
Befreiung von negativen Gefühlen, Sorgen und Angststörungen

Kathmandu Retreat: Buddhistische Übung für ein Angst- und Stressfreies Leben

4.79 (35 reviews)
Personal Transformation
Befreiung von negativen Gefühlen, Sorgen und Angststörungen
3 hours
Jan 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Negative Gefühle erkennen und in positive zu verwandeln.

Die Last von den Schultern beseitigen und damit frei von Ängsten und Sorgen leben.

Beruhigung von nagende Gedanken, die tagsüber stören oder einen nachts wach halten.

Sorgen und innere Unruhe erkennen und loslassen

Emotionale Probleme und Schwierigkeiten lindern.

Die Ursachen für Schwierigkeiten in Beziehungen verstehen und beseitigen.

Sich von Ängsten und Sorgen befreien, die unser Leben belasten.

Why take this course?

🌄 Kathmandu Retreat: Buddhistische Übung für ein Angst- und Stressfreies Leben 🌈

Entdeckung Ihrer inneren Ruhe:

Eine bewährte Methode:

Eine traditionelle Technik, die über Generationen vererbt wurde:

Beyond Meditation:

Lerne die Technik bei mir, Ralf Eisend:

Tritt in den Ruhestand deiner Psyche ein:

Inhalte des Kurses:

  • Einführung in die Technik: Grundlagen und Hintergrundwissen zur Praxis.
  • Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung: Detaillierte Erklärungen, wie du die Übung anwendest.
  • Übungssequenzen: Praktische Sitzungen, um das Gelernte zu festigen.
  • Persönliche Rückmeldung: Ihre Fragen beantwortet und individuelle Herausforderungen berücksichtigt.
  • Anpassung an deine Bedürfnisse: Tipps, wie du die Praxis in den Alltag integrieren kannst.

Viel Spaß beim Kurs!

🌱 Beginne heute und schenke deiner Psyche das Gift der Stille und des Wohlbefindens. 🌱


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Our review

Overall Course Rating: 4.65/5

Review Summary:

This course has received high praise from its participants, with many expressing profound emotional and spiritual experiences. The integration of Tibetan sounds, visualization techniques, and Buddhist teachings have been particularly effective for stress relief, understanding the nature of inner demons, and finding a sense of peace and clarity. The course has been highly rated for its innovative approach to addressing personal challenges, especially in managing stress, depression, and anxiety.

Key Pros:

  • Deep Emotional Impact: Participants report a profound emotional experience, with some describing it as life-changing.
  • Clear and Effective Techniques: The course is praised for its clear guidance and the practical nature of its exercises.
  • Spiritual Growth: Many users have found the course helpful in understanding their inner self, including confronting fears and visualizing personal growth.
  • Comprehensive Approach: The combination of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice is appreciated for providing a holistic experience.
  • Positive Transformation: Several reviews highlight the transformative power of the course, helping individuals to find solutions where other methods failed.
  • Engaging Content: The use of Tibetan sounds and local Buddhist activities adds an engaging dimension to the learning experience.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Clarity in Structure: Some users suggest that a clearer separation between theory and practice, along with downloadable materials for exercises, would enhance the course.
  • Course Content Preference: A few participants felt there was too much focus on the theoretical aspects at the expense of more practical exercises, indicating a personal preference for more direct application through practices.
  • Accessibility of Materials: There is a request for more accessible materials, such as a downloadable guide for the exercises, to support learners outside of the course environment.


  • "Danke für den tollen Kurs, er ist wirklich beeindruckend..." This review highlights the impact of the course, with the participant expressing a newfound sense of peace and a better understanding of their inner demons.

  • "Wow, ich habe gerade Tag 4 beendet und bin überwältigt von der Kraft dieser Übung..." This testament speaks to the transformative power of the course, with a detailed account of a personal journey through confronting fear and experiencing profound spiritual growth.

  • "Ich habe diesen Kurs wirklich genossen..." The participant appreciates the creative approach and the visualization of inner demons and allies as a particularly enjoyable aspect of the course.

  • "Der Kurs beim Stressabbau sehr geholfen hat..." This review indicates the practical benefits of the course, especially in applying Buddhist teachings to manage stress and find inner peace.

  • "Guter Kurs..." Although this participant found the course helpful for stress relief, they expressed a preference for more exercises.

  • "Eins der TOP 10 Kurse..." This glowing review underscores the high value placed on this course among users who have experienced significant personal growth and development.

In conclusion, this course stands out as an effective and transformative experience for those seeking to address stress, anxiety, and personal challenges through a combination of Buddhist principles and practical exercises. It is highly recommended for individuals looking for alternative methods to achieve mental clarity and emotional well-being.



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Enrollment distribution

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