Android Java Masterclass - Become an App Developer

Improve your career options by learning Android app Development. Master Android Studio and build your first app today

4.46 (10554 reviews)
Mobile Apps
Android Java Masterclass - Become an App Developer
60.5 hours
Nov 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

You’re taught step by step HOW to build Android 7 apps for Google’s Nougat platform that will work on older Android versions.

With each comprehensive step, the WHY you’re doing it is explained.

You’ll have EXPERT LEVEL knowledge of the Java programming language and know exactly how each process of Android Nougat development works.

The course is continually UPDATED, so you’ll learn the very latest as Android Nougat evolves.

NEW CONTENT is always being added, and you're covered with full lifetime access to the course.

SUPPORT is mind blowing – questions you have are answered that day.

The EXPERTISE to be an Android Nougat app developer as taught by the best.

The skills you’ll learn are in HIGH DEMAND. You’ve learned to program like an expert. Go get that job!

Why take this course?

There’s no getting around it.

Android accounts for 81.7% of all smartphones sold, but not all come packed with the very latest Android Nougat.

That won’t worry you because after completing this course, the apps you build will perform brilliantly on Android Nougat or any older Android operating system.

Now that’s something most courses don’t teach you!

So, you want to be an Android 7 Nougat programmer?  Or you are interested in Android 8 Oreo?

Well, I’m Tim Buchalka, one of your instructors, and I’ve designed the Android 7 Nougat App and Android 8 Orea Masterclass just for you!  Yes one, course covering both version!

Choosing a course that’s perfect for you can be damn hard. You need Instructors:

·      Who are passionate about what they do.

·      Keep their courses continually updated.

·      And most important, provide outstanding support and follow up to your questions.

That’s what I do. And that’s the reason why I made it into the Top 10 List of Outstanding Instructors in the 2015 Udemy Instructor Awards.

Know that you’re exactly in the right place to MASTER Android 7 Nougat app programming as well as Android 8 Oreo!

Yes, we are in the process right now of updating the entire course to Android Oreo now it has been released by Google!

In this course, you will discover the power of Android app development, and obtain the skills to dramatically increase your career prospects as a software developer. You’ll also have a head start over other developers using obsolete tools and earlier versions of Android.

Android is continually being updated, so OLD versions of the operating systems will have features from the latest version. It's called AppCompat, which is a set of support libraries used to make apps developed with newer versions, work with older versions.

But it only works if the developer codes it a right way. It doesn’t just happen by default. The way I teach you in this Masterclass course is the right way!

With my course, you get the best of both worlds. You’re taught to write code for the latest version of Android Nougat with a strong focus on AppCompat. That way, the apps you build will also support older versions of Android.

Most Android courses just focus on teaching app development for the current Nougat version. What that means is you’re only taught to make apps for the latest version of Android, and that alienates a huge user base.

With my course, that’s not the case. Your skill level is maximized so your app reaches more users, which means more downloads, which means more money.

Starting is easy because no previous programming experience is needed. NONE! If you do have it, great. Or maybe you just want to brush up on your Android development skills, and that’s fantastic too.

The course is presented using a combination of video, slides and diagrams, all designed to teach you everything you need to know.

This is what you’ll learn in the course:

·      Develop apps for the very latest version of Android 7 Nougat that also work on older Android devices running older versions of the Android operating system.

·      Download, install and configure the necessary (free) software.

·      Create your first app.

·      Build a range of apps demonstrating key aspects of the Android framework.

·      Test your apps on emulators or a real Android phone or tablet.

·      You’ll learn Java programming because Android app development requires knowledge of Java. Included are Java tutorial videos that will get you up to speed fast.

·      Ensure your apps work with current and older Android versions on phones and tablets.

·      Use Android studio 2.3, the newest version of Google's premier Android tool.

·      Learn how to use databases, web services, and even get your apps to speak!

·      Understand the all new Constraint layout, for "drag and drop" screen creation.

·      Use powerful libraries of code to play videos, download website data, manipulate images, and a whole lot more!

To reinforce what you’ve learnt during the course, there are numerous challenges designed to help you understand each concept being taught. You’re also shown the solution to the challenge so you know you’re always on the right track.

