Python Programming: The Complete Python Bootcamp 2024

Python from Scratch. Learn Data Science and Visualization, Automation, Excel, SQL and Scraping with Python.100% Hands-On

4.66 (2063 reviews)
Programming Languages
Python Programming: The Complete Python Bootcamp 2024
27.5 hours
Feb 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

You will MASTER all the Python 3 key concepts starting from Scratch. No prior Python knowledge is required.

For each Key Concept you'll get a Hi-Quality HD Video, a Coding Section, a quiz, practice exercises and slides.

Build a comprehensive understanding of Python 3 from the ground up. Write professional, Pythonic code using the best practices.

Learn to work with Python control flow structures: if, for, while, break, continue, pass, exceptions, try-except-else-finally blocks etc.

Master all the Python data structures: strings, lists, tuples, sets, dictionaries.

Learn to work efficiently with Text and CSV files (including using Pandas).

Master Network Automation using SSH, Paramiko, Netmiko, Telnet or Serial Connections.

Learn to work with Pip and Python Modules: Sys, Os, Subprocess, Shutil, Random, Decimal.

Learn how to send Emails with Python (SMTPLIB)

Acquire an in-depth understanding of how to use multithreading and multiprocessing in Python.

Acquire a good Understanding of Async IO and how to build Asynchronous Applications in Python

Learn to use HTTP Requests Library and BeautifulSoup and create an automated web scraping application.

Learn to work with SQL Databases in Python.

Learn to efficiently work with Excel Files and automate spreadsheet-related tasks.

Learn to Analyse Data with Pandas.

Learn to Create Interactive Charts with Plotly.

Acquire the prerequisite Python Skills to move into specific branches: AI, Machine Learning, Data Science, Network Automation, Web.

Acquire an In-Depth Understanding of Decorators, Inner Functions and Closures.

You will learn how to create web apps (front-ends) with Streamlit.

You will learn how to use AI Coding companions such as Jupyter AI and GitHub Copilot.

Why take this course?

***Fully updated for 2024*** This Python Bootcamp covers every major Python topic, including Object-Oriented Programming, Decorators, Working with Excel, Working with Databases, Web Scraping, Data Science with Pandas, Data Visualization with Plotly, Network Automation, Multiprocessing and Threading, and many more!

Course Updates:

  • Update: December 2023 - NEW Section:  Coding with AI: Jupyter AI.

  • Update: October 2023 - NEW Section: Coding with AI: GitHub Copilot.

  • Update: August 2023 - NEW Section: Creating front-ends for Data Science, Machine Learning and AI apps using Streamlit.

  • Update: November and December 2022 - After years of design and testing, I've decided to re-record the first part of the course from scratch (12+ hours of video content). This is a brand new course that is also 2023-ready.

  • Update: Summer 2022 - Re-recording the entire section "Setup the Environment".

  • Update: Spring 2022 - Updates to the latest libraries.

  • Update: July 2020 - NEW Section: Sending Emails with Python (SMTPLIB).

  • Update: June 2020 - NEW Section: Async IO in Python (async/await, aiohttp, aiofiles, asyncssh).

  • Update: April 2020 - FIVE NEW Sections of Coding Challenges with Solutions: Data Structures, Flow Control, Functions, Working with Text, CSV, and Excel Files.

  • Update: November 2019 - NEW Section: Decorators In-Depth (one hour of videos, coding sections, and a Quiz).

  • Update: October 2019 - NEW Section: Data Serialization and Deserialization in Python (Pickle, JSON, and REST APIs).

  • Update: June 2019 - NEW Section: Interactive Data Visualization with Plotly (2 hours of videos, coding sections, a Project, and a Quiz).

  • Update: May 2019 - NEW Section: Data Analysis with Pandas (2 hours of videos, coding sections, and a Quiz).

  • Update: May 2019 - NEW Lectures: Jupyter Notebook (Installing and How to Use).

