Kotlin & Java: Learn Kotlin and Java With This Course

Kotlin and Java together, learn java programming and kotlin for android development from beginner to advanced level |A-Z

4.35 (44 reviews)
Programming Languages
Kotlin & Java: Learn Kotlin and Java With This Course
14.5 hours
Apr 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Kotlin Programming Language

What is Kotlin

Kotlin Android Fundamentals

Java Development Kit - JDK

Android Studio

Variables in Android Kotlin

Kotlin Data Types

Type Conversions in kotlin for android

Arrays in The complete Android Kotlin Developer Course

Operators in android app development kotlin

Control Flow Statements

Loops in Android App Development

All concepts of Object-Oriented Programming

kotlin java

Kotlin is popular for both Android developers and Java developers.

Whether you want to learn Kotlin in order to build your next Android app, or simply need an introduction to language.

Kotlin is a statically-typed, general purpose programming language used to develop for the Java Virtual Machine and Android devices

Kotlin is an amalgamation of the object-oriented and functional programming paradigms and can also be compiled to JavaScript source code.

android studio kotlin

kotlin for java developers

java kotlin

Proficiency in Java 11

Obtain Core Java skills

Essential Java basics

What Java is and how it works

Programming fundamentals with Java

Java Development Kit - JDK

You will learn to develop games using Java Programming Language and Android Studio

Java is a programming language and platform initially developed by Sun Microsystems and now owned by Oracle.

Java is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language, which means concepts or things are represented as “objects” that have data fields and methods.

Java is a very versatile language. Several fields use Java, including Android app development, desktop applications that work on many operating systems, server.


java programming


selenium java

java projects

Oracle, the owner of the Java programming language, has the Oracle Certified Developer: Java SE 11 Developer program, which is easily the best certification.

Java is a very popular language and has been for over 20 years. Because of its popularity, it’s built up a huge range of frameworks, toolkits, tutorials.

Java developers have a huge number of career opportunities. Another pro of Java is platform independence.

Java and JavaScript don’t have a lot in common, apart from the word Java. They are different languages, each with strengths and weaknesses.

Why take this course?

Hey there,

Welcome to the "Kotlin & Java: Learn Kotlin and Java With This Course" course.

Kotlin is popular for both Android developers and Java developers. Whether you want to learn Kotlin in order to build your next Android app, or simply need an introduction to language, Udemy has a top-rated course to help you achieve your goals.

Kotlin is a very new and up-to-date programming language. Kotlin android is accepted by Google as the official language for Android development. Therefore, it is a language that everyone who wants to be an android developer should know. In this course, we teach Kotlin programming language from beginner to advanced level, considering the importance of Kotlin.

Kotlin is a statically-typed, general purpose programming language used to develop for the Java Virtual Machine and Android devices. Kotlin is an amalgamation of the object-oriented and functional programming paradigms and can also be compiled to JavaScript source code.

OAK Academy’s top-rated Java instructors specialize in a wide array of Java programming practices. Whether you need a basic introduction to Java and website building using Selenium WebDriver, or are continuing your Android app developer education, OAK has you covered.

Learn core Java Programming with this core Java course. This java programming course will take you a more experienced level

This Selenium Java Programming online course is one of the most awesome OAK Academy courses which teach step by step and follow the methodology in introducing concepts and demos ( learn by doing ) to the students so that they can learn with ease Java Projects and learn the core java skills needed to apply for Java developer positions.

If you don't know anything about the Kotlin and Java and you want to improve yourself, this course is for you.

In this course, you will learn;

· What Kotlin is and how it works,

· Programming Fundamentals with Kotlin,

· Android Studio

· Java Development Kit – JDK

· Variables in android kotlin

· Kotlin Data Types

· Arrays in kotlin for android

· Operators in android app development kotlin

· Control Flow Statements

· Loops in android studio kotlin

· Functions

· Kotlin for java developers

· All Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming such as Class, Object, Constructor, Encapsulation, Inheritance etc.

· What Java is and how it works,

· Programming Fundamentals with Java,

· Eclipse

· Java Development Kit - JDK,

· Java Runtime Environment – JRE,

· Java Virtual Machine - JVM

· All Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming

· How To Use ‘Static’ Keyword and ‘Nested and Inner’ Classes

· Super Classes and Sub Classes

· Strings,

· Wrapper Classes,

· Throw and Throws

· Exceptions,

· Swing

· Layouts and Grid Layout

· Enum Types and more

At the end of this course, you will learn the Kotlin and Java programming languages in all details and you will have the necessary programming language knowledge to be a good Kotlin and Java developer.

What is Java?