The course is continually updated and enhanced, and fully supports Android Nougat as it evolves. New content is added each week, guaranteeing what you’re learning is relevant for you today and will never be obsolete.

With many courses, it’s just set and forget. But not with mine! I’ve got a PROVEN track record of continually updating and adding new content. An example is my Java Masterclass course which now has 65 hours of content and counting, and benefited a whopping 80,000 students.

And if you have any doubts about the course, be blown away by the glowing reviews left by students on this page.

Your instructors are me and Jean-Paul Roberts. Between us we have a collective 60 years of commercial software development experience, meaning you’re learning the right way to program to maximize your future development potential.

Here’s what’s important. There’re a lot of people out there teaching Android Nougat who are not developers. We’re developers with many years’ experience with the Android platform, who also teach Android Nougat.

Importantly, our courses teach students the real-life skills needed to get those in-demand jobs or further your programming skills.

Take this course in confidence today knowing you have just found the BEST Android 7 Nougat/Android 8 Oreo course on Udemy!  Don't delay. Every minute you’re not learning Android 7 is a missed opportunity for that PERFECT high paying job.

Click the BUY NOW button and start learning. The world needs your new apps!


"Tim is a great Teacher and makes this stuff really easy to understand. He takes you from Zero to Expert in no time at all and always answers any questions I ask him almost right away. I started with Tim's other "Complete Java Developer Course" which gave me a great Foundation in the principals of the Java Programming Language and unlike other Teachers on Udemy, Tim is ALWAYS adding new videos to his courses. If your thinking of taking this Course, I can tell you that when you learn the things Tim is teaching here, your Job prospects will be well enhanced. Thanks Again Tim." - Oliver Farren

"Excellent communicator. Videos are very well organized and Tim articulates the important information very well. As a software programmer for over 30 years he certainly knows his stuff!!!!" - Dale Stewart



Interface Overview
Introduction to Android

Downloading and Setup

Windows - Install Android Studio
Mac - Install Android Studio
Linux - Install Android Studio
Configure Android SDK on all Three Platforms
Android Studio Settings
Enable VT-X in BIOS

Hello World Android app

Your Programming Careers Questions Answered
Access to Programming Career Q&A
Android Studio Templates
More on Android Templates
Hello World
Tour of Android Studio
Setting Up a Virtual Device
FAQ: Emulators on Windows 10 with AMD processor
Running on an emulator
Running on a physical Android device

The Button Counter app

Setup Play Project
The Constraint Layout
Constraints and Resizing
Positioning Widgets
Inner Lines within a Widget
Layouts on Different Devices
More on the Constraints
Layout Designer rendering error
Baseline Constraints
Constraining Widgets
Add Scrolling Capabilities
The Button Counter App
Finish Layout
Activites, Bundles and Classes
Java Fields and Classes
Asking good questions
Button Click and onClickListener
Fixing Some Issues
Get Text and Null Checking
ID Confusion and Challenge Time
Save Instance State
Activity Lifecycle
Overriding Methods
Logging and Bundle Data
Wrap Up

Java Tutorials

Introduction to this section
Hello World
Strings and Ints
Arithmetic and String Concatenation
Multiple Constructors
this and Calling Methods
Object and Method Chaining
Enum and ArrayList
Testing Our Classes
Extending From a Class
Overloading and Overriding Annotation
Inheritance Challenge
Repeating Code While
for and for each Loops
do while Loop
Comparing Numbers and Objects

Calculator App

Introduction to this section
Demo Calculator App
Calculator Interface Setup
Continue with Interface
Fine Tuning the Layout
Create Landscape Layout
Comparing Files with Diff
Comparing Directories
Flowchart and onClickListeners
Operation Button Listeners
Implement Operations
Decimal Point Bug Fix
Bug Fix Challenge
Fixing Landscape Layout
Add Neg Button to Layout
Write Neg Button Functionality
Add Neg Button to Portrait

