
Looker - Complete Guide to Google Looker - LookML Developer

Master Looker and LookML to create views, dashboards, and databases with the beginner to expert Looker and LookML guide

4.66 (397 reviews)
Looker - Complete Guide to Google Looker - LookML Developer
2 467
7 hours
Jan 2025
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Get certified in using Looker and LookML as Business Intelligence, Visualization, and Data Model tool

Get familiar with Looker's platform, interface, and terminology

Analyze data, create beautiful visualizations, and build sophisticated reports and dashboards

Use LookML to connect to underlying raw data

Use LookML to construct views, dimensions, and measures that are then used in Explores

Use LookML to join several views together into one piece of analysis or Explore

Use LookML to create actions and workflows associated with your data

Use LookML to create sophisticated modular dashboards, right from a structured language

Why take this course?

İşte Google Looker ve LookML geliştiricilere öğrenme için tasarlanmış ve tam olarak birleştirilen bir eğitim kursudur. Bu kurs, Looker'ın temel konseptlerinden etkileşimli raporlama ve dashboard oluşturmaya kadar tüm seviyeleri kapsar ve gelişmiş özellikleri de içerir. Eğitici, öğrenci deneyimini zenginleştirmek ve sorunları çözmek için kendisini kullanmayı öğretir. Kurs, Looker'ın özelliklerini ve kullanımını adımi adım incelemek ve uygulamak için bir adımlarlı süre içerir.

Eğitim kursunun özeti şu şekildedir:

  1. Giriş: Looker hakkında bilgi edinin ve kursun yapısını öğrenin.
  2. Araç Maketi: Erişim olan bir denetim ortamı oluşturun, LookML projesi yaratın, verileri yükleyin ve Looker terimlerini tanıyın.
  3. Başlangıç Düzey: Veritabanına bağlı, verileri yükleyin, boyutlar ve ölçüler oluşturun, filtreler uygulayın, alan adları formatleyin, görüntüleme yıkları oluşturun.
  4. Orta Düzey: Çokkaç görüntüleme yıklarını birleştirin, alan grupları oluşturun, gelişmiş formatlama uygulayın, keşfetme eylemleri oluşturun ve görüntüleme ayarlarını özelleştirin.
  5. Uzman Düzey: Keşfetme ayarlarını düzenleyin, parametreler oluşturun, kod ekserleri (extensions) uygulayın, Liquid değişkenlerini kullanın ve rapor elemanları ve tam özellikli dashboard'lar oluşturun.
  6. Son Kılam: Looker Çevrimiçi Sertifikasyonunuzu kazanmayı ve bir sonrak adım hakkında bilgi edinin.

Bu kurs, Looker ve LookML'in tüm özelliklerinden basit birilere karmaşık birilerine kadar her seviyeyi kapsamaktadır ve iştahıkle tam bir deneyim sağlar. Eğitici, öğrencilerin deneyimini zenginleştirmek ve sorunları çözmek için kendilerine uygulayabilecekleri araçları öğretir. Kurs, Looker'ın özelliklerini ve kullanımını adımi adım inceleyerek ve uygulayarak öğrenmeyi hedefler.

Eğer Google Looker ve LookML geliştiricisi olmak istiyorsanız ve bir deneyiminiz olan bir eğitim kursine katılmak istiyorsanız, bu kurs sizler için doğru bir seçenektir. Kursinizi tamamladıktan sonra, Looker Çevrimiçi Sertifikasyonunuzu kazanarak bilgi ve deneyiminizi resmi olarak doğrulayabilir ve profesyonel geliştirme işlerinde devam etebilirsiniz.


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Our review

🏅 Course Overview:

The course has received a global rating of 4.48, with all recent reviews indicating a positive overall experience. The majority of reviewers have found the course valuable, with particular praise for the clarity of instruction and the depth of content covered. However, some users have pointed out areas for improvement, such as the treatment of advanced topics and the handling of errors during the course material.

🌟 Pros of the Course:

  • Comprehensive Content: The course is praised for being rich in details and providing a logical and clear explanation of LookML.
  • Quality of Instruction: The instructor is frequently commended for their expertise, communication skills, and passion for the subject matter.
  • Real-World Application: Many users appreciate the practical examples and insights that can be directly applied to real-world scenarios.
  • Value for Money: Several reviewers highlight that the course offers great value, especially considering the breadth of knowledge imparted.
  • Flexible Learning Pace: Some users have noted that they were able to adapt the learning pace to their needs by adjusting playback speeds.
  • Community Impact: The course is reported to have significantly improved participants' knowledge and confidence in using LookML.

🚫 Cons of the Course:

  • Overlap with Other Courses: A few users suggest that there is some overlap between this course and another by the same instructor, potentially making it redundant if both are purchased separately.
  • Outdated Content: Some reviewers have mentioned encountering outdated content or practices within the course material.
  • Error Handling: There are instances where the instructor's errors were not promptly addressed in corrected videos, which could have been a more efficient use of time for learners.
  • Pacing Issues: While the instruction was generally well-received, some users found the pacing either too slow or too fast, necessitating them to adjust the playback speed.
  • Advanced Topic Coverage: A couple of reviewers expressed a desire for more in-depth coverage of advanced topics such as partitioning, advanced data transformation, and handling complex data structures.
  • Course Structure: Some users found the split between user/analyst and developer content to be unnecessary or potentially a cash grab rather than an educational enhancement.

🔍 Additional Feedback:

  • Integration Suggestion: A recommendation has been made to merge this course with the Looker Analyst course for a more comprehensive learning experience.
  • Content Accuracy: It's suggested that sections of the course be updated to reflect the most current practices and features within Looker.
  • Course Updates: Users have recommended updating the course content, particularly in Section 10, to focus on what can be done with LookML that cannot be accomplished through the console.

🎓 Final Verdict:

Overall, this course is highly rated and considered a valuable resource for learning LookML and Looker development. It has been praised for its depth and the quality of instruction. However, to enhance user experience, some areas such as content currency, error handling in videos, pacing, and course structure require attention. Integrating the user/analyst and developer courses or ensuring they are updated together could also greatly improve the learning journey for users.



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