データ分析の生産性向上のヒント。Microsoft が提供する最新BIツールである Power Pivot 、Power BI を使ってシームレスにデータの加工、結合、そしてビジュアル化までを実際に手を動かしながらやってみましょう。

What you will learn
Power BIの基本的な使い方
Power Pivotの基本的な使い方
Power PivotをPower BIにインポートし、仕事の中でPower Pivot、Power BIをシームレスに活用する方法
Why take this course?
🌟 [コースヘッドライン] データ分析の生産性向上のヒント。Microsoftが提供する最新BIツールであるPower PivotとPower BIを使って、バらばら的なデータをひとつにまとめ、ビジュアル化するまで体験しよう!
突然、バラバラのデータをキレイに加工し、一つにまとめる必要が出ませんか? そして、そのデータをピボットテーブルで分析するから、最後にグラフでビジュアル化させたいところまでのプロセスに迫ります。このコースでは、そんな一連の流れを手を動かしながら一緒に体験し、生産性を大幅に向上させる方法を学びます。
これをご覧のみなさんは、常に生産性向上のヒントを探されていると思います。このコースでは、専門的な知識だけでなく、実際の業務で直面するシナリオに基づいた学習が行われます。生産性向上のために、このコースではMicrosoftが提供する最新のBIツールであるPower PivotとPower BIを活用します。
一連の仕事を通じて、各プロセスで使う機能を体系的に説明していくことで、バラバラのトピックがどう一つにまとまるのか?全体像が見えるようになります。 それによって、非効率な学習や、途方にくれる情報から抜け出し、実際の業務での生産性向上に直接貢献します。
Power Pivot/Power BIやってみませんか?
みなさんの生産性向上のヒントを最新のBIツール:Power BI、Power Pivotとともに見つけてみませんか? これからのデータ分析の挑戦において、このコースが大援器です。そのために、今すぐご参加ください!
📅 [コース開始日] あなたのデータ分析スキルを次レベルへと引き上げしましょう!Power PivotとPower BIの最新機能を実践的に学び、生産性を大幅に向上させる方法を身につけよう!

Our review
Course Review: Power BI Desktop Comprehensive Training
The "Power BI Desktop Comprehensive Training" course has been highly rated by recent students, with a global rating of 4.25. This review synthesizes the key points from the feedback provided by users who have taken the course.
Clear Instructions: The course provides clear and concise explanations, making it easier for beginners to understand complex concepts such as Power BI, Power Query, and DAX.
Comprehensive Content: The course covers all the necessary steps to get started with Power BI, and it is recommended that new users watch the course before diving into more advanced topics.
Practical Application: The course offers practical best practices and includes downloadable materials for data preparation, which can be used immediately in practice.
Efficient Learning: For those who are already familiar with Excel and VBA, this course serves as a comprehensive solution to the challenges presented by Power Pivot and Power BI, offering a significant improvement over previous methods.
Step-by-Step Guidance: The course explains complex Power Pivot terminology in a clear and understandable manner, making it easier for users to learn and apply the concepts.
Structured Learning: The course helps students structure their learning, guiding them through Power Query for data editing, Power Pivot for data modeling, and Power BI for visualization and insights.
Limited Depth: While the course covers essential topics, it may not go into the depth of some advanced features due to the limited time frame, focusing instead on the most important best practices.
Sequencing Suggestions: Users suggest that it would be helpful if there were recommendations for the order in which to watch related courses from the same instructor, especially for those who wish to explore Power BI and DAX further.
Advanced User Considerations: Some users who are already familiar with Excel, Power Pivot, and Power BI might find the course somewhat basic, but it is still valuable as a comprehensive review.
Course Experience
The "Power BI Desktop Comprehensive Training" is a well-structured course that takes users from complete beginners to those who can apply their knowledge in real business scenarios. The clear and efficient instruction, combined with practical examples and downloadable resources, makes this course a valuable asset for anyone looking to learn or improve their skills in Power BI, Power Query, and DAX.
The course is particularly praised for its ability to explain complex topics and provide a clear learning path through the different components of Power BI (Power Query, Power Pivot, and Power BI itself). It's noted that while the course covers a broad range of topics, users with prior experience may wish to supplement their learning with additional resources targeting more advanced features.
Note to Future Students: This course is highly recommended for those who are new to Power BI and its associated tools, as well as for experienced users looking for a comprehensive review or a structured approach to learning the platform. Remember that mastery of Power BI requires repetition and practice, so be prepared to apply what you learn through multiple iterations to truly grasp the concepts and techniques taught in this course.


Enrollment distribution