Mastering Microcontroller Programming

Learn Microcontroller Programming (8-bit AVR) to use Peripherals like GPIO, Timer, Interrupt, PWM, ADC, Serial UART etc.

4.35 (200 reviews)
Mastering Microcontroller Programming
5 hours
Feb 2021
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Embedded C Programing

Microcontroller Architecture (8-bit AVR)

Bare-metal Microcontroller Programming

Setting up Atmel Studio 7 for C Programming & Debugging

Learn to develop peripheral drivers GPIO, TIMER, INTERRUPT, ADC, Serial UART etc.

Much more, Please See Curriculum for a Full Listing ............

Why take this course?

--- También conocido como el maestro de la microcontroladoras, **Umesh Lokhande** está aquí para guiarte a través del mundo de programación de microcontroladores con su curso exclusivo: **"Mastering Microcontroller Programming (8-bit AVR)**". 🚀 ### **¿Listo para dominar el programa de microcontroladoras? 🌟** Con este curso, aprenderás a manejar periféricos esenciales como GPIO, Timer, Interrupt, PWM, ADC e Serial UART utilizando el popular AVR ATmega328. **¡Y todo esto desde los fundamentos hasta proyectos avanzados!** ### **¿Cómo lo lograremos?** 🛠️ 1. **Fundamentos Sólidos**: Comenzarás con la configuración del entorno de desarrollo, incluyendo el IDE Atmel Studio 7 y herramientas necesarias para programar. 2. **Comenzando en Arduino Uno** 🌱: Para mantener las cosas simples al principio, emplearemos el chip ATmega328 integrado en un Arduino Uno, lo que te permitirá centrarte en aprender sin perder tiempo con problemas de hardware. 3. **Avances con ATmega328 Xplained Mini** 🛠️: A medida que avanzamos, pasaremos al uso del kit de evaluación ATmega328 Xplained Mini para adquirir técnicas avanzadas de depuración. 4. **Proyectos Prácticos**: Desde LEDs, interruptores y sensores analógicos/digitales hasta sensores IR y relés, construirás mini proyectos que te enseñarán a usar cada periférico con habilidad y confianza. 5. **Entendimiento Profundo**: Este curso está diseñado para asegurarte un conocimiento sólido de la arquitectura del microcontrolador y los registros periféricos, esenciales para desarrollar software embebido profesional. ### **Qué te espera en el curso?** 📚 - **Configuración Inicial**: Aprenderás a configurar tu entorno de desarrollo y a montar circuitos desde cero. - **Programación en C**: Dominarás la escritura de programas en C para ATmega328 MCU, con explicaciones claras y objetivas. - **Mini Proyectos**: Construirás proyectos pequeños pero poderosos que te ayudarán a entender cómo usar GPIO, Timer/Counter, Interrupt, PWM, ADC, Serial UART y más. - **Desarrollo de Hardware y Software**: A medida que progresas, combinarás tus conocimientos para desarrollar hardware y software de manera integrada. ### **¿Para quién es este curso?** 👥 - **Iniciantes**: Si eres nuevo en la programación de microcontroladores, este curso te proporcionará una base sólida. - **Avanzados**: Si ya conozces las bases y buscas profundizar tu conocimiento, este curso te llevará a un nivel superior con ejercicios prácticos y proyectos avanzados. ### **Conviértete en un Experto en Microcontroladoras** 🏆 Al completar este curso, estarás bien equipado para diseñar y desarrollar sistemas embebidos con microcontroladores AVR. Prepárate para abrir camino en el mundo de la electrónica y la programación, donde cada proyecto te acercará más a convertirte en un experto en microcontroladoras. **¡No esperes más, inscríbete hoy y comienza tu viaje hacia la maestría en microcontroller programming con Umesh Lokhande!** 🎓 ---

Our review

🌟 **Overall Course Rating:** 4.2/5 ## Pros: - **Detailed Explanations:** The instructor provides in-depth explanations that are clear and detailed, making even complex concepts understandable for beginners. (Multiple reviews) - **Comprehensive Content:** The course covers a wide range of topics, including development with AVR Studio using C programming, internal peripherals, registers, and microcontroller applications in IoT. (Several reviews) - **Real-World Application:** The course focuses on practical skills, such as reading datasheets and directly using Atmega328 registers, which are crucial for low-level programming. (Various reviews) - **Step-by-Step Approach:** The course is designed in a logical manner, with a step-by-step approach that builds upon previous knowledge. (Several reviews) - **Use of Examples:** The instructor uses practical examples to illustrate concepts, which helps in better understanding and retention of knowledge. (Multiple reviews) - **Adaptability for Different Learning Styles:** The course content is visual and verbal, catering to both visual learners and those who prefer auditory explanations. (Several reviews) - **Potential for Further Learning:** The course leaves room for advanced topics like I2C and SPI communication, indicating potential for follow-up courses or modules. (Several reviews) ## Cons: - **Speech Pace and Clarity:** Some reviewers found the verbal presentation challenging due to a fast pace and repetitions, which could make it hard to follow for non-native speakers or those new to the subject. (Multiple reviews) - **Pronunciation Issues:** A few users had difficulty understanding the instructor's pronunciation at times, which affected their learning experience. (One review) - **C Language Basics:** The course assumes prior knowledge of C programming, which might be a barrier for beginners who need to learn the basics before delving into microcontroller applications. (Several reviews) - **Incomplete Content:** Some lessons seem incomplete, with references to future lessons that may not exist, or a lack of full examples and detailed explanations in certain complex parts. (One review) - **Lack of Code Comments:** The code provided in the course lacks comments, making it harder for learners, especially those new to programming, to understand the logic without additional guidance. (Several reviews) - **Software Debugging:** There is a suggestion that a detailed explanation and demonstration of software debugging would be beneficial before uploading programs to the microcontroller. (One review) - **Desire for More Topics:** Some users expressed a desire for the course to cover additional topics like I2C and SPI communication more thoroughly, or for there to be a follow-up course on these subjects. (Multiple reviews) ## Additional Feedback: - **Personal Experience:** One student reported that the tutorial was very informative for a beginner in embedded systems and praised the teaching style. (One review) - **Professional Development:** The course is recommended as a stepping stone for those looking to become professional IoT developers, emphasizing its comprehensive nature. (One review) Overall, the course receives high praise for its in-depth coverage of microcontroller programming with AVR Studio and C language, with some areas identified for improvement regarding presentation style and assumption of prior knowledge. It is a valuable resource for both beginners and those looking to advance their skills in embedded systems and IoT.



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