QUICKLY Become a JAZZY CHORDS Master (Guitar)
Mix Sexy Chords into YOUR Favorite Rock & Pop Songs + Effortlessly Play Jazz and Any Other Beautiful, Advanced Song
4.50 (146 reviews)

10 831
7 hours
Mar 2025
last update
regular price
What you will learn
You will finally be able to EFFORTLESSLY play all the most beautiful chord types and chord shapes - which will bring exciting new sounds fro your guitar.
You will be able to play any jazz song, and any songs from other advanced genres.
You will enrich your repertoire with a bunch of vibrant, fun-to-play, jazzy-funky versions of famous songs - that you will deeply learn in the course.
You will be able to breathe new life in your favorite rock & pop songs by substituting simple chords with fancy-sounding chords.
You will never need to click the "simplify" button again on chord sheets - because you will be familiar with advanced chord types as well.
SONGWRITERS - You will enjoy a massive inspiration boost, and be able to write songs that are WAY more colorful and more interesting.
You will learn & understand the theory behind advanced chords. (In a straightforward, succinct way)
Extra: Enjoy the 8 Guitar Songs Masters fancy e-books on various guitar topics that'll help improve your music life.
Extra: Beautiful, printable songbook with 110+ of the most fun-to-play guitar songs of all time - so you'll have songs to practice your new techniques on.
Why take this course?
🚀 Course Title: Quickly Become a Jazz Chords Master (Guitar)
🎶 Course Headline: Mix Sexy Chords into YOUR Favorite Rock & Pop Songs + Effortlessly Play Jazz and Any Other Beautiful, Advanced Song!
🌟 Course Description:
🎵 Join Now: Embark on your journey to jazz mastery with Quickly Become a Jazz Chords Master (Guitar) and transform your guitar playing forever. 🎸
Bonus Materials:
- The Complete Guitar Chords Cheat-Book
- 11 Guitar Practice Tips for Speedy Improvement
- My Secret Songbooks Link-Bank: Get Access to 7 Songbooks with 5000+ Songs
- 9 Cool Ways to Customize Your Guitar
- Improve Your Sense of Rhythm Cheat-Sheet
- The 13 Best Guitar Accessories That You'll Need
- Plus, a link to the top guitar blogs and courses by Guitar Songs Masters for continued learning and inspiration.
🛣️ Take the first step towards jazz virtuosity today! 🌟

Our review
Positive Feedback:
- Students appreciate the clear and logical structure of the course.
- The course is praised for its high-quality lessons, effective pace, and helpful resources like e-books and links.
- The teaching style and approach are considered inspiring, creative, and technically competent.
- Some students have found the course particularly beneficial for understanding jazz chord theory and applying it to their playing.
- The exercises provided in the course are immensely helpful and wrap up the learning effectively.
- The course is described as the best on Udemy, with a wide range of resources that are considered pure gold.
- The course helps in improving musical skills and offers shortcuts to enhance guitar playing abilities.
- A student expresses gratitude for the knowledge shared and recommends the course.
Critical Feedback:
- A musician with extensive experience criticizes the course for not delivering on its promise based on its title and description. He expected a more focused approach on learning jazz chords and their applications, but felt the course unnecessarily applied funky techniques to classic jazz songs, which he believes distorts the original spirit and feel of these standards.
- The student points out that the course content is dominated by funky versions of songs, rather than the promised jazz content. He suggests that if the course were to focus more on translating songs from various genres into funky, it would be better suited as a separate course.
- He notes that only about 17% of the total course time is spent on non-funky versions of songs, and the majority (85%) is dedicated to funky style adaptations.
- The student Juraj Ruppeldt from Prague, Czech Republic, rates the course at no more than 30%.
General Feedback:
- The course is highly recommended by students who have found it very helpful and clear in approaching guitar playing.
Technical Notes:
- Some videos in the course have a low volume, which could potentially impact the learning experience for students with different hearing capabilities.
Overall Impression:
- The overall impression of the course is one of high regard for its content, teaching style, and approach to guitar playing. Despite some shortcomings, the course is still considered valuable by many students who have completed it. In summary, while the course "Jazz Blues: Mastering Funk Chords on Guitar" by Alon Gur Ze' is highly regarded for its creative and technical competence, theory application resources, pacing, and helpful exercises, there are concerns regarding the promise of focusing exclusively on jazz blues techniques without unnecessary incorporation of funky techniques into classic jazz blues songs. Students who are looking for a comprehensive understanding of jazz blues chords and their applications into various genres of music, especially in the context of jazz blues, may find this course to be somewhat misleading in its current form and title. It is suggested that if the course were to be more focused on teaching funky techniques separately, it would likely be received better by students interested in learning about funky techniques specifically. Overall, the course is seen as a valuable resource for guitar players who are interested in jazz blues chords, despite some issues with volume levels and potential areas of improvement.
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