Top 10 Downloaded App

Introduction to this section
Async Task
Important note for API 28 and the Top 10 Downloader
Exectute Our Async Task
doInBackground and downloadXML
Exceptions and Buffered Reader
Security Exception
Stack Trace and the logcat
Android App Permissions
Processing XML Data
XML Parsing Factory Classes
Main XML Parsing Loop
Testing the Program
ListView and Array Adapters
Array Adapter
Create Custom Adapter
Context and Layout Inflater
Custom Adapter Implementation
Improving the Adapter
ViewHolder Pattern
Adding a Menu​
Get Menus for Multiple Feeds Working
Menu Groups
Implement Top 10 and Top 25
Challenge Solution
Generics Adapter

YouTube App

Introduction to this section
Details and Setup
YouTube API Setup
Add Second Activity
Adding Layouts Dynamically
Get Google API Key
onInitialization Failure
onInitialization Success
Test App and Add Listeners
Documentation and more testing
Demo App and Create Layouts
Standalone Activity
Intents and Manifest File Changes
Run and Test App
Challenge Solution

Flickr App

Introduction to this section
Details and Setup
Flickr API Usage
API JSON and Validation
Create Project
Async Task
Finish Download Code
Download JSON Data
Project Diagram and Photo Class Code
Get Flickr JSON Data Class Code
Create URI and JSON Parsing
Implement Call Backs
Make Get JSON Asyncronous
Finish Off Code
User Interface
Recycler View
Search and Photo Detail Activities
Nesting Linear Layouts
RecyclerView Adapter
Implement Methods and Picasso
Get Picasso Working
Gesture Detector
Touch Events
Implementing Touch Methods
BaseActivity and Serializable
Material Design
Material Design Continued
Backwards Compatibility
Style Sheets
Custom Style Sheet
Experimenting with Styles
Other Material Design Changes
Differences in API Levels and Challenge
String Resources
Search Menu Code
Implement Searching
Shared Preferences
Show Empty Search Message and Summary

Databases and the Friends App

Introduction to this section
Introduction to Databases
Database Terminology
Command Line and Path Setup for Windows
Command Line and Path Setup for Mac
Command Line and Path Setup for Ubuntu Linux
Introduction to Sqlite
More SQL with Sqlite
Sqlite Querying Data
Order By and Joins
More Complex Joins
Wild Cards and Views
Housekeeping and Challenge
Basic SQL in Android
Debugging SQL in Code
Cursor and Navigation
Android File System
Content Providers
Setup Contacts
Content Provider Example
Permissions API 22 and Earlier
Permissions API 23 and Higher
Checking Permissions at Runtime
Testing the app
Avoiding Crashes and a Challenge
More on Snackbars
Intents setData and Uri's
Storing State vs Checking State Each Time
Test Scripts, Challenge and Cleanup
Tasktimer App Overview
TaskTimer Database
Creating a Fragment
TasksContract class setup
AppDatabase and SQLiteHelper
onUpgrade and testing
Create a new Content Provider
UriMatcher and the query method
More on Content Providers
Testing our Content Provider
Mime types and inserting records
Add Update and Delete functionality to our Content Provider
Content Values and SQL Injection attack prevention
Add Main Menu
How to update to a new SDK and Build Tools
Add RecyclerView and LinearLayout
Add Widgets and Constraints
Add the "add_edit" Layout
Set Widget Properties
Task and Fragment Setup
Reviewing Fragment Setup Files
Setup for "Add Task"
Add/Edit Functionality
Add our OnClick Listener
Cursor Loader
Deprecation of framework LoadManager class
Test CursorLoader
RecyclerView Cursor Adapter
Finish Adapter and Test
Content Provider and notifyChange method
Test App and Challenge
Onclick Listeners and Callbacks
Changes to Listener
Test Edit, and Implement the Delete functionality
Fragments in the Layout
Alternative Landscape version of the Layout
Fragments in Code
Fragment Manager and Fragment Transaction
Passing Data to Fragments
Fix Edit Task In Portrait Mode
Removing Fragments
Removing Fragments Continued
Topics Covered to Date
Introduction to Dialogs
Creating Dialogs
More on Dialogs
Cancelling a Dialog
Adding a Delete Dialog To Our App
Testing the Dialog
Asserts & BuildConfig
OnDismissWeird Behavior
onBackPressed Method
Yagni and onClose
Using Multiple Dialogs
Dialogs and the Up Button
Creating an About Dialog
Finish off About Dialog
Displaying the About Dialog
Testing App and Fixing Errors
Versioning and build.gradle
Dismissing Dialogue Alternatives
Supporting Older Versions
Compatibility Challenge Solution
v21 Layout
Finish and Test
Using AppCompat Correctly
Fixing AppCompat Issue
Compatibility Libraries
Compatibility Challenge and AppCompat

