.
Cons of the Course:
Mixed Content: The course integrates both new and old content, potentially making it confusing for students who have only taken the new course to receive a completion certificate due to the presence of the older material.
- Specifically, Section 60 on logical design flow and Sections 64 and 73-82 contain points where there could be more clarity on the sequence and rationale behind certain steps.
Content Redundancy: Some users found the repetition of similar content across the old and new courses to be tedious and unnecessary.
Naming Conventions: The naming guidelines in sections 65 and 66 seem to mix general conventions with specific cases without clear explanations on why certain rules apply in different scenarios.
Instruction Clarity: While most explanations were found to be clear, there were instances where students wished for a more explicit explanation of the reasoning behind certain methods or processes.
User Experience: Some users felt that the coexistence of old and new course content could be inconvenient and suggested that the older course should be removed once a new version is released to avoid confusion and improve user satisfaction.
Focus on Learner Needs: The course is praised for its focus on addressing beginner-level doubts and concerns, and the practical exercises are well-received for their approachable design.
Suggestions from Users:
Streamline Content: Some users recommend removing redundant content to streamline the learning experience.
Clear Communication: Clearer communication on the rationale behind different steps and methods would enhance understanding.
Sequential Instruction: The sequential nature of the instructions for practical problems is appreciated, with suggestions that similar care be taken throughout the course to ensure clarity and ease of learning.
Overall, the course is considered to be a valuable resource for understanding databases, with positive feedback on its teaching approach, particularly for beginners and those looking to solidify their understanding through practical exercises. However, some users feel improvements could be made in terms of content organization and clarity.


Enrollment distribution