  • Update: April 2019 - NEW Section: Massive Section of Coding Challenge Exercises (over 25 coding exercises directly in Udemy Platform), Quiz Updates, NEW Videos about List, Set, and Dictionary Comprehension.

  • Closed and Exclusive Discord Community created: March 30, 2019.

  • Course Launch: March 20, 2019.

This course IS NOT like any other Python Programming course you can take online. At the end of this course, you will MASTER all the Python 3 key concepts starting from scratch and you'll be among the top Python Programmers.

Welcome to this practical Python Programming course for learning Python, the most in-demand programming language across the job market in 2023.

I am constantly updating the course to be the most comprehensive, yet straightforward, Python Programming course on the planet!

★★★★★ "This is the only course you need in order to MASTER every key aspect of Python. Don't look for other Python courses because it's a waste of time." by Daniel A.

★★★★★ "This Python course, though I am still halfway through, is the best I have seen so far, that is why I am giving it a 5 star. I am enrolled in two more Python courses in Udemy, and this is the most useful. Keep it up!" by Malvin Arceo

★★★★★ "This is an excellent course for anyone who wants to learn Python from scratch or just do a refresher of a language. Everything is well explained, and many quizzes and coding exercises are very helpful. Highly recommended :)" by Tomaso

★★★★★ "Overall a great Python course, with lots of extra details added, to make it as comprehensive as possible. At the moment, I consider it the best Python course for anybody who wants to learn more about this subject." by Racz Tamas

This course, taught by a Senior Software Engineer and Professional Trainer, is the only one you need in order to become a complete professional Python Programmer. After this course, you'll have an in-depth knowledge of core and advanced Python 3 and can move into specific branches: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Data Science, Network Automation, or Web Development.

Why this Python Programming course?

This Python Bootcamp is a unique experience on Udemy. There are tons of existing Python courses you can choose from, but this course is completely different since it has many years of design and testing behind it.

You'll have access to my closed and exclusive Discord community with tens of thousands of members in order to provide you with improved, faster and better support for your course-related questions. I am always available to guide you personally and answer any questions you might have.

★★★★★ "Exactly what is required for someone who is familiar with programming languages. Andrei dives into the basics and explains very well. Assignments are helpful. Highly recommend it for someone who is interested in learning Python." by Nara

★★★★★ "What can I say, it's a great course. Well explained, quizzes, and code exercises. It's up to date and I'm having a blast learning Python. No regrets!" by Adam Leo

Have you ever programmed before? Just starting out with Python Programming and have the desire to learn the employers' most requested skills of 2023 in a practical way? Perfect. Then, this course is the right one for you. This Python course will help you go from beginner to pro in Python. You'll boost your career with hands-on Python Programming Skills!

Or maybe you are coming from other programming languages such as Java or C++ and want to learn Python? I'm here to help you and we'll put all the pieces together. This Python Programming course has everything you need to know to become a proficient Python Developer.

You'll have lifetime access and you can return and look for a specific Python library or example anytime you want. And let's not forget, if you don't like the course, you are covered by a 30-day money-back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!

In this course, you'll learn the best practices of the Python programming language and how to write code the "Pythonic" way. Together we will go deeper into Python and you will understand every key concept of Python thoroughly. Then, after taking this course, you will be able to code on your own.

This course is based on Python 3 and doesn't require prior Python Programming Knowledge. Everything is included in the course. This Python for beginners course teaches you the Python Language fast.

Why should you learn from me?

  • I'm a practitioner and an enthusiast. Welcome to the real world! I have 20 years of experience as a Software Engineer. Since I started with Programming and Networking in the early 2000s, I've been using or studying technology almost on a daily basis. I also have a bunch of certifications in the area of Programming or Networking: Python Institute Instructor, Cisco CCNP Routing & Switching, CCNP Security, CCNP Service Provider, and Certified Certified Instructor.

  • I'm an educator and I know how to make a syllabus. For the last 15 years, I've trained hundreds of thousands of people in Programming and Networking.