The Fragment Lifecycle

The Fragment Lifecycle
Avoiding Duplicate Calls
Managing Fragments
Dynamic Display
Replacing AddEditActivity
Finishing Fragments
Remove Warnings and Challenge
Challenge Solution
Completion of Challenge
Retaining Fragment Instances
More on Retaining Fragments

Multiple Tables

Task Timings
Create Timings Task
RecyclerView Item Click Listener
NonNull Annotation
Timings Contract Class
Update Content Provider for Timings
Database Updates
Saving the Timing Data
Create Test Data
Save Test Records
Generate Test Records
Debug and Release Builds
Using a SQLite View
Adding the View to the Database
Testing Database Upgrades
Constraint Layout Chains
Chain Types
Finishing Portrait Layouts
The Landscape Layouts
The Report Adapter
The Durations Report Activity
Loading the Data
Vector Drawables and Asset Studio
The Report Menu
Report Menu Code
Apply Filter
Finish Filter and Test
Testing in Different Locales
The Date Picker Dialog
Filtering by Date
Build Gradle and Updating API Level
Updating Support Libraries
Update Build Gradle File
Evil Bugs
Unbuggy Date Picker Dialog
Delete Old Timings Data
Testing and Challenge
Challenge Solution
Sorting the Report

Extra Information - Source code, and other stuff

Source Code For All Apps
Bonus Lecture and Information


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Our review

1. **Content Up-to-Date**: Several reviews mentioned that the course content is outdated, particularly highlighting that it does not cover the latest version of Android Studio or Android API levels like Android 12. Some learners expressed a desire for more recent content, including updates on new emulators and the Room database. 2. **Tutor's Accent**: A few reviews pointed out issues with understanding Tim Buchalka's accent, which could be a barrier for non-native English speakers. This is an important aspect to consider if it significantly impacts the learning experience. 3. **Complexity and Pacing**: The course seems to cater more towards experienced programmers rather than beginners. Some beginners found the pace of the course too fast, jumping into complex concepts without adequately building upon foundational ones. Others felt that Tim's explanations were too verbose, which could be overwhelming or even frustrating for learners who prefer concise information. 4. **Value and Relevance**: Despite some negative comments about outdated content, many users still found the course valuable. Some highlighted that the content was more useful than what they had learned through traditional educational institutions like colleges and universities. 5. **Instructional Style**: Tim Buchalka is praised for his expertise and teaching style by many learners. His detailed explanations were appreciated by some, who found them helpful in understanding complex concepts. Others suggested that if he could provide better-timed subtitles or more concise explanations, it would enhance the learning experience. 6. **Scheduling and Workload**: One user pointed out the challenge of completing such a long course (101 hours) within a reasonable time frame for someone who also works outside of being a self-learner, indicating that the course's length could be prohibitive for those with time constraints. 7. **User Interface Changes**: A common issue mentioned by learners is the challenge of keeping up with the constant changes in Google's Android Studio user interface. While Tim tries to address concerns about these changes, it can still be difficult to reconcile the differences between the course content and the latest Android Studio updates. 8. **Overall Satisfaction**: Despite some criticisms, many learners reported enjoying the course overall. They found it well-constructed, informative, and a good introduction to Android development. Some even suggested that if the course were updated and targeted more specifically at either beginners or experienced programmers, it could be close to perfect. In summary, while Tim Buchalka's course has many positive reviews for its content quality and instructional depth, there are some significant issues with the course being outdated and potentially too complex for complete beginners. Learners have expressed a desire for updates and more concise teaching that caters to different levels of experience. The course's length is also seen as a potential barrier for those balancing learning with other commitments.


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Enrollment distribution

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