Learn OpenCV: Build # 30 Apps with OpenCV, YOLOv8 & YOLO-NAS
OpenCV, Object Detection, Object Tracking, Object Segmentation, YOLOv8, YOLO-NAS, Train Custom Dataset, Pose Estimation
4.24 (164 reviews)

24.5 hours
Nov 2023
last update
regular price
What you will learn
Understand basics of OpenCV
Use OpenCV to work with Image and Video Files
Apply different image processing techniques with OpenCV including Blurring, Dilation, Erosion, Edge Detection, Finding and Drawing Contours, Warp Perspective
Use Haar Cascades Classifiers to Detection Face, License Plate etc
Use OpenCV to create Real-World Applications including Optical Mark Recognition, Lane Detection, QR & Bar Code Detection, Object Size Measurement etc
Use OpenCV to create Advanced Projects/ Applications including Basket Ball Shot Predictor, Parking Space Counter, Pong Game using Hand Gestures, Gesture Vol Cnt
Understand the fundamentals of Object Detection and learn how to use YOLO Algorithm to do Object Detection with YOLOv8 and YOLO-NAS
Understand the basics of Object Segmentation and learn how to do Object Segmentation with YOLOv8 and how to train YOLOv8 Segmentation Model on Custom Data
Understand the Basics of Object Tracking and how to integrate the SOTA Object Tracking Algorithms i.e. SORT and DeepSORT with YOLOv8 and YOLO-NAS
Build Real World Applications with YOLOv8 and YOLO-NAS including Potholes Detection, Personal Protective Equipment Detection, Vehicles Intensity Heatmaps etc
Learn Optical Character Recognition and create different apps i.e. License Plate Detection and Recognition, Multi-Cam License Plate Detection and Recognition,
Use Object Detection and Object Tracking Algorithms to create different Real World Applications including Vehicles Counting (Entering & Leaving) using YOLO-NAS
Learn how to integrate Object Tracking with an Object Detection Model trained on a Custom Dataset
Learn how to detection Grocery Items in a Retail Store with YOLO-NAS.
Understand the Segment Anything Model (SAM) and how to do Image and Video Segmentation with YOLO-NAS and Segment Anything Model (SAM)
Understand the Basics of Pose Estimation and Learn how to implement Pose Estimation using OpenCV and MediaPipe
Create Real World Applications using OpenCV and MediaPipe including Bicep Curl Counter and Push-Ups Counter

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