ConnectionPool, Transaction, DAO

What you will learn
JDBC, ConnectionPool, Transactions, DAO
Why take this course?
🚀 Курс JDBC: ConnectionPool, Transaction, DAO
🎓 **Инструкторы: Dzianis Matveyenka_
🎉 Вот что ждет вас на курсе:
Основы курса:
- **Предпосылка знаний: Комфортно осведомые про Java Core, владеем основными принципами SQL и знакомы с хотя бы одной реляционной базой данных.
- **Язык обучения: Java и JDBC._
- **База данных: PostgreSQL._
- **Инструмент разработки: IntelliJ IDEA._
Ключевые моменты курса:
✅ Работа с базами данных:
- Изучение механизмов отправки DDL и DML запросов из Java приложений.
- Различия между классами
и их эффективное использование. - Понимание роли и настройки JDBC драйвера в Java приложении без Maven/Gradle.
✅ Конфигурация соединения:
- Работа с
файлом для управления настройками подключения к базе данных.
✅ Транзакции и ACID:
- Понимание транзакций, их роли и уровней изоляции.
- Изучение принципов ACID и его важности в работе с базами данных.
✅ Оптимизация запросов:
- Настройка параметров запросов, таких как
fetch size
,batch size
✅ Connection Pool:
- Практическое применение и значение использования Connection Pool в Java.
✅ DAO (Data Access Object):
- Понимание и реализация шаблона проектирования DAO для улучшения и модулизации доступа к данным.
📚 **Почему это важно:
- Важность Connection Pool: Особенно в приложениях с высокой нагрузкой, он предотвращает избыточное создание и закрытие соединений с базой данных, что уменьшает нагрузку на сервер и повышает производительность.
- DAO в реальном мире: Шаблон DAO используется во многих современных Java-приложениях, чтобы обеспечить абстракцию слоя доступа к данным, что делает код более читаемым и легким для поддержки.
🚀 Присоединяйтесь к курсу JDBC: ConnectionPool, Transaction, DAO и переместите свои навыки Java разработки на новый уровень с Dzianis Matveyenka! 🚀
Our review
🏆 Global Course Rating: 5.00
The course has received an overwhelmingly positive response from all recent reviewers. Below is a synthesized overview of the course, including its strengths and areas where it excels, as well as some minor points that could be improved.
Strengths of the Course:
Clear and Effective Instruction: The instructor delivers the content in a clear, articulate manner, speaking distinctly without any noticeable speech impediments or errors. This makes for a pleasant listening experience.
Structured Content: The course is well-structured, starting from basic concepts and gradually moving towards more complex topics. There are no abrupt jumps in difficulty, which facilitates easier comprehension and learning.
Comprehensive Coverage: The course covers the basics of SQL, not just focusing on JDBC API as it is also covered in a separate course by the author. This ensures that learners have a solid foundation before diving into more advanced topics.
Actionable Learning Path: The course provides clear guidance on what to study and how to progress, with knowledge presented in a structured and interconnected manner.
Best Practices: The author demonstrates best practices and uses real code examples while explaining the nuances, which is particularly valuable for those who have some prior knowledge of JDBC but lacked a comprehensive understanding.
Detail-Oriented Approach: Particularly in Section 3, the course delves into how ORM frameworks operate under the hood, offering a valuable learning experience.
Recommended for Beginners and Intermediate Learners: The course is ideal for beginners and those with intermediate knowledge who wish to deepen their understanding of JDBC and database connectivity in Java applications.
Areas for Improvement:
More Detailed Explanations: Some reviewers suggested that certain aspects were explained too briefly and could have benefited from more detailed explanations.
Supplementary Materials: A few reviewers recommended supplementing the course with additional resources, such as a book or an overview, to enhance the learning experience and make the initial study phase more effective.
Overall Verdict:
This course is highly recommended for anyone looking to understand JDBC and database connectivity in Java applications. The positive reviews and high global rating are a testament to its effectiveness in conveying complex concepts in a clear and structured manner. Whether you're new to the topic or looking to solidify your existing knowledge, this course offers valuable insights and practical examples that will help you become a proficient backend developer.


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