  • You'll learn not only general Python Programming but also advanced concepts for real-world projects. After this course, you'll MASTER all the Python 3 key concepts.

★★★★★ "This is actually one of the best courses around regarding Python. Andrei is taking the students from the basic stages all the way to advanced ones ." by Alex Pascu

Every topic includes many live examples in Python, a complete Python Cheat Sheet, a coding section, numerous quizzes, slides, practice tests and code challenges with solutions.

At the end of this Python Course, you'll also have acquired the prerequisite Python skills to move deeply into specific branches: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Data Science, Network Automation, or Web Development using frameworks like Django or Flask.

If you want to take ONE COURSE to master Python Programming from scratch you should choose this one and you'll have no regrets.


Course Introduction

Why Python Programming? Why Now?
IMPORTANT. Please read!
How to Get the Most of This Course
How to Get Better and Faster Support? JOIN MY PRIVATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY!

Setup the Programming Environment

Section Introduction
Installing Python 3 on Windows
Installing Python 3 on Linux and Mac
Installing PyCharm IDE on Windows
Installing PyCharm IDE on Linux and Mac
Running Python Code using the Python Interpreter
Running Python Scripts using PyCharm
Running Python Scripts using the Command Line
Test Your Knowledge: Running Python Scripts using the Command Line

Python Basics

Coding - Variables
Coding - Comments
Dynamic vs. Static Typing
Built-in Types
Coding - Built-in Types
Test Your Knowledge: Variables, Comments and Constants
Variable Basics
Coding Exercise Solution
Numbers and Math Operators
Coding - Numbers and Math Operators
Math Operators
Coding Exercise Solution
Coding Exercise Solution
Comparison and Identity Operators. Mutability vs. Immutability
Coding - Comparison and Identity Operators
Solving the Float Problem. Writing Bugs-Free Code
Test Your Knowledge: Math Operators
Boolean Variables
Coding - Boolean Variables
Boolean Operators
Coding - Boolean Operators
Test Your Knowledge: Booleans
Booleans Expressions
Coding Exercise Solution

Strings in Python

Intro to Strings
Coding - Intro to Strings
Printing Special Characters
Coding Exercise Solution
Get User Input
Type Casting
Coding - User Input and Casting
Type Casting
Coding Exercise Solution
String Indexing and Operations
String Indexing and Operations
Coding Exercise Solution
String Slicing
String Slicing 1
Coding Exercise Solution
String Slicing 2
Coding Exercise Solution
String Slicing 3
Coding Exercise Solution
Test Your Knowledge: String Basics
Formatting Strings
Recap - Printing Strings
Coding - String Indexing, Operations, Slicing and Formatting
Formatting Strings
Coding Exercise Solution
String Methods
Coding - String Methods
Test Your Knowledge: Formatting Strings and String Methods
String Methods
Coding Exercise Solution

Program Flow Control in Python

If Elif and Else Statements
Coding - If Elif and Else Statements
Test Your Knowledge: If Elif and Else Statements
If Elif and Else Statements
Coding Exercise Solution
For Loops
Ranges In Depth
For Loops
Coding Exercise Solution
Coding Exercise Solution
For and Continue Statement
For and Break Statement
Coding - For, Ranges, Continue and Break
For and Break Statement
Coding Exercise Solution
While Loops
While and Continue Statement
While and Break Statement
Coding - While, Continue and Break
Test Your Knowledge: For and While Loops
While Loops
Coding Exercise Solution

Lists in Python

Intro to Lists
List Operations
Coding - Intro to Lists and Operations
Test Your Knowledge: Intro to Lists and Operations
List Basics
Coding Exercise Solution
List Methods Part 1: Append, Extend, Insert, Copy
List Methods Part 2: Clear, Pop, Index, Count
List Methods Part 3: Sort, Max, Min and Sum
String to List and List to String: Split and Join Methods
Coding - List Methods
Test Your Knowledge: List Methods
String to List and List to String
Coding Exercise Solution
List Methods
Coding Exercise Solution
List Comprehension
Coding - List Comprehension
List Comprehension
Coding Exercise Solution

