Endereçamento IPv4 e Cálculo de Sub-Redes
Aprenda a calcular as temidas sub-redes com sucesso!

What you will learn
Entenderá a estrutura do endereçamento IPv4
Passo a Passo para o calculo de sub-redes de forma fácil e sem erros!
Why take this course?
🌐 Curso Completo: Endereçamento IPv4 e Cálculo de Sub-Redes 🎓 För quem está buscando dominar o universo dos endereços IPv4 e entender como calcular as sub-redes que tornam nossas redes funcionarem de forma eficiente, este curso é para você! Aprenda com Breno Andrade, um especialista reconhecido no campo de redes e comunicação.
O Que Você Envordeiará?
- 🔍 Fundamentos do IPv4: Entenda o propósito e a importância do protocolo IPv4, mesmo em um mundo cada vez mais dominado pelo IPv6.
- 🌍 Cobertura Global: Aprenda como o IPv4 ainda é fundamental para a infraestrutura global de Internet e como ele será integrado ao longo do tempo com o IPv6.
- 📉 Estatísticas Atuais: Veja as últimas estatísticas sobre a adoção do IPv6 e compreenda a relevância continuada do IPv4.
- 🛠️ Técnicas de Cálculo: Domine os métodos para calcular sub-redes, determinar intervalos de IPs, identificar endereços de rede e broadcast, configurar máscaras de sub-rede e muito mais.
O Que Este Curso Oferece?
- 🖥️ Conhecimentos Práticos: Previna desperdício de endereços IPv4 e utilize a rede de maneira otimizada com as técnicas corretas de cálculo.
- ✅ Exercícios Práticos: Coloque o que aprendeu em prática com exercícios desafiadores e reforçe seu entendimento.
- 📚 Recursos Exclusivos: Ganhe acesso a materiais adicionais para consulta, incluindo tabelas de CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing), exemplos e casos de uso reais.
- 🤔 Dúvidas Respondidas: Diga adeus às incertezas! Tire suas dúvidas com uma seção dedicada para interações e esclarecimentos.
E o Mais Importante? Este curso é projetado para ser acessível e compreensível, mesmo para iniciantes. Com Breno Andrade como seu guia, você não estará só na jornada de aprendizagem; ele estará ao seu lado, garantindo que você domine o endereçamento IPv4 e os cálculos de sub-rede com confiança.
🗓️ Data de Início: [Inserir data] 🚀 Prepare-se para se tornar um especialista em endereçamento IPv4! Inscreva-se agora e dê o primeiro pass rumo à dominação das redes IPv4!
Our review
🌟 Course Review for IPv4 and Subnetting 🌟
The course has garnered a high rating of 4.05, with all recent reviews being positive. The consensus among the learners is that the course content is well-explained, covering essential topics such as Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM) and Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR), which are highly relevant for anyone looking to learn or reinforce their knowledge in networking.
- Clear and Comprehensive Content: The course effectively communicates complex concepts like IPv4 addressing and subnetting, making them understandable for students at all levels.
- Excellent Teaching Methods: The instructor is praised for their didactic approach to teaching, which has helped learners overcome confusion about the subject matter.
- Practical Application: Learners have found the practical examples and real-world applications to be very useful in understanding the material.
- Engaging Presentation: The course's format is engaging and facilitates learning, with several reviews highlighting the instructor's ability to keep students interested and involved.
- Well-Rounded Coverage: The course covers all fundamental aspects of IPv4 addressing, including subnetting, VLSM, and CIDR, ensuring that learners are well-equipped to tackle network design challenges.
- Skilled Instructor: The instructor's deep knowledge of the subject is evident, and their ability to transmit this knowledge effectively has been a key factor in the course's success.
- Practical Exercises Suggestion: A few learners pointed out that having the instructor solve subnetting calculations on video would further clarify complex concepts and enhance the learning experience.
- Advanced Scenarios: One reviewer suggested including a more detailed example regarding IP address range definitions, particularly when dealing with a broken subnet mask (e.g., a mask).
Additional Feedback
- Real-World Impact: Several learners mentioned that the course has had a significant impact on their understanding of IPv4, which in some cases has also positively influenced their performance in other, more traditional educational settings.
- Confidence Building: Many students reported a marked improvement in confidence when it comes to network design and IP addressing after completing the course.
The IPv4 and Subnetting course is highly recommended based on its positive reception by learners across various skill levels. The course's effectiveness lies in its clear, practical, and well-structured approach to teaching complex networking concepts. While there is a suggestion for more hands-on video examples, the overall feedback indicates that this course has successfully helped students gain a solid understanding of IPv4 and subnetting, with many praising the instructor's ability to demystify the subject matter.
For those interested in enhancing their knowledge of network architecture or preparing for networking certifications, this course appears to be an excellent resource. The positive impact on both academic performance and real-world application underscores its value as a learning tool.