【エクセル・会計知識不要!】いきなりビジネスシュミレーション! 会計/ファイナンスが本職の方は受講しないで下さい

What you will learn
Why take this course?
- 短期間で学ぶ: ビジネスシュミレーションの基本的な考え方を短い時間で学んでいき、その知識を即座に実用化することが可能です。
- 無特定技術: エクセルや会計の知識を使わなくても、考え方は通じますので、他のツールや手計りでもシュミレーションを作ることができます。
- 実務応用: 学んだ知識を立ったビジネスシュミレーションを実際のケースに適用し、筋がよい提案や報告書を作成する能力を身につけることが目指されています。
- 非専門家にも理解しやすい: ビジネスシュミレーションの概念を、非会計職の人々でも簡単に理解し、早く実用化することが可能です。
- 街頭戦略的: このコースは、ビジネスシュミレーションを快適に、短期間で学んでいき、それを自分の専門分野にプラスアルファしたい人々に向けて設計されています。
Our review
Overview of the Course The course has received a global rating of 4.21, with all recent reviews being positive. It is highly recommended for those involved in marketing and business development, as it provides essential insights into understanding businesses through data. The course is structured in a way that is engaging and easy to grasp, even for those who are new to the subject matter.
Pros of the Course
- Practical Application: The course content is immediately applicable, allowing learners to integrate what they've learned into their work within hours, as noted by one reviewer who was able to set up a business simulation within just one hour.
- Storytelling Approach: The use of storytelling makes the learning experience more interesting and relatable, as mentioned by several reviewers who appreciated the narrative elements used in explaining complex concepts.
- Real-world Examples: The course includes real-world examples, such as referencing a specific ramen shop, which helps learners to understand the application of the theories in everyday contexts.
- Accessible Content: Even for those not familiar with advanced business or finance topics, the course is designed to be understood, ensuring that all participants can benefit from its content.
- Engaging Format: The storytelling format keeps learners engaged and helps them retain information more effectively.
- Clear and Present Explanations: The explanations provided are grounded in practical, real-world scenarios, which enhances the learning experience by making it more relevant to the learners' lives and workplaces.
Considerations for Prospective Learners
- Volume of Content: While a two-hour session might be too long for some, the majority of participants found that one hour was sufficient to cover the material effectively.
- Preparation for Advanced Courses: For those planning to take more advanced business simulation courses, it is recommended to first complete this course to build a solid foundation of understanding.
- Engagement with Case Studies: The course's case studies are designed to be engaging and story-like, which can help learners grasp the material more easily. Those looking for interactive learning might find merit in jumping straight into these case studies.
- Immediate Application of Skills: Many reviewers mentioned how they were able to apply what they learned from the course to their work immediately after completing it. This suggests that the course is not only educational but also directly relevant to real-world business applications.
Final Thoughts The course is a valuable resource for anyone looking to understand and analyze businesses through data-driven insights. Its storytelling approach and practical examples make it particularly accessible and engaging, even for those with limited background knowledge in business or finance. The positive reviews emphasize the course's effectiveness in delivering content that can be immediately applied to everyday business challenges. Whether you're a marketer, an entrepreneur, or someone looking to deepen your understanding of business analytics, this course could provide you with the foundational skills and insights needed to succeed.


Enrollment distribution