【続】Microsoft Power Automate Desktop 入門講座 ~ Excel 転記 特訓編 ~
Power Automate Desktop 入門講座は受講した。もっと知りたいけど、どこから広げていけば...それなら Excel 転記からはじめてみませんか?毎日使う Excel だから RPA による 効率性 インパクトは大です!

What you will learn
Power Automate Desktop を使って、ExcelからExcelへの転記作業を自動化する方法
Power Automate Desktopにおいて、個々のアクションを1つのフローにまとめて、一連の自動化を作るテクニック
Power Automate Desktop のExcel関連アクションの使い方(e.g. Excelへの書き込み, Excelデータの読み取り, Excelを名前をつけて保存, etc)
Power Automate Desktop で汎用的に使えるアクションの使い方(e.g. if, loop, キーの送信, etc)
Why take this course?
🌟 【続】Microsoft Power Automate Desktop 入門講座 ~ Excel 転記 特訓編~ 🌟
はじめてのPower Automate Desktopを体験したいですか?それならExcel 転記からはじめてみませんか?📈
こんにちは、Excelを毎日使っているあなたへ!Power Automate Desktopの世界に足を踏み入れることで、日々の作業効率を大きくアップさせる可能性が待ち受け中。このコースでは、Excelの転記作業を自動化する方法を学びましょう。
- Excelは日々の業務で不可欠なツールです。
- 自動化が導入されると、作業量に比例した時間削減が遣われます。
- この効率化は、業務の重複・冗長な作業を大幅に줄げることを意味します。
パート1: Excel転記の基本テクニック
- Power Automate DesktopでExcelの転記を行う際に必要な各種テクニックを個別に紹介。
- 部品として機能する各技術を明確に理解し、実際の作業に応用できるようになります。
パート2: 実務での応用
- 先ほど学んだ基本的なテクニックを使って、請求リストから請求書への転記作業を実際に行います。
- 実務での応用を通じて、理論と実践が融合し、実質的なスキルアップが促進されます。
- コース中に使用するデータサンプルを提供しています。
- 実際に同じ作業を行ってみることで、理解を深め、知識を固定させることができます。
- 30日間の返金保証が採用中です。
- Power Automate DesktopはWindows10ユーザーなら無料で利用可能ですので、リスクゼロになりません。
LET'S GO!あなたの業務プロセスを次のレベルへと引き上げよう。
- Power Automate Desktopの性能と機能性に驚きが待ち受けします。
- このコースで手厫のスキルを身につけ、日々の業務に革新をもたらしてみませんか?
今すぐ登録して、Power Automate Desktopの大切なツールとして採用しましょう。あなたのキャリアを次のステップへと進めるチャンスはここに!🚀✨

Our review
Overview of the Course
The course in question has received a global rating of 4.48, with all recent reviews being positive. It is designed as an introductory course to Excel transcription using Power Automate Desktop, aimed at those who want to apply Excel skills in a professional setting. The instructor's clear and patient explanation has been highly praised, making the content easily understandable for beginners.
Instructor Quality: The course stands out due to the instructor's clear and detailed explanations. The pace of the lecture is appropriate, and the reasoning behind each step is explained thoroughly, providing a deep understanding of the concepts.
Practical Application: The course provides practical applications that are directly applicable to real-world scenarios. It is particularly useful for those who need to apply Excel in their professional work, especially when dealing with data formats and large datasets.
Well-Structured Content: The course's structure is well-organized, making it easy to follow along. The inclusion of examples that anticipate common mistakes helps learners avoid pitfalls and understand how to apply the software effectively.
Comprehensive Coverage: The course covers a wide range of topics within Excel transcription, including loops, if statements, and data processing, which are essential skills for those utilizing Power Automate Desktop.
Advanced Content Expectation: Some reviewers hoped for more advanced content beyond the basics of Excel transcription. They expressed a desire for the course to delve deeper into the application of Excel transcription with consideration for data formats and additional file handling.
Technical Issues: A few reviewers experienced technical difficulties, such as problems with Google Chrome extensions that initially prevented them from using the software as intended. However, they managed to overcome these issues upon retrying.
Room for Improvement in Course Material: Some reviewers suggested improvements in the course material, including more emphasis on handling updates in data size and better explanations of certain technical terms like "変数" (variable) and "ブレーキポイント" (breakpoint). The term "ましぶん" should be correctly used as "増分" for incremental addition, and "ブレーキポイント" should be corrected to "ブレイクポイント."
Desire for More Practical Exercises: A few participants felt that while the course provided a good foundation, they were left wanting more practical exercises to apply what they learned directly to their own data processing tasks.
In summary, this course is highly recommended for those who are new to Excel transcription with Power Automate Desktop or for those who wish to refine their skills. It provides a solid understanding of the software's capabilities and practical applications in a professional context. However, more advanced content and technical clarifications would enhance the learning experience further.
Recommendations for Improvement:
Advanced Content: Consider adding modules that cover more complex scenarios involving large datasets and data format considerations.
Technical Clarifications: Update the course materials to address the technical issues mentioned by some reviewers, ensuring clarity on terms like "変数" and "ブレーキポイント."
Practice Opportunities: Include more practical exercises that encourage learners to apply the skills learned directly to their work scenarios.
Technical Support: Enhance technical support for learners who may encounter issues similar to those experienced in some reviews, possibly with a troubleshooting guide or a dedicated helpdesk.
Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback mechanism that allows students to report issues or suggest content improvements, ensuring the course remains up-to-date and responsive to learner needs.


Enrollment distribution