
PyQT5 with Python GUI Programming | Python PyQT

PyQT with Python GUI Programming To Build Python GUI Desktop Application with PYQT, QT, PYQT5 & Become Python Gui Master

4.48 (161 reviews)
Programming Languages
PyQT5 with Python GUI Programming | Python PyQT
8 hours
Feb 2025
last update
regular price

What you will learn

In the software world, python is mostly used in data science and artificial intelligence operations. So you may not have seen many python based applications.

In this training, we aimed to develop an application using python for beginners with you.

how to quickly develop interfaces in python gui

how to communicate between windows

how to use your database operations in python programming

how to visualize your data in Python GUI

In this course, we will make a simple "employee leave tracking" application with you. In this application we will have 3 screens and 2 dialogs. These screens

employee information screen in python gui programming

leave information screen in gui python

charts screen in GUI Python

In the application, we will first design each screen one by one and turn it into python codes. Later, we will provide communication between these screens.

In the next step, we will create a database connection.

python gui programming using pyqt5

With the employee information screen, we will be able to see our employee information and add new employees.

On the leave information screen, we will be able to see the leave used by our employees and add new leaves.

Finally, we will be able to see the employees and departments that use the most leave via the charts screen.

I hope it will be an interesting experience for you.


Python instructors on OAK Academy specialize in everything from software development to data analysis, and are known for their effective.

Python is a general-purpose, object-oriented, high-level programming language.

Python is a multi-paradigm language, which means that it supports many programming approaches. Along with procedural and functional programming styles

Python is a widely used, general-purpose programming language, but it has some limitations. Because Python is an interpreted, dynamically typed language

Python is a general programming language used widely across many industries and platforms. One common use of Python is scripting, which means automating tasks.

Python is a popular language that is used across many industries and in many programming disciplines. DevOps engineers use Python to script website.

Python has a simple syntax that makes it an excellent programming language for a beginner to learn. To learn Python on your own, you first must become familiar.

Python gui with pyqt, pyqt5, qt with python

Learn object oriented programming with python with examples

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Why take this course?

¡Excelente resumen! Estás cubriendo todos los aspectos importantes de lo que implica aprender Python, y en particular, cómo canjear tus habilidades con la biblioteca PyQt5 para desarrollar interfaces gráficas de usuario (GUI) en Python. Python es una excelente elección para una variedad de aplicaciones debido a su sintaxis clara, su amplia gama de librerías y su versatilidad.

PyQt5 es una biblioteca que proporciona herramientas para construir aplicaciones con una interfaz gráfica utilizando Qt for Python (también conocido como SIP, which stands for "Simple Interface PythOn"). Qt es un conjunto de librerías de software muy poderoso que se puede usar para desarrollar aplicaciones con interfaces gráficas en una amplia variedad de plataformas y sistemas operativos, incluyendo Windows, macOS, Linux y otros.

Al seguir este camino de aprendizaje, estarás adquiriendo habilidades valiosas que pueden aplicarse en múltiples dominios:

  1. Desarrollo de interfaces gráficas: Puedes crear programas con ventanas, botones, campos de entrada y otros elementos gráficos interactivos. Esto es fundamental para la mayoría de las aplicaciones de escritorio que los usuarios encuentran en su día a día.

  2. Automatización de tareas: Python es excelente para scripts que automatizan procesos y flujos de trabajo, y con PyQt5 puedes crear aplicaciones gráficas que ayuden a automatizar estas tareas con una interfaz amigable.

  3. Desarrollo web: Aunque PyQt5 se centra en GUI, muchos de los conceptos de programación de Python son transferibles a frameworks web como Flask o Django. Además, Python puede usarse en conjunto con PyQt5 para crear herramientas administrativas o interfaces de configuración para aplicaciones web.

