
Instagram Marketing: Instagram A-Z für Einsteiger

Lerne Instagram Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Stories, Reels, Social Media, Instagram Wachstumstipps & Fallstudien

4.23 (540 reviews)
Social Media Marketing
Instagram Marketing: Instagram A-Z für Einsteiger
4 904
19.5 hours
Oct 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Wie du mit Instagram duchstarten kannst

Wie du Grafiken und Videos für Instagram erstellst

Wie du in kurzer Zeit deine eigene Instagram Marke aufbauen kannst

Wie du deine optimale Zielgruppe exakt eingrenzt und erreichst

Wie du professionellen Text und Hashtags nutzen kannst, um schneller zu wachsen

Wie du in wenigen Schritten dein Profil optimieren kannst

Wie du Instagram Live und IGTV erfolgreich nutzt

Du lernst meine persönlichen Strategien für mehr Engagement & Call-to-Action kennen

Baue dir von 0 an dein eigenes profitables Instagram Business auf

Livestreams, Reels & IGTV auf Instagram meistern lernen

Instagram Story Hacks und Tricks & Tipps um auf Instagram schneller zu wachsen

Instagram Keywords finden mit simplen Tools

Komplette Fallstudie mit Instagram Theme-Pages

Inklusive 29 Canva-Vorlagen für Instagram Posts/ Stories/ Reels

Why take this course?

🎉 Instagram Marketing: Instagram A-Z für Einsteiger 📚

Ein Vorblick auf Deinen Weg zum Instagram-Erfolg:

Der große Instagram-Marketing-Leitfaden:

Erstelle Grafiken und Videos für Instagram:

Kreativität mit KI: AI & ChatGPT im Social Media:

Von Null zum Instagram-Profi:

Ein Einladung zum Lernen und Wachstum:

Zeig dir keinen Respekt vor dem Fortschritt: 🌟 Lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Instagram als wertvoller Marketing-Plattform arbeiten können. 🚀 Nutzen Sie die Kraft von AI und ChatGPT, um Ihre Social-Media-Strategie zu verfeinern. 🤝 Bauen Sie eine Community auf, die Deine Marke unterstützt und fördert. 🎉 Erleben Sie den Moment, als Ihr Instagram Account zum Geschäftswerkzeug wird.

Dein Weg beginnt hier! 🚀

Melde dich jetzt für den Kurs an und erweise Dir selbst und Deine Unternehmensideen dem Licht der Öffentlichkeit auf Instagram! Werde zum Einsteiger, der alle Tricks des Instagram-Marketings beherrscht – mit Tobias an Deiner Seite.


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Our review

Overall Course Rating: 4.27


  • Comprehensive Content: The course offers a wide range of information, from basics to more advanced topics, suitable for both beginners and those with prior knowledge. (Multiple reviews)
  • High Quality Explanations: The material is well-explained, with clear language, precise formulations, and an approachable pace that makes it easy to follow. (Several reviews)
  • Engaging and Informative: The content is not only informative but also engaging, often featuring a relaxed tone and enjoyable delivery that makes learning more pleasurable. (Numerous reviews)
  • Real-world Examples: The course includes practical examples and personal anecdotes which help to clarify concepts and provide context for application. (Several reviews)
  • Bonus Content: Additional material, such as explanations of tools like Canva, is found to be helpful and supplementary to the main content. (One review)
  • Step-by-step Approach: The course structure is described as clear, well-organized, and easy to follow from start to finish. (Several reviews)
  • Empowering for Beginners: For newcomers, the course is appreciated for starting from the basics and gradually building up knowledge in a way that's not overwhelming. (Several reviews)
  • Positive User Experience: The overall user experience is highly positive, with users appreciating the ease of learning and the satisfaction of understanding complex topics after multiple views. (One review)


  • Content Overlap: Some users find that the course covers topics that they were already familiar with, which may be seen as redundant unless one is new to Instagram or social media marketing as a whole. (Several reviews)
  • Pacing for Advanced Users: The pace of the course might be too slow for those who already have a good grasp of Instagram and its workings. (One review)
  • Some Content Outdated: A few users mention that certain content appears outdated, which could be a point of consideration for updating future iterations of the course. (One review)
  • Length and Repetition: Some learners feel that the course is too long and that some sections overlap, making it challenging to complete the entire curriculum without feeling overloaded or tested on repetitive material. (Two reviews)

Additional Notes:

  • The course is highly rated for its comprehensive nature, with a focus on both understanding the basics and mastering advanced techniques for Instagram marketing.
  • The teaching style and methodology are praised for being clear, calm, and engaging, with a voice and tempo that facilitate learning.
  • While the course is deemed very informative overall, it may be beneficial to offer different pathways based on the user's existing knowledge level.

Conclusion: The course is overwhelmingly well-received for its educational value and approachability, making it a strong recommendation for individuals of varying proficiency with Instagram. For beginners, the course offers an excellent foundation; for experienced users, there are practical tools and additional resources to enhance their skillset. However, some adjustments could be made to cater more effectively to learners at different stages in their Instagram journey, particularly by updating content and potentially streamlining the curriculum for those with prior knowledge.



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Enrollment distribution

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