Tuples in Python

Intro to Tuples
Tuple Operations
Tuple Methods
Tuples vs. Lists
Coding - Tuples
Test Your Knowledge: Tuples
Coding Exercise Solution

Sets and Frozensets in Python

Intro to Sets
Lists, Tuples and Sets
Coding Exercise Solution
Set Methods Part 1: Add, Clear, Copy, Remove, Discard, Pop
Coding - Intro to Sets and Set Methods
Test Your Knowledge: Intro to Sets and Set Methods
Set Methods Part 2: Difference, Symmetric Difference, Union, Intersection
Set Methods
Coding Exercise Solution
Coding - Set Operations and Frozensets
Test Your Knowledge: Set Operations and Frozensets

Dictionaries in Python

Intro to Dictionaries
Working with Dictionaries
Coding - Working with Dictionaries
Test Your Knowledge: Working with Dictionaries
Dictionary Creation
Coding Exercise Solution
Working with Dictionaries
Coding Exercise Solution
Dictionary Operations and Methods
Coding - Dictionary Operations and Methods
Test Your Knowledge: Dictionary Operations and Methods
Dictionary Operations
Coding Exercise Solution
Set and Dictionary Comprehension
Coding - Zip, Set and Dictionary Comprehension
Dictionary Comprehension
Coding Exercise Solution

Functions in Python

Intro to Functions
Your First Function
Coding Exercise Solution
The return Keyword
Returning a Result
Coding Exercise Solution
Functions Arguments: Positional, Default, Keyword, *args and **kwargs
Coding - Intro to Functions, Return Keyword and Arguments
Test Your Knowledge: Intro to Functions, Return Keyword and Arguments
Scopes and Namespaces
One More Detail about Scope and Namespace
Coding - Scopes and Namespaces
Test Your Knowledge: Scopes and Namespaces
Scopes and Namespaces
Coding Exercise Solution
The Special Constant None
Lambda Expressions
Coding -Lambda Expressions
Test Your Knowledge: Lambda Expressions
Reverse a String
Coding Exercise Solution
Count Vowels in a String
Coding Exercise Solution
Number of Vowels and Consonants in a String
Coding Exercise Solution

Working with Text Files in Python

Opening and Reading Files
Reading Files: Tell, Seek and Cursors
Opening and Reading Text Files using seek() and read()
Coding Exercise Solution
The With Keyword
Reading Files into a List
Test Your Knowledge: Reading a File into a List
Reading Files into a List
Coding Exercise Solution
Writing to Text Files
Test Your Knowledge: Writing Text Files
Appending to Text Files
Coding Exercise Solution
Coding - Working with Files
Assignment: File Processing
Assignment Answer: File Processing

Errors and Exception Handling

Intro to Exceptions
Exception Handling: Try...Except...Else...Finall
Coding - Exception Handling
Test Your Knowledge: Errors and Exceptions Handling

Object Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects

Intro to Object Oriented Programming
Defining Classes and Objects
The __init__ Method
The __del__ Method
Test Your Knowledge: OOP Basics
Creating Classes and Objects
Coding Exercise Solution
Instance Attributes and Class Attributes
Magic Methods
Coding - Object Oriented Programming
Test Your Knowledge: OOP Attributes and Magic Methods
Magic Methods
Coding Exercise Solution

RECAP: General Python Programming - Coding and Complete E-Book - Part 1

Complete Python Programming E-Book - Part 1
Complete Coding - Python Programming - Part 1


