PHP untuk Pemula Mini-Project TODOLIST

What you will learn
Why take this course?
👩💻 PHP untuk Pemula: CRUD PHP Native-TODOLIST App
Selamat Datang ke PHP untuk Pemula!
🚀 Course Headline: Master PHP with a Real-World Project - Create & Manage Your Own Native-TODOLIST App
Kursus Ini Bersertakan:
📚 Materi Utama:
- Membuat sebuah TODOLIST APP sebagai proyek praktikum kelas ini.
- Instalasi Bootstrap, membuat form yang responsif dengan Bootstrap, dan melatih pemahaman dalam penggunaannya.
- Implementasi Method GET dan POST pada form PHP untuk mengolah data.
- Basic CRUD Operations: Learn to Create, Read, Update, and Delete data in a TODOLIST database.
- Database Configuration: Get hands-on experience setting up your own database for the TODOLIST app.
- Design Layout: Craft an elegant layout design for your TODOLIST APP using HTML/CSS.
- Creating Design Layouts: Implement distinct designs for 'Tambah', 'Pending', dan 'Selesai' status of tasks.
🛠️ Tools yang akan Digunakan:
- XAMPP sebagai server web untuk mengembangkan dan menjalankan aplikasi Anda.
- VSCODE sebagai editor teks yang kuat dan intuitif untuk memudahkan pemrograman.
Dalam Modul Ini:
✅ Langkah Demi Langkah:
- Video Tutorial: Ikuti tutorial video step by step untuk memastikan keseluruhan pemahaman.
- Latihan Mandiri: Lakukan praktik lebih lanjutan untuk memperkuat konsep yang dipelajari.
✅ Bahasa Pemrograman yang Dipejangkan:
- PHP: Untuk kode backend.
- MySQL Database: Untuk menyimpan dan mengendalikan data.
- Bootstrap Framework: Untuk mempercantik tampilan website atau aplikasi yang dibuat.
Tujuan Kursus: Pada kursus ini, peserta akan dipelajari secara detail bagaimana setiap baris code di eksekusikan dan bagaimana data disampilkan, ditambahkan, dihapus, dan diedit dalam sebuah aplikasi web. Tujuannya adalah untuk membantu peserta mengerti proses dasar dalam pengembangan aplikasi web dengan PHP dan MySQL.
Let's Get Started!
🕰️ Jadwal Kursus:
- Minggu 1: Instalasi Bootstrap dan Pembuatan Form
- Minggu 2: Implementasi Method GET dan POST
- Minggu 3: CRUD Operations dan Konfigurasi Database
- Minggu 4: Desain Layout dan Kerja dengan XAMPP dan VSCODE
Selamat mencoba dan semoga setiap langkah belajar menjadi sebuah pengalaman yang berarti dan menyenangkan bagi Anda! 🌟

Our review
🌟 Course Review for "Learning PHP and Bootstrap" 🌟 overall rating: 4.67/5
Comprehensive Learning Material: The course provides a solid foundation in PHP and Bootstrap, making it suitable for beginners. The study cases are well-structured and easy to follow, which is appreciated by students.
Real-World Application: The practical focus of the course allows students to apply their learning directly to real-world projects, which is a significant advantage over purely theoretical courses.
Overall Quality of Instruction: The quality of instruction has been acknowledged as good by recent reviews, indicating that the course meets its educational goals effectively.
Recommended for Beginners: Students new to programming find the explanations provided concise and rich in content, making it a recommended course for those starting with PHP and Bootstrap.
Positive Community Feedback: The feedback from the community is overwhelmingly positive, with many students expressing gratitude and looking forward to future courses and projects.
Audio Clarity Issues: Some learners have noted that the quality of the audio can vary, which may occasionally lead to confusion or require the learner to pause and replay sections for clarity.
Need for More Detailed Explanations: A few reviews suggest that certain aspects of the course could benefit from more detailed explanations to ensure full understanding of the concepts presented.
Variability in Audio Clarity: While the majority of the audio material is clear, there are instances where the volume or clarity can be challenging, potentially impacting the learning experience.
In summary, this course offers valuable and comprehensive knowledge on PHP and Bootstrap for beginners. The study cases are particularly beneficial, and the overall reception from students has been very positive. However, some audio issues in parts of the instructional videos could be improved to enhance the learning experience further. Despite these minor concerns, the course is highly recommended for those embarking on their journey into web development with PHP and Bootstrap.


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