Learn Bachata in WEEKS not years. 20 Beginning Bachata Dance Routines Without Stepping Foot In a Dance Studio-

What you will learn
You will know up to 20 steps! (We do it together slowly, step by step)
Dance with connection with your partner.
️Lead or Follow creative combinations.
Diversify your dance by including fusion, dominican, modern & sensual bachata
You will be ready to attend a latin party and dance in public
Know the Dominican dance & music history
Method to improve your long term step memory
Receive your dance strategy , a method in 7 phases
How to be accepted & not rejected by the dance community (Psychology)
Why take this course?
Me parece que has compartido una descripción detallada de un curso de Bachata en línea dirigido por Mohamed y Petra. Este curso se enfoca en enseñar a los principiantes las fundamentas del baile de Bachata, asegurando que los estudiantes puedan bailar de manera social en poco tiempo gracias a un método probado durante más de 10 años y compartido en congresos internacionales de Bachata.
El curso se destaca por su enfoque en tanto aprender a bailar como sentirse bien y progresar en el baile. También se menciona que los instructores son pasionados danzantes y educadores, y que están comprometidos con el crecimiento de sus estudiantes tanto en lo que respecta al baile como a su bienestar personal.
Los testimonios de estudiantes anteriores resaltan la paciencia y bondad del instructor Mohamed, así como el impacto positivo que tienen ambos instructores en su comunidad de baile.
El curso parece ser accesible para personas de diferentes niveles de habilidad y estilos de aprendizaje, ofreciendo un repositorio de música Bachata y recursos adicionales que complementan el aprendizaje.
Si estás interesado en este curso, parece ser una excelente oportunidad para comenzar a bailar Bachata, ya sea por tu cuenta o con un compañero de baile. Los instructores prometen guiarte paso a paso y ofrecerte consejos valiosos que te ayudarán a sentirte vivo en el ritmo de la música y cómodo en la pista de baile.
Es importante recordar que el aprendizaje de un nuevo arte, como el baile, requiere tiempo, paciencia y dedicación. Con la guía de Mohamed y Petra, parece que estás en buenas manos para comenzar este viaje musical y emocional.
¡Disfruta el proceso de aprendizaje y baila con alegría!

Our review
🌟 Overall Course Review
The online Bachata for Beginners course has received a high commendation from its students, earning an impressive global rating of 4.50 out of 5 stars. The recent reviews consistently highlight the effectiveness of the course, the expertise and warmth of the instructors, and the practicality of the content for new dancers.
Engaging and Expert Instructors: Students have praised Mohamed and Petra for their exceptional teaching skills, charismatic energy, and dedication to their students. Their mastery in Bachata dancing is evident, and they convey a genuine sense of goodness and commitment to their craft.
Ease of Reproduction and Use: The course materials are designed to be easily reproducible and user-friendly, allowing students to enhance their dance moves on the dancefloor. This feature has been particularly appreciated by those looking to enrich their dancing skills.
Structured Learning for Beginners: The curriculum is structured in a way that caters specifically to beginners, ensuring that students feel comfortable learning at their own pace without feeling overwhelmed.
Improved Confidence and Social Interaction: Many learners have reported significant improvements not just in their dancing but also in their confidence when social dancing Bachata. The course has helped them connect with a local dance community and has made the experience of dancing socially more enjoyable and less intimidating.
Positive Community Feedback: The feedback from the dance community has been overwhelmingly positive, indicating that the skills taught by Mohamed and Petra are well-received and effective in real-world settings.
While the course is designed for beginners, advanced dancers might find it too basic and may seek additional challenges or content beyond what is offered here.
Some students may require more variation in the exercises and combinations provided to keep the learning process fresh and engaging throughout the course.
In summary, this Bachata for Beginners course has been highly successful in delivering quality instruction and fostering a positive learning environment. The feedback from students across various levels of experience reinforces the effectiveness of Mohamed and Petra's teaching method, making it an excellent choice for those looking to start their journey into the world of Bachata dance.