Section Introduction
Number of Digits in the Total Number of IPv6
Coding Exercise Solution
Updating Dictionaries
Coding Exercise Solution
Working with Dictionaries
Coding Exercise Solution
Accessing List Elements
Coding Exercise Solution
List Slicing
Coding Exercise Solution
Lists and Ranges
Coding Exercise Solution
Inserting into a List
Coding Exercise Solution
List Comprehension Challenge
Coding Exercise Solution
Set Intersection
Coding Exercise Solution
Set Union
Coding Exercise Solution
String Methods and List Operations
Coding Exercise Solution
Functions and Type Casting
Coding Exercise Solution
Remove Duplicates from a List Using a Foor Loop
Coding Exercise Solution
Remove Duplicates from a List Using List Comprehension
Coding Exercise Solution
List of Palindromes using List Comprehension
Coding Exercise Solution
Function that Removes all Occurrences of an Item from a List
Coding Exercise Solution
Operations on Lists: Removing Duplicates and Sorting
Coding Exercise Solution
Parsing and Processing a Text File (show arp)
Coding Exercise Solution
Lambda that Calculates the Area of a Square
Coding Exercise Solution
Formatting Numbers
Coding Exercise Solution
Print the Values in a Dictionary Sorted by Keys
Coding Exercise Solution
Dictionary Comprehension
Coding Exercise Solution

Working with Python Modules

Intro to Python Modules
Importing Modules
Custom Modules. __name__ and "__main___"
Coding - Importing Python Modules
Test Your Knowledge: Working with Python Modules
Importing Modules
Coding Exercise Solution
Manage External Modules with Pip
Test Your Knowledge: Manage External Modules with Pip

Very Useful Python Built-in Modules

System-specific Parameters and Functions: The Sys Module
Script's Arguments: sys.argv
Coding - The Sys module
Test Your Knowledge: The Sys Module
Operating System Interfaces: The Os Module
Project: File Renaming Automation Using Sys and Os Module
Coding - The Os Module
Test Your Knowledge: The Os Module
High-level File Operations: The Shutil Module
Coding - The Shutil Module
Test Your Knowledge: The Shutil Module
Running System Commands: The Os Module
Running System Commands: The Subprocess Module
Coding - Running System (shell) Commands
Test Your Knowledge: Running System Commands
The Random Module
Coding - The Random Module
Test Your Knowledge: The Random Module
Decimal Arithmetic and Decimal Module: Solving the Float Problem
The Decimal Module: Contexts and Methods
Coding - The decimal Module
Test Your Knowledge: Decimal Arithmetic and Decimal Module

Decorators in Python

High Order Functions
Inner Functions, Closures and Free Variables
Coding - Closures
Creating and Using Decorators
The @ Syntax
Decorators with Different Signatures (*args, **kwargs)
Introspection: Using @functools.wraps() to Preserve Metadata
Coding - Decorators Template
Decorators Application: Speed Test
Application Source Code
Test Your Knowledge: Closures and Decorators

Working with CSV Files in Python

Intro to CSV
Reading CSV Files
Coding - Reading CSV Files
Test Your Knowledge: Reading CSV Files
Writing CSV Files
Coding - Writing CSV Files
Using Custom Delimiters
Using CSV Dialects
Coding - Custom CSV Files and Dialects
Test Your Knowledge: Writing CSV Files and Dialects

Data Serialization and Deserialization in Python (Pickle and JSON)

Intro to Data Serialization
Pickle Data Serialization and Deserialization
Coding - Pickle
JSON Data Serialization
JSON Data Deserialization
Coding - JSON
Assignment: JSON and Requests/REST API
Assignment Answer: JSON and Requests/REST API
Coding Challenge: Simplify Serialization
Coding Challenge Solution: Simplify Serialization
Coding Challenge - JSON and Requests/REST API
Coding Challenge Solution - JSON and Requests/REST API
Test Your Knowledge: Data Serialization (JSON & Pickle)

