Level 4 - Japanese Candlesticks Trading Mastery Program

Learn to Set Price Targets with Box Ranges, Fibonacci & Moving Averages. Avoid Market Traps & Read Charts Like a Book.

4.60 (178 reviews)
Investing & Trading
Level 4 - Japanese Candlesticks Trading Mastery Program
1 594
8.5 hours
Sep 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Learn How to Set Price Targets by Combining Candlesticks with Box Range Breakouts

Understand Why You Can't Ignore "The Hanging Man & The Inverted Hammer" Patterns While You are in a Trade

Learn How to Avoid Market Traps simply by taking Obvious Clues from the Market using Candlesticks

Understand How to Fluently Start Reading Candle Charts Like a Book

Find out How to Set Price Targets Using Candlesticks along with a Combination of Moving Averages

Learn How to Set Price Targets Precisely Using Candlesticks with the Fibonacci Levels

Why take this course?

¡Claro! El curso de maestría en el uso de Japoneses Vendidos Fantasmas (JCF) que describes es un programa completo y detallado que abarca desde los fundamentos hasta técnicas avanzadas, incluyendo la interpretación de patrones de candelería y cómo aplicar niveles de Fibonacci en el contexto del trading. Este tipo de educación es valiosa para traders que operan en diferentes mercados financieros, como el Forex, el trading de acciones, commodities, opciones, futuros, trading al día, trading posicional y swing trading. También es relevante para aquellos interesados en el análisis técnico de activos de todos los tipos.

El curso se centra en la comprensión y aplicación de los conceptos de trading con Japoneses Vendidos Fantasmas, pero estos pueden ser utilizados junto con cualquier otro tipo de análisis técnico o estrategia de trading. Además, el curso ofrece una visión amplia que se aplica a cualquier mercado y en diferentes marcos temporales (diario, semanal, mensual, etc.).

Es importante recordar que, aunque los Japoneses Vendidos Fantasmas pueden ser una herramienta poderosa, no garantizan éxito en el trading. Los mercados son inciertos y el éxito en el trading depende de una combinación de conocimientos, habilidades y estrategias bien definidas, incluyendo la gestión de riesgos y la implementación de un plan de trading disciplinado.

Este curso está diseñado para ser educativo y proporcionar a los traders las herramientas y el conocimiento necesarios para analizar las señales del mercado y tomar decisiones informadas. Sin embargo, siempre se recomienda realizar tu propia investigación y análisis antes de tomar cualquier decisión financiera, ya que los riesgos en las materias primas y los mercados financieros pueden ser significativos.

En resumen, este curso es una inversión en tu educación como trader y puede ser extremadamente útil si aplicas los conocimientos adquiridos con disciplina y un enfoque en la gestión del riesgo. Recuerda que el trading requiere práctica, aprendizaje continuo y adaptación a las condiciones cambiantes del mercado.


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Our review

🏫 Course Review: Advanced Candlestick Chart Trading - Level 6


The Advanced Candlestick Chart Trading - Level 6 course, taught by Rohit, has received a high average rating of 4.60 from recent reviews. The course is praised for its comprehensive approach to teaching candlestick chart trading, suitable for both novices and experienced traders alike.


  • Expert Instruction: Rohit's deep understanding of the subject matter shines through in his ability to explain concepts clearly and effectively. He caters to a wide range of expertise levels, making the content accessible yet challenging.
  • Practical Application: The course includes practical studies and new concept introductions, which are highly valued for their revision potential and practical utility.
  • Clear Explanations: Rohit's teaching style is commended for its clarity, allowing learners to grasp complex ideas and apply them in real-world trading scenarios.
  • In-Depth Coverage: The course content is appreciated for its thoroughness, providing a solid foundation and advanced knowledge of candlestick charting.
  • Real-World Relevance: Learners report increased trading profits and confidence after applying the concepts taught in the course.
  • Engaging Content: Users find the course engaging and beneficial, with several expressing a desire for additional content, such as options trading modules.
  • Repeat Explanation: The course structure allows for repetition of key concepts, which is helpful for learners who may miss parts of the instruction initially.
  • Well-Structured Learning Path: The course is well-structured, building up knowledge in a logical and effective manner.


  • Length: A few reviews mention that the course is lengthy, which could be a consideration for those with limited time availability. However, this seems to be a minor concern given the high overall satisfaction.

User Testimonials

  • "As usual, an excellent course with chart by chart studies while introducing new concepts, which was actually a nice touch as practical and useful revision. You are an excellent teacher, Rohit!"
  • "Rohit is an amazing facilitator. He takes time in explaining the concepts and uses the appropriate examples to illustrate his point. He also shows the reality of the pattern or system not working. Very well taught."
  • "Completed 1, 2, and 3 modules now trying with a small position (testing on my learning) since the concept explained in crystal clear manner I am moving with confidence. 1, 2, and 3 module are superb."
  • "Just like the previous courses, this one too is very good. The only drawback is, like all other courses, this one is also a bit lengthy."
  • "Rohit is an expert professional trader and a teacher. He has a very deep understanding of candlestick trading and explains the concepts very clearly for novice traders as well as the seasoned traders to grab the ideas and apply them in real-world for successful and winning trades. I recommend Rohit to any traders, irrespective of their level of expertise."
  • "Amazing! Please keep it up. My trading profits and confidence increased drastically. Also, I request you if you do some training content on options trading."
  • "Another 5 stars for you! Can't wait to finish all 6 levels. I am using everything I learned here. The way I look at the market is not the same anymore. Thank you for such a great course."
  • "Leveled up to the 4th stage so far, the classes are really good, lot of knowledge full insights, thank you Rohit!"
  • "I am fascinated by these courses; I am using Udemy quite often, but these are explained on a different level—I highly recommend it!!!!"
  • "The course exceeded my expectations. I like the way the instructor explains concepts even if I miss a bit, he repeats it in the video. Also, the course is nicely built up, well done!"

Final Verdict

The Advanced Candlestick Chart Trading - Level 6 course is an exceptional resource for traders at all levels. Its comprehensive approach to teaching candlestick chart trading is evident in the high praise it receives from users. While some may find the course lengthy, this should not detract from the overall quality and effectiveness of the course content. It is highly recommended for anyone looking to improve their trading skills and knowledge.

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