【続】Microsoft - Excel Power Pivot 入門講座 ~DAX-CALCULATE特訓編~
Power Pivot、入門編は受講した。もっと知りたいけど、どこから広げていけば...Power Pivotの可能性を更に広げるDAX。でも、なんだかとっつきにくい?まずは最重要DAXーCALCULATEを使い倒して食わず嫌いを克服!

What you will learn
Power PivotにおけるDAXーCALCULATEの使い方
実務の中で、Power PivotのDAXによる集計をどう活かすか?のヒント
Why take this course?
GroupLayout: 【Power Pivotの次级学竟】Microsoft ExcelのDAX-CALCULATE特訓編
Power Pivotの入門編を受け下したあなた、さらにPower Pivotの可能性を深く掘り下げたいと考えていますか?Power PivotはExcelの強力なツールであり、Data Analysis Expressions(DAX)を使ってデータ分析や報告を高度にレベルアップさせることができます。しかしながら、DAXはその名の通り表計算式であり、初心者にとっては少し「難解」のように感じられるかもしれません。
- DAXの基本から応用へ - DAXの基本的な理解から始め、徐々に高度なテクニックにアップグレードしていきます。
- 特訓対象:CALCULATE - DAXの中でも最も柔軟性が高く、多くの分野で使用できる関数の一つとして、CALCULATEを深い理解に至います。
- 実践的なスキルを身につけよう - 単に理論を学ぶだけではなく、実際のデータセットを使って手軽に操作しながら学ぶことができます。
- DAXの理解を深める - DAXの文法や使い方を、実際に手を動かしながら学ぶことで習得します。
- CALCULATEの力を体感する - 条件分けや累計など、集計データ作成のための基本的なCALCULATEの使用法を学びます。
- 実務で直ちに応用可能 - 次期目標や販売分析など、実際のビジネスシナリオでDAXを活用する方法を学びます。
- DAXの基礎 - DAXとは何か、そして初心者に友達になりたいと思えるように導入します。
- CALCULATEの掘り下げ - CALCULATE関数の基本構文から、具体的な例で学び、使いこなす方法を理解します。
- DAXの応用技術 - その他のDAX関数と組み合わせて、より創造的なデータ分析が可能になるように学びます。
- 実践を通じた理解 - コースで提供される実際のデータセットを使って、手入力せずに直接DAXを駆使しながら学ぶ経験を提供します。
🎓 これまでDAXに惑い、理解が進まずと感じたあなたに - DAXは使ってみるだけで理解を深めやすい方法をご案内します。 ✨ Power Pivotの世界にステップアップ踏む - Excelのデータ分析能力を最大限に引き出すための道筫を手放せません。 👍 実際のビジネスシナリオでDAXを活用する - 学んだ知識を直ちに応用し、仕事の効率化や意思決定支援など、実務での活用点を見つけることができます。
Power PivotとDAXの知識は、データ駆動型の意思決定に不可欠な要素です。このコースを通じて、DAXの難解が消え、Power Pivotの強力なツールとしての役割を理解し、実際のビジネスシナリオで活用することができるようになることでしょう。
さあ、今日からPower PivotとDAXの旅を始めましょう! 🌟

Our review
Overall Course Rating: 4.42
Course Review Synthesis
Comprehensive Introduction to Power Pivot and Power Query: The course provided a solid foundation in Power Pivot and Power Query, which were new to many users. The introduction to these tools was highly appreciated, as they significantly enhanced the ability to handle data operations.
Real-World Application Focus: The course emphasized practical applications that can be applied directly to real-world scenarios, showcasing the value of learning through relevant examples.
Expert Instructor: The instructor's depth of knowledge and experience in the subject matter was evident, providing students with a trustworthy resource for understanding complex topics like DAX calculations.
DAX Calculations and Practical Examples: Students were able to learn various ways to use DAX functions such as
to perform complex calculations and analyze data. The course provided hands-on experience that allowed students to see how these formulas could be applied in their own work, offering a flexible approach to problem-solving and adaptation to different situations. -
Repetition for Key Operations: The course included repetition of key operations such as creating major functions and creating pivot tables, which reinforced learning and helped students remember important procedural steps.
Overlap with Previous Content: Some students felt that a significant portion of the course content (more than half) overlapped with an introductory Power Pivot section, making them question the necessity of retaking this material if they had already studied it.
Limited Advanced DAX Practice: The course had fewer practical exercises for advanced DAX functions like
, which could have been expanded to offer a more comprehensive understanding and application of these tools. -
Specific Scenario Validation: The detailed explanation of verifying the accuracy of financial results using
was highly valued, but it also highlighted the need for more scenarios where advanced DAX functions could be tested and validated.
General Feedback:
Usefulness of
Function: One student pointed out that learning theDATESADD
function was effective as it could potentially make some other date-related functions, likeSAMEPERIODLASTYEAR
, redundant. This underscores the importance of fundamental understanding in these functions for future adaptability and mastery over more complex applications. -
Practical Exercises: Students appreciated the hands-on approach to learning through exercises that allowed them to apply what they learned directly into practice, ensuring that the knowledge gained from the course could be effectively used in their professional environments.
In summary, the course received high marks for its practical approach and expert instruction, with some students feeling that there was room for more advanced content and fewer overlaps with introductory material. The focus on real-world application, particularly around DAX calculations, was particularly valued by the learners.


Enrollment distribution