Working with Excel Files in Python

Setup the Environment. Installing OpenPyXL
Excel Basics
Reading Excel Files
Reading Data in a Cell Range
Coding - Reading Excel Files
Test Your Knowledge: Reading Excel Files
Writing Excel Files
Coding - Writing Excel Files
Creating New Excel Files
Coding - Creating New Excel Files
Test Your Knowledge: Writing Excel Files
Using Excel Formulas
Coding - Excel Formulas
Sheets Operations
Coding - Sheets Operations
Working with Styles
Coding - Working with Styles
Test Your Knowledge: Excel Formulas, Sheet Operations and Styles

Working with SQL Databases in Python

Intro to SQLite
When to Use SQLite
Connecting to a SQLite DB and Creating Tables with Python
Coding - Connecting to an SQLite DB and Creating Tables
Inserting with Python
Coding - Inserting
Selecting with Python
Coding - Selecting
Parameterized Sql Statements
Coding - Parameterized Sql Statements
Updating with Python
Coding - Updating
Deleting with Python
Coding - Deleting

Data Analysis with Pandas

Intro to Jupyter Notebook. Installing Jupyter Notebook
How to use Jupyter Notebook
Intro to Pandas. Installing Pandas
Pandas Series
Coding - Pandas Series
Pandas DataFrames I. Working with Columns
Pandas DataFrames I. Working with Rows
Coding - Working with Rows and Columns
Pandas DataFrames II. Filtering Data
Coding - Filtering Data
Reading and Analyzing CSV Files with Pandas
Coding - Reading and Analyzing CSV Files
Reading Excel Files. GroupBy and Other Useful Operations
Coding - Reading Excel Files and GroupBy
Reading and Analyzing HTML Pages with Pandas
Coding - Reading HTML Files
Working with Missing Data
Coding - Working with Missing Data
Test Your Knowledge: Pandas

Interactive Data Visualization with Plotly

Intro to Python Visualization Libraries
Installing Plotly
Creating Scatter Plots
Coding - Scatter Plots
Creating Line Charts
Coding - Line Charts
PROJECT: Line Charts for Ethereum and Tesla Stock Price
PROJECT SOLUTION: Line Charts for Ethereum and Tesla Stock Price
Creating Basic Bar Charts
Creating Grouped and Stacked Bar Charts
Coding - Bar Charts
Creating Pie Charts
Coding - Pie Charts
Creating Histograms
Coding - Histograms
Test Your Knowledge: Plotly

Requests and Web Scraping with Python

Intro to Web Scraping using Requests and BeautifulSoup
Setup the Environment. Installing Requests and BeautifulSoup
Diving into Requests HTTP Library
Coding - Requests Library
Diving into BeautifulSoup Library
Coding - BeautifulSoup Library
Project: Real-World Web Scraping (Requests, BeautifulSoup and OpenPyXL)

Python Multiprocessing and Multithreading In Depth

Python Parallel Processing Theory
Multiprocessing vs. Multithreading
Multithreading and Multiprocessing: Pros and Cons
Test Your Knowledge: Parallel Processing in Python
Implementing Multiprocessing in Python
Coding - Implementing Multiprocessing
Implementing Multithreading in Python
Coding - Implementing Multithreading
Test Your Knowledge: Implementing Multiprocessing and Threading
Sharing Data Between Processes using Value
Coding - Sharing Data Using Value
Sharing Data Between Processes using Array
Coding - Sharing Data using Array
Implementing Multiprocessing Locks
Coding - Implementing Locks

