Martial Arts - Kenjutsu - Long-sword Foundation

Foundational skills of the Japanese longsword for solo practice (Daitoujutsu - Long-sword Methods)

4.65 (94 reviews)
Self Defense
Martial Arts - Kenjutsu - Long-sword Foundation
1 hour
Feb 2019
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Understand basic long-sword postures

Execute basic long-sword cuts

Perform basic long-sword deflections

Why take this course?

お疫情の影響として、2019年COVID-19の全球拡大により、多くの国や地域においては、集会や個人間の接触を制限するための対策が講じられました。これにより、伝統的な武道館で学ぶ修法が厳重に渋少し、オンラインでの教育や個人間での練習が普及しました。それにもかかわらず、Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsuもこれらの変化に適応し、現代においては、その伝統を保ちつつも、新しい方法で学ぶ機会が増えています。

Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsuは、Toda Shinryuken Masamitsuによって設定されたトータの教え方に従っています。これは、Kihon Kata(基本形)を学び、それがすべての戦闘技術の根幫となるという考え方に基づいています。Gyokko Ryuの技法は、Koshijutsu(骨指術)であり、柔らかい部位や内臓器官を対象とする弱点の攻撃に重点を置いています。これは、発信者が小さい可能性が高いことを考慮した設計であると理解されています。

Gyokko Ryuは、以下の基本的なトレーニングを含んでいます:

  1. Kamae no Kata(仮間の形) - 立ち位置とスタンツの基本的な演習。
  2. Taihen Kihon(体変位基本) - 落ち込む技法のトレーニング。
  3. Ki Kata(気形) (別称:Sanshin no Kata、サンシンの型)- 五要素に基づいた基本的な動きを学ぶ演習。
  4. Kihon Kata(基本型) - 拳打ち、蹴り、挫き、つかみ、投げに関する技法のトレーニング。
  5. Koshijutsu(骨指術) - 無武器Self-Defenseの演習。
  6. Churyaku no Maki(中略の幕) - 武器対応の演習(Tantoや小刀)。
  7. Geryaku no Maki(慈略の幕) - 刀や槍に対するSelf-Defenseの演習。
  8. Mutodori(武道どり) - 高度な技能を要する、極めて難しいGeryaku no Makiの一部。

Gyokko Ryuは、カタナやTANTO、BOに関する教えもありますが、これらについては、Hatsumi Masaakiからさらに多くの情報が公開されていく可能性があります。

Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsuは、単なる忍者術の学校ではなく、"Bushigokoro wo motte totoshi no nasu"(戦士の心は宝であり必須である)という精神を保つことに重点を置いています。この精神は、全ての形の武道学習者に共有され、現代においてもその大切さが認識され続けています。

2019年以降の変化により、Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsuの教育はオンラインでの提供や、小さなグループでの実践が増加しています。これにより、より多くの人々がこの伝統的な武道の知恵を学び、保ち続けることが可能になっています。


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Our review

Overall Course Review

The online course titled "Mastering Swordplay: From Draw to Defense" has received a global rating of 4.65, with all recent reviews being exceptionally positive. The majority of the feedback praises the course's ability to engage and educate learners on the art of sword defense, emphasizing its practical and informative content.


  • Expert Instruction: The course has been highly rated for the quality of teaching provided by the instructor. Their expert approach to instruction makes learning concepts and applications of each technique straightforward and efficient.

  • Comprehensive Content: Learners have expressed that the course content is comprehensive and well-structured, allowing for a clear understanding of sword defense techniques.

  • Engaging Material: The course content has been described as engaging, with several users expressing their eagerness to apply what they've learned and continue their journey in swordplay.

  • Instructor's Knowledgeability: The instructor's deep knowledge of the subject is evident and has been recognized by individuals with a detailed background in martial arts. This expertise adds significant credibility to the course.

  • Accessible Learning: The course material has been praised for its accessibility, enabling learners from various backgrounds to understand and engage with the content regardless of their prior experience.


  • Visualization Enhancement: A few reviews suggested that the course could be improved by showing how moves would be applied with a partner present for better visualization. This feedback indicates that while the course is informative, it could benefit from more advanced demonstrations.

  • Application in Real-Life Situations: Some users indicated that they would appreciate seeing the techniques demonstrated in real-life situations, which would help them understand how to apply the moves beyond the context of the course.

Course Highlights:

  • Ease of Learning: The course is designed in a way that learners can easily grasp the concepts and techniques, making it suitable for both beginners and those with some experience in martial arts.

  • High Engagement: The interactive nature of the course has captivated many learners, inspiring them to further their studies and practice.

  • Quality Instruction: The instructor's clear and concise teaching style is highly praised, making complex movements and strategies understandable.

  • Content Relevance: The course content is relevant and comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics within swordplay, from drawing the sword to defending against disarmament attempts.

Final Thoughts:

"Mastering Swordplay: From Draw to Defense" has been a resounding success with its learners, offering an exceptional educational experience for those interested in learning about sword defense. The course's positive reception is well-deserved, and it is evident that the instruction provided is both authoritative and accessible. While there are some suggestions for improvement regarding visual demonstrations, the overall quality of the course is outstanding. It stands as a testament to the effectiveness of online educational platforms in teaching traditional combat techniques in a modern context.

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