【2025】Instagram Marketing Mastery ~インスタグラムマーケティングマスター講座~

What you will learn
Why take this course?
🌟 Instagram Marketing Mastery ~インスタグラムマーケティングマスター講座~ 🌟
- 特別プレゼント! 🎁 この講座に参加すると、電子書籍(121ページ)を無料でもれなくプレゼントいたします。このebookは、インスタグラムマーケティングとFacebookマーケティングの知識を同時に学べる内容で、あなたのスキルを一躍り上げるお手伝いになります。
インスタグラムのアルゴリズムとSEO対策 🧠 インスタの複雑なアルゴリズムやSEO対策をわかりやすく解説します。これにより、あなたの投稿が効果的に見られるように導かれます。
ハッシュタグの間違った使い方 🔍 「99%の日本人が知らない」ハッシュタグの間違った使い方を解明し、あなたの投稿における広告効果を最大化します。
見込み客への実際のアプローチ 🎯 「インスタでフォロワーを数人増やす方法」「インスタグラムで1日〇リスト集客したノウハウ」など、見込み客を集める実際の方法をご紹介します。
キャッチコピーに疲れたあなたへ 🛑 もう同じキャッチコピーが気になっている場合、この講座はそんなあなたに適しています。私たちは、見込み客を集めたりリストに追加したらどう連れて成約に至つかという重要なアンケージャインを中心に取り上げます。
質の高いフォロワーを目指す 🔝 数人多いフォロワーよりも、質的なフォロワーを重視し、あなたのビジネスやブランドに適切な人々とつながる方法を学びます。
広告集客のオーガニック代替手段 💫 「広告集客したいけど広告費の捻出が難しい」という状況でも、オーガニックリーチを通じて見込み客を集めることが可能です。この講座では、その戦略をお伝えします。
- 実践的な学習 👩🎤: 理論だけではなく、実際にInstagramを使ったマーケティング活動を行いながら学んでいきます。
- 世界トップクラスの知識 🏆: 専門家から得た最新の情報を提供し、あなたのマーケティング戦略を強化します。
- 個別のフィードバック 📢: 質問に対して個別のフィードバックを提供し、あなたの成長をサポートします。
Our review
Course Overview:
The global course rating for this course is 3.80, with recent reviews providing a nuanced view of the course's strengths and weaknesses. Below, we'll break down the various aspects of the course based on the feedback provided by the learners.
- Real-world Application: The content covered practical, easy-to-implement strategies that were directly applicable to real-world SNS marketing tasks. A particular highlight was the guidance on increasing the quality of followers, which was very insightful and actionable.
- Holistic Perspective: The course offered a broader perspective on social media strategy, emphasizing the importance of understanding human relationships and interpersonal dynamics in addition to technical skills.
- Insightful Content: The course provided valuable insights into the psyche behind successful SNS marketing tactics, evoking emotional responses that underscored the importance of genuine engagement over sheer numbers.
- Value in Basic Understanding: For beginners or those with a limited understanding of SNS marketing, the course would offer a solid foundation to build upon. The emphasize on the significance of acquiring basic knowledge was noted and appreciated.
- Outdated Content: Despite the course being advertised with updates slated for 2024, the content provided was considerably outdated, reflecting information from several years previous. This posed an issue as current practices in SNS marketing have evolved since then.
- Lack of Resources and External Links: A significant drawback mentioned by several learners was the absence of resources or links to external content that was frequently referenced during lectures. This oversight required additional research from the learners, which could have been mitigated if the instructor had included these links as promised.
- Miscommunication and Language Issues: The course was delivered by an instructor based in Canada, yet there were instances where the Japanese translation of the content was unclear. Expecting clear bilingual communication from a Japan-focused course is reasonable, and learners felt that this aspect could have been improved.
- Inconsistent Course Updates: Even though some aspects of the course were insightful and contemporary, there were inconsistencies in the course updates, with some sections lagging behind current trends.
The course presents a mix of valuable practical advice and theoretical insights into SNS marketing, particularly for beginners or those looking to refine their interpersonal strategies on social media. However, the course falls short in terms of staying up-to-date with the latest industry developments and providing the necessary supplementary resources that learners would expect from a specialized SNS marketing course. The feedback suggests that while the course has its merits, it may be beneficial for learners to seek out instructors with current experience and updated content for a more comprehensive learning experience.


Enrollment distribution