Java is a programming language and platform initially developed by Sun Microsystems and now owned by Oracle. Java is inspired by C and C++ and uses an object-oriented programming model, which means that concepts or things are represented as “objects” that have data fields and methods. One of the biggest advantages of Java is that it runs on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), meaning that you can execute Java code on any platform that has a JVM, without re-compilation. This is different from C and C++, which require re-compilation for every hardware platform you execute the code on. Java has many other advantages, including automatic memory management. This eliminates hard-to-understand pointers used in languages like C, which can help Java developers write better code in a shorter period of time.

What does it mean that Java is an object-oriented programming language?

Java is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language, which means concepts or things are represented as “objects” that have data fields and methods. In object-oriented programming, models called “objects” represent either a programming entity or an abstract concept. These objects are created and assembled independently of one another but can work with each other in logical ways. Objects are manifestations of classes and can inherit code allowing for code re-use, which can drastically reduce code duplication if used correctly. Additionally, encapsulation, another core OOP concept, allows you to create code with the implementation hidden. Although, in many cases, writing OOP code in Java (and other OOP languages) can take longer than using a procedural language, the benefits obtained with OOP, namely code reusability, encapsulation of data, and readability of code, often result in code that is easier to maintain in the long run.

What is Java used for?

Java is a very versatile language. Several fields use Java, including Android app development, desktop applications that work on many operating systems, server-side applications, and more. The virtual machine required to run Java programs has been ported to numerous operating systems allowing Java to run on virtually all hardware. According to the TIOBE index, Java has consistently been in the top 3 most-used and popular languages since its initial release in the 1990s. Many developers still consider Java the language of choice in areas such as enterprise and application servers, and even in embedded systems development. Many Fortune 500 companies rely on Java to run their core systems and employers often view Java experience on a résumé as favorable due to its popularity.

What certification is best for Java?

Oracle, the owner of the Java programming language, has the Oracle Certified Developer: Java SE 11 Developer program, which is easily the best certification to obtain for Java developers. The main reason why it’s the best certification, is, unlike most other certifications for Java, the Oracle certification is both well known and universally accepted by employers all over the world. The exam is challenging. You also must bring an ID with you to the exam, so you cannot get anyone to take it for you. Certification is really valuable for both the certification holder and for future employers. There are few, if any, other certification programs so universally accepted as Oracle’s Java certification. Thus, getting Java certification is one of the surest ways to give yourself an advantage over other job seekers in the marketplace.

What are the pros and cons of java?
is a very popular language and has been for over 20 years. Because of its popularity, it’s built up a huge range of frameworks, toolkits, tutorials, and support. Not to mention, Java developers have a huge number of career opportunities. Another pro of Java is platform independence. A wide variety of computer hardware and operating systems can use Java. Java is also relatively easy to learn and relatively secure. Java runs on its own virtual machine, via byte-code. When compared to traditional languages like C++ that compile to native machine code, Java’s performance can be slower for applications that are time-critical. Java code is verbose and requires much more code to achieve the same functionality compared to languages such as Python. Overall, developers will likely continue to use Java for many years to come because of its popularity and huge adoption.

Should ı learn java or python first?
It’s always difficult to advise someone which language to learn first. Any decision should be based on your longer-term goals. Do you want to learn a language, fast? If so, Python is probably quicker to learn; it has less formality and is often just more fun to learn. Are you coming from another programming language like C# or C++? If so, Java is similar, so you would probably learn Java faster compared to a language like Python, which does things very differently. For example, Python has indentation instead of curly braces. The choice of Java vs Python might come down to the languages’ ability to meet certain goals. For example, if you want to create an Android application, Java is best. Python is not used to write Android applications. Both languages are very popular, offer great career opportunities, and you can learn either in a relatively short period of time.

What is the best IDE for Java?
When comparing the top three Java IDEs — Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ IDEA — NetBeans tends to be the strongest all-around candidate. First released in 1997, it has a significant body of documentation and a thriving community. You can easily develop mobile, desktop, and web applications with the help of its cross-platform support and visual debugger. Ultimately, though, the best IDE is whichever you're most comfortable using. Many developers prefer to use Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA because their tools better-align with their workflow. For instance, Eclipse supports application development for a variety of languages through plugins. It also has advanced features for reporting, charting, modeling, and testing. IntelliJ IDEA has both a licensed version and a proprietary commercial version. It has some advanced, powerful features like data flow analysis and cross-language refactoring, but it will also be more expensive than Eclipse or NetBeans.

Are Java and Javascript the same thing?
and JavaScript don’t have a lot in common, apart from the word Java. They are different languages, each with strengths and weaknesses. Netscape created JavaScript in 1996. Sun Microsystems created Java in 1991, with the first version released in 1995. Netscape then added Java to the name JavaScript as a marketing ploy to piggyback on the success of the Java language. JavaScript is primarily used in a web browser to make web pages more interactive (web-based applications) whereas Java is used to create standalone applications to run on single computers and servers. Both languages share a similar syntax based on C, but JavaScript is a lightweight language and Java is an object-oriented language with its own virtual machine.