[Bonus] Network Automation with Python

Section Introduction
Download and Install the Required Software: GNS3, VirtualBox, Linux,Cisco Images
Where do I get Cisco IOS Images
Just a few Words about Windows Installation
Installing GNS3 on Windows 10
Running Cisco IOU Images in GNS3 on Windows 10
Connecting to Cisco IOU Images Running in GNS3 from Window 10
Bytes Objects, Encoding and Decoding
Serial Communication Basics. Connecting to a Console Port
Open a Serial Connection to a Cisco Device Console Port
Configure Cisco Devices using Serial Connections
Telnet Protocol Basics. Configure and Connect to Cisco Devices
Connecting to Cisco Networking Devices with Telnet from Python
Getpass Module
Network Automation using Telnet. Configure Multiple Cisco Devices
Intro to Paramiko
Bonus: Enable SSH on Cisco Devices
Running a Command on a Cisco Device using Paramiko(SSH)
Running a Command on Linux using Paramiko(SSH)
Configure Loopback and OSPF on a Cisco Router using Paramiko (SSH)
Secure Copying Files to Linux with SCP and Paramiko from Python
Intro to Netmiko
Connecting and Running a Command on a Cisco Networking Device
Netmiko prompt. Enable & Global Config Mode
Running Multiple Commands on a Cisco Networking Device
Configure a Cisco Networking Device from a File
Configure Multiple Cisco Networking Devices from Multiple Files
Configure Backup using Netmiko

Complete E-Book - Part 2

Complete Python Programming E-Book - Part 2

Contents to Come!

New Content to be Added

Course Completion

BONUS: Special Thank You Gift!


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Our review

📚 **Course Overview:** The course in question is a comprehensive Python training program designed for individuals with varying levels of programming experience, from beginners to those looking to deepen their understanding of Python. The course is delivered by instructor Andrei Neagu, who is highly regarded by students for his clear explanations and thorough approach to teaching. **Pros:** - **Instructor Quality:** Students have praised Andrei Neagu for his exceptional teaching abilities, stating that he explains concepts well and provides valuable insights through "what if" scenarios. His dedication to ensuring students deeply understand the fundamentals sets him apart from other instructors. - **Content Coverage:** The course covers a wide range of Python topics, including practical exercises and examples that cater to both beginners and those with prior knowledge of the language. It also includes advanced subjects and important modules, ensuring a holistic learning experience. - **Learning Tools:** The inclusion of quizzes, challenges, and projects as part of the learning process is highly appreciated, as it allows for practical application of skills learned and helps solidify knowledge. - **Pacing:** Despite some criticism about the pace being slow, many students find the pacing to be appropriate, allowing them to grasp complex concepts without feeling rushed. - **Diverse Learning Materials:** The course offers a variety of learning resources, including subtitles (even if they occasionally need correction) and coding samples that build confidence. - **Real-World Application:** Students have highlighted the course's practical approach, emphasizing its application in real-world scenarios, which is essential for effective learning. - **Community Feedback:** The course structure, exercises, and overall teaching strategy are highly recommended by students who have completed it, with many expressing their satisfaction and eagerness to apply what they've learned. **Cons:** - **Pacing Issues:** A few students found the pace of the course too slow, suggesting that adults might struggle to complete it solely due to the speed of delivery. - **Subtitle Accuracy:** Some students pointed out inaccuracies with the auto-generated subtitles, which can sometimes be a source of confusion. - **Challenges and Quizzies:** While the quizzes and challenges are praised for their educational value, some students indicated that the solutions provided for certain coding challenges were not appropriate or well-arranged, particularly in the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) section. - **Content Suggestions:** A student suggested the inclusion of a final exam to review the course material comprehensively from start to finish. Another recommended the addition of code testing (QA) basics and tools to cover an aspect that was overlooked in the curriculum. - **Language and Clarity:** A few students had difficulty with voice clarity, which occasionally made understanding the content more challenging. Additionally, some conceptual aspects were not fully satisfactory, such as the question regarding variable maximum length in the variable concept section. **Conclusion:** Overall, this Python course is highly regarded by its students, who appreciate the comprehensive nature of the curriculum, the clear and thorough instruction provided by Andrei Neagu, and the variety of learning materials available. While there are some areas for improvement, such as the pace, subtitle accuracy, and challenges/quizzies, the course remains a solid choice for anyone looking to learn Python from scratch or enhance their existing skills. The positive feedback greatly outweighs the negative comments, indicating that this course is an valuable asset for anyone's educational toolkit.


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