
MS SQL with C#

Learn C#, MS SQL Server, Ms SQL Backup &; Recovery, how to connect C# to SQL and more with this comprehensive SQL course

4.60 (259 reviews)
Web Development
MS SQL with C#
5 883
25 hours
Feb 2025
last update
regular price

What you will learn

If you’re a fan of database learning and keen to work as a database administrator, analyst, or data scientist, starting with a solid foundational SQL course

If you really want to develop real-world applications with C #, you need to support it with a database.

You can connect your C# application to data in a SQL Server database using the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server.

The labs/assignments were designed perfectly to test all the knowledge which is gained in the lectures.

C# and other .Net languages can work together with most databases but most commonly pair with MS SQL

Learn how to connect C# to SQL

There are SO MANY types of database jobs you can do with SQL alone, and another programming language only adds more strings to your bow.

There are plenty of instances in which you might want to use SQL with C#, making the pairing a strong choice for students of SQL!

Beautiful coding techniques

Fundamentals of C#

Conditional statements

Create and usage of Arrays

Create and usage of Methods

Debug C# applications

Apply OOP Concepts using C#

How to use Visual Studio efficiently

What objects, classes, fields, properties, methods and constructors are in detail

How to use static, partial and nested classes

How you can utilize abstract, sealed, virtual and overridden classes and members to build robust applications

How to develop Console and Windows Forms Applications

Start learning from scratch and learn about every MS SQL Server topic with examples

Learn SQL basics with SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio)

U​se SQL commands to filter, sort and manipulate strings, dates numerical data from different sources

Retrieving data from database with different scenarios

You will also learn SQL transactions and transaction commands

How to make very simply a BACKUP and a RESTORE

Discuss the BACKUP LOGS and DIFFERENTIAL BACKUP, and implement them in your BACKUP strategy.

How is the backup strategy determined? What should be considered?

What is the recovery model? What are the differences between Full, Bulked Logged and Simple recover model?

What is a full backup? Why does every backup have to start with a full backup?

SQL Server is a relational database management system or RDBMS created and developed by Microsoft.

SQL Server Management Studio is desktop software designed to connect to Microsoft relational database management systems, including Microsoft SQL Server

The lectures were short so you do not lose focus and get bored and were easy to understand.

When I started this course I had no knowledge of SQL, but now I can claim I have all the basics to further succeed.

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Start learning mssql server sql with c# ms-sql-with-c c# mssql ms sql with c c# ms sql sql and c# sql with c# ms sql c# ms sql with c c# ms sql sql and c#

Learn to c# with sql ms sql c# sql server c# database design sql server with c# c sharp c# and sql server c# and ms sql mssql c# c# with mssql

Start Learning n tier architecture csharp microsoft sql server c# oop with oak

Why take this course?

¡Claro! Aprender C# y SQL Server puede abrir muchas puertas en el mundo del desarrollo de software. Ambos son habilidades muy valoradas en el mercado laboral, especialmente cuando se combinan. C# es un lenguaje de programación moderno y versátil que se utiliza para construir aplicaciones en una variedad de plataformas dentro del ecosistema de .NET, mientras que SQL Server es un sistema de gestión de bases de datos robusto que se utiliza para almacenar y recuperar datos.

Comenzar a aprender estas habilidades puede parecer abrumador al principio, pero con una guía experta y un enfoque paso a paso, puedes adquirir un conocimiento sólido tanto de C# como de SQL Server. Además, el hecho de que se utilicen herramientas populares y gratuitas significa que no necesitas invertir dinero para comenzar tu aprendizaje.

Este curso parece ofrecer una introducción completa a C# y SQL Server, incluyendo la instalación de las herramientas necesarias, terminología básica, y practicando con ejercicios prácticos. Además, se enfatiza la enseñanza de buenas prácticas y atajos para hacerte más eficiente.

La calidad de enseñanza es crucial, y según la descripción, los instructores tienen experiencia significativa en el desarrollo de software. Además, se asegura que el contenido del curso esté claro, tanto visualmente como auditivamente, y que esté libre de distracciones para proporcionarte una experiencia de aprendizaje óptima.

Al finalizar el curso, no solo adquirirás conocimientos prácticos en C# y SQL Server, sino también te sentirás competente para seguir explorando más sobre el desarrollo de software y la programación. Además, recibirás certificación de Udemy, lo cual es un reconocimiento oficial de tus habilidades adquiridas.

En resumen, este curso parece ser una excelente oportunidad para empezar tu viaje en el aprendizaje de C# y SQL Server, y te preparará para futuros proyectos y posibles carreras en el campo del desarrollo de software. ¡No dudes en sumergirte en este curso y dar un paso adelante en tu educación y carrera profesional!


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Our review

GroupLayout: 4.74 out of 5 stars

Course Review:

Overall Consensus:

  • The course has received high praise for its comprehensive coverage of Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) and its pedagogical approach, earning an excellent rating.
  • Students have expressed gratitude and enthusiasm towards OAK Academy for offering the course free of charge.


  • Effective Pedagogy: The instructor is commended for their good teaching methods and the quality of instruction provided throughout the course.
  • Relevant Content: Many students found the content to be valuable in strengthening their knowledge in MSSQL.
  • Positive Impact: Some learners reported that they are confident in applying their new skills to their own projects, especially for college assignments.


  • Pacing Issues: At least one reviewer found it challenging to keep up with the speed of the course content, suggesting the need for more pauses or visual cues when building projects.
  • Challenging Quiz Questions: A few learners noted issues with quiz questions being either incomplete or unclear, which could hinder their understanding and learning experience.
  • Unclear Explanations in C# Part: A significant concern was raised about the clarity of instruction in the C# portion of the course. Some students found it necessary to pause frequently due to the lack of explanations for why certain coding practices were used, which led to a high number of errors if one were coding along with the videos without such pauses.
  • Expectation Mismatch: There was feedback indicating that the course title, "WebForms + MS SQL," does not accurately reflect the content covered.

Additional Feedback:

  • The student who took the course on March 7th, 2022 (07.03.22), expressed excitement and gratitude towards OAK Academy for this opportunity.
  • It was suggested that incorporating self-assessment challenges or questions at various points throughout the course would enhance learning.
  • A request for clearer quiz interfaces to ensure proper understanding of the questions was also made.

Final Thoughts: Despite some pacing and clarity issues, particularly in the C# segment, the course is generally well-received with high praise for its comprehensive nature and the effectiveness of the instruction provided by the instructor. It is recommended for those seeking to improve or solidify their knowledge in MSSQL, with the understanding that additional resources may be necessary for the more challenging parts of the course, especially in C# programming.



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Enrollment distribution

MS SQL with C# - Distribution chart


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