Why would you want to take this course?

Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching.

OAK Academy based in London is an online education company. OAK Academy gives education in the field of IT, Software, Design, development in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish and a lot of different languages on the Udemy platform where it has over 1000 hours of video education lessons. OAK Academy both increase its education series number by publishing new courses, and it makes students aware of all the innovations of already published courses by upgrading.

When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers expertise. Questions sent by students to our instructors are answered by our instructors within 48 hours at the latest.

Fresh Content

It’s no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New tools are released every day, and it’s crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge for being a better developer. You will always have up-to-date content for this course at no extra charge.

You will learn the core Kotlin & Java skills step by step with hands-on examples. If you are from the field and need a refresher this course will be a guide for you, too. Every time you come back to this course you will learn something new or improve yourself.



Introduction to Java
JAVA Project Files and Course Documents
FAQ regarding Java Programming

Environment Setup for Java

Installing Java on Windows
Installing Java on Linux
Installing Java on Mac

Development Environment for Java Programming

What is IDE?
Download and Run Eclipse
First Java Programming - Hello World
Compiling and Running Applications
Closer Look at the First Java Program

Basics of Java Syntax

Closer Look at the Java
What Are Variables?
Basic Output in java
Basic Input in Java Programming
Comments in Java
Data Types for Core Java
Type Conversion & Type Casting
Stack & Heap

Operators in Java Programming

Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
Unary Operators
Equality and Relational Operators
Conditional Operators
Operator Precedence
Expressions, Statements and Blocks

Control Flow Statements

If, If-Else Statement
If-Else - If Ladder Statement, Nested If Statement
Switch-Case Statement
Project 1: Calculator
For Loops
For-Each Loop
While Loop
Do - While Loop
Break Keyword
Continue Keyword
Return Keyword
Java Project 2: Fibonacci Series

Methods ( Functions )

What is Method?
Method Calling
Types of Methods & Method Return Types
Method Overloading
Java Project 3: Find Exponential Number

Java Object Oriented Concept

Object & Class
Access Modifiers
Naming Conventions
“Static” Keyword
Nested & Inner Classes

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Method Overriding
“Super” and “This” Keywords
“Final” Keyword
Abstract Classes

Wrapper Classes, Auto-Boxing and Unboxing

What is Wrapper Class in Java?
Conversion of Types
Autoboxing - UnBoxing


What is String?
Useful Methods of String
Why String is Immutable?
StringBuffer Class
StringBuilder Class
String vs String Buffer vs String Builder
Project 4: Reverse String

Exception Handling

Intro to Exception
What Is The Difference Between Error and Exception?
Exception Types
Try – Catch Block
Finally Block
Differences Between "Throw" and "Throws"
Throw Keyword
Throws Keyword
Exception Methods
Project 5: Bank Account Balance

Java Desktop Application Design (Swing)

Introduction to Java Swing
Swing Containers, Labels, Text Fields and Buttons
Java Project 6: Login Form in Swing

Enum Types

Enum Types
Java Project 7: Traffic Lights Program With Enum

Introduction to Kotlin Programming For Android Developers

Kotlin Overview
Android Ecosystem
Basic Programming Terms
Project Files
Documents for Kotlin

Environment Setup in Android Studio Kotlin

Java Development Kit (JDK) Installation
Android Studio Installation - Part 1
Android Studio Installation - Part 2
Android Studio Interface

Fundamentals of Kotlin

First Kotlin Program
Variables in Kotlin
Data Types in Android Kotlin
Type Conversions
String Data Types
Arrays in android app (kotlin)


Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
Unary Operators
Equality and Relational Operators in ktln
Conditional Operators in kotlin
Operator Precedence in Kotlin
The “rangeTo()” Function and “in” operator
Console Input

Control Flow Statements in Kotlin

If-Else Statement
If-Else - If Ladder Statement, Nested If Statement
Kotlin: When Statement


Kotlin: For and For Each Loops
Kotlin: While and Infinite Loop
Kotlin: Do-While Loop


Kotlin: Functions
Types of Functions

Kotlin: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Object and Class in Kotlin
Access (Visibility) Modifiers
Naming Convention
Constructor - Part 1
Constructor - Part 2
Function Overriding
Abstract Classes


Kotlin & Java: Learn Kotlin and Java With This Course - Screenshot_01Kotlin & Java: Learn Kotlin and Java With This Course - Screenshot_02Kotlin & Java: Learn Kotlin and Java With This Course - Screenshot_03Kotlin & Java: Learn Kotlin and Java With This Course - Screenshot_04



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