  4. Data Science y Machine Learning: Python es un lenguaje clave en estos campos, y aunque PyQt5 se centra en la GUI, puedes combinar Python con PyQt5 para crear interfaces de análisis de datos o visualización que ayuden a los científicos de datos y los analistas a interactuar con sus modelos y resultados.

  5. Educación y simulaciones: Las aplicaciones educativas, simulaciones o incluso juegos pueden beneficiarse enormemente de la combinación de PyQt5 y Python para proporcionar una experiencia de usuario atractiva y educativa.

Para aprender PyQt5, puedes seguir un curso estructurado como el que has elegido, utilizar libros, o incluso explorar la documentación oficial y ejemplos de proyectos. A medida que avanzas, te enfrentarás a desafíos que ayudarán a profundizar tu comprensión de Python y la programación en general.

Recuerda que la práctica es clave: trata de construir proyectos reales mientras aprendes, ya sean scripts simples o aplicaciones completas. Esto te ayudará a consolidar tu conocimiento y a sentir el satisfacción que siempre viene con la creación de algo funcional y útil.

¡Te deseo mucha suerte en tu aprendizaje de PyQt5 y Python, y espero que encuentres este camino emocionante y gratificante!


PyQT5 with Python GUI Programming | Python PyQT - Screenshot_01PyQT5 with Python GUI Programming | Python PyQT - Screenshot_02PyQT5 with Python GUI Programming | Python PyQT - Screenshot_03PyQT5 with Python GUI Programming | Python PyQT - Screenshot_04

Our review

Overview: The course under review covers Python GUI Programming with PyQT and is rated at 3.85 globally, with recent reviews ranging from dissatisfied to highly positive experiences. The consensus among learners seems to be that while the content is valuable for understanding GUI aspect of Python, there are significant issues with presentation and course execution that affect the learning experience.


  • Clear Presentation: Some students found the presentation clear and were able to reproduce the employee management program by following the lectures, despite some typos in the code.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: The course is well-organized, providing a solid understanding of GUI aspect of Python with lessons categorized for easy access and learning.
  • Quality Production: A few students highlighted the high quality of both audio and video materials.
  • Positive Recommendations: A couple of reviews mentioned that they would recommend the course to friends and expressed gratitude for the instructor's preparation and explanation.


  • Pacing Issues: Several learners indicated that the pace was too fast, making it difficult to follow along without prior knowledge of Python or the specific material covered in the course.
  • Lack of Explanation: Some reviews pointed out that there was little to no explanation for why certain code sections were written a particular way, which made the learning process more challenging.
  • Typographical Errors: A recurring issue mentioned by multiple students was the presence of typos in the code, which sometimes led to confusion and hindered the learning experience.
  • Skipping Code Sections: At least one instance was reported where a significant portion of coding (Chapter 44) was skipped without explanation, leaving learners confused about how the code came together.
  • Incomplete Content: One student expressed frustration that the course delved into Python rather than focusing exclusively on GUI as initially expected, and another noted that a whole function appeared out of nowhere in video 43 without any context or prior introduction.
  • Unanswered Questions: Some learners reported that questions in the Q/A section were not properly answered, leaving them with unresolved doubts and confusion.
  • Missing Source Code: A critical issue raised by multiple students was the lack of availability for source code, particularly in later sections of the course (e.g., video 45), which made it nearly impossible to follow along or verify solutions.
  • Negative Experience: One reviewer described their experience as the worst on Udemy, citing a negative first half and a disastrous GUI part due to incomplete code examples and the absence of final source code. They also reported feeling insulted by a response from the authors that seemed dismissive of their learning challenges.

Final Thoughts: While the course has potential value for those interested in Python GUI Programming with PyQT, significant concerns regarding the presentation, pacing, and completeness of the course content must be addressed to improve learner satisfaction and success. It is recommended that the instructors review and respond to the feedback provided, particularly in regards to clarifying code with explanations, providing complete code examples, and ensuring that all learners are supported throughout their learning journey.



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