Lezioni di Lingua Araba

Impara a leggere e scrivere l'Arabo!

4.73 (411 reviews)
Lezioni di Lingua Araba
1 869
9 hours
Apr 2018
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Leggere e scrivere correttamente la lingua Araba.

Why take this course?

🌟 Corsi Online Esclusivi - Tua lingua araba in 1 clic! 🌟

**Capita ora: Impara a leggere e scrivere l'Arabo con Lezioni di Lingua Araba! 🌍

Cosa ti aspetti nel corso:

  • Esplorazione dell'Alfabeto Arabo: Scopri ogni lettera in tutte le sue forme e impara a riconoscerle facilmente.
  • Pronuncia Corretta: Affina la tua pronuncia con esercizi e consigli pratici dal maestro Igor Manganello.
  • Fondamenti Grammaticali: Dalla sintassi alla morfologia, costruisci le strutture grammaticali di base per esprimerti in arabo fluentemente.
  • Approccio Teorico-Pratico: Aggiusta la grammatica teorica con esercizi pratici che ti porteranno a padroneggiare l'arabo.
  • Materiale Affidabile: Guida te ne darai il 'Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua araba' della Veccia Vaglieri, un testo di riferimento amato dagli studenti di Arabo da decenni.

Perché scegliere questo corso?

  • 🎓 Approccio Graduale: Dalla lettura all'scrittura, passi gradualmente e con padronanza tutte le sfide dell'apprendimento arabo.
  • 🧠 Metodi di Insegnamento Efficaci: Approfitta di strategie didattiche innovative che facilitano l'assimilazione della lingua.
  • 🤝 Supporto Continuo: Con un maestro qualificato come Igor Manganello, ricevi feedback e assistenza in ogni momento del percorso di apprendimento.
  • ⚫️ Capisci l'Arabo a Livelli Diversi: Da principiante a intermedio, questo corso si adatta a ogni livello di conoscenza precedente.
  • 🌍 Applicazione in Vocazioni Reali: Impara l'arabo non solo per fini culturali ma anche per impiegati internazionali, turisti o appassionati di lingue.

📆 Inizia il tuo viaggio linguistico oggi! Con Lezioni di Lingua Araba, distanzi niente tra te e la padronanza dell'Arabo. Igor Manganello ti guiderà con competenza, pazienza e passione. Iscriviti ora e trasforma il tuo desiderio di imparare l'arabo in realtà visibile! 🚀

Non attendere! Imbocca la porta della lingua araba con Lezioni di Lingua Araba e lasciati guidare verso un futuro di comunicazione, cultura e scoperta. 🤫✨


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Our review

Course Overview:

Global Course Rating: 4.93

This course has been highly rated by recent reviewers, with a focus on learning the Arabic alphabet and basic reading and writing skills. The reviews praise the clarity and effectiveness of the instructions provided by the instructor, Igor Mangano, who is commended for his patient and thorough teaching methods. The course is designed for beginners and aims to lay a solid foundation for further language study.

Reviews and Feedback:

Positive Feedback:

  • Engaging Content and Instruction: Reviewers highlight the course's engaging content, which makes learning Arabic enjoyable. The step-by-step approach to teaching the alphabet is particularly noted for being easy to follow.

  • Dedicated Instructor: Igor Mangano is consistently praised for his dedication to explaining concepts clearly and repeatedly, making complex topics understandable for learners of all levels. His patience and availability are appreciated by students who have found his teaching invaluable.

  • Well-Paced Lessons: The brevity and pacing of the lessons are commended, as they do not overwhelm students and allow for digestion of the material at a comfortable pace.

  • Useful for Beginners: Many reviewers report that this course is their first approach to Arabic and find it beneficial for starting with writing and reading rather than just speaking.

  • Encouragement for Advanced Learning: Several students express the need for more advanced courses following this beginner's course to expand their vocabulary and communication skills.

Areas of Improvement:

  • Technical Guidance: Some users suggest that additional guidance on using Arabic in software like Microsoft Word would be helpful, beyond the script's initial introduction.

  • Reference to Historical Texts: A few reviews mention that the course uses an old text from the '30s, which while providing historical context, might not reflect modern language use or vocabulary.

General Observations:

  • Effective Learning Strategy: The strategy of starting with writing and reading alongside speaking is emphasized as a crucial aspect for Arabic learning due to its unique written and vocalization system.

  • Sustainability in Language Practice: Learners report that the course's structure, which provides exercises in manageable doses, makes it sustainable and encourages them to continue practicing.

  • Passionate Teaching: The instructor's passion for Arabic language and culture shines through, inspiring students to delve deeper into their studies.


This Arabic course is a strong starting point for anyone interested in learning this rich language. With highly positive reviews emphasizing the clarity of instruction and the dedication of Igor Mangano, it stands out as an effective and enjoyable way to begin learning Arabic script, reading, and writing. Students are motivated to continue their studies and seek out further resources to enhance their learning experience. As with any language course, supplementing this foundation with additional materials and practice will be key to progress.

Note: The course has also been noted for its availability for those with limited time or commitment levels, as the lessons are brief and inviting for repeated viewings and practice.

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