Instagram Fotografie von A-Z
Lerne wie du mit deinem Smartphone schönere Fotos für Instagram machen kannst

What you will learn
Grundlegende Regeln der Fotografie
Wie man Menschen, Produkte, Essen und Orte für Instagram fotografiert (mit dem Smartphone)
Wie man sich selber fotografiert (und dabei gut aussieht)
Verschiedene Möglichkeiten seinen Feed zu gestalten
Schnelle und einfache Bearbeitung der Fotos auf dem Smartphone
Why take this course?
🚀 Willkommen im Instagram-Fotografiekurs von Andreas Kowacsik! 📱✨
Kurzer Einblick: Lerne wie du mit deinem Smartphone schönere Fotos für Instagram machen kannst!
Was dich kümmert?
Was erwartet dich in dem Kurs?
Was unterscheidet diesen Kurs?
Wer ist dieser Kurs für?
Wer ist dieser Kurs NICHT für?
Jetzt ist der Zeitpunkt! 🍾
Transformiere deine Instagram-Konto in eine visuelle Wunderwelt mit authentischen und ansprechenden Fotos, die dir Fans und Aufmerksamkeit einbringen werden. 🌟
Meld dich jetzt an und lerne die Kunst der Instagram-Fotografie mit! 📲🎉
Verbunden mit praktischen Tutorials, leicht verständlichen Erklärungen und einer Community von Gleichgesinnten - diesen Kurs wird dir nicht nur helfen, deine Fotografie zu verbessern, sondern auch die Art und Weise, wie du dir auf Instagram präsent zeist. 🌈
Bereit für den nächsten Schritt? Dann sind wir gerne dabei, dich auf diesem weiten Weg zu begleiten! 🚀📖👀

Our review
🌟 Course Review Summary För schnelle Inhaltsübersicht:
Overall Rating: 4.49/5.0
- Comprehensive Learning Experience: The course provides a vast amount of learning material and principles that are universally applicable across various types of photography.
- Immediate Application: Learners are encouraged to apply the teachings instantly, which has led to significant improvement in skills within a short timeframe.
- Engaging Teaching Style: Andi communicates the knowledge in an engaging and understandable manner, making the learning experience enjoyable and sparking further interest.
- Beginner-Friendly: The course is well-suited for beginners, exceeding their expectations with more valuable content than anticipated.
- Enhanced Enjoyment of Photography: With the newfound knowledge from the course, photographers find that capturing images becomes more enjoyable.
- Positive Feedback on Content and Instruction: The content is highly praised for its relevance and usefulness, and the instructor is commended for their approachable teaching style.
🔍 Considerations for Improvement:
- Audio Quality Concerns: Some learners have noted issues with audio quality, including a dull and distracting sound when the instructor's hands make contact with the table surface. A static microphone setup would likely address this issue.
- Accessibility Needs: While not directly mentioned in the reviews, it's worth considering whether all content is accessible to individuals with disabilities, especially those with hearing impairments.
- Audio Issues: Some learners have experienced audio quality problems, such as a dull thud noise whenever the instructor touches the table. This can be disruptive, especially when using headphones.
- Potential Accessibility Challenges: There may be unaddressed accessibility issues for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing due to the poor audio quality.
Summary: The course has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from learners, praising its comprehensive content, immediate practical application, and the engaging way knowledge is imparted. It's particularly recommended for beginners and anyone looking to enhance their photography skills. While the course excels in these areas, there are some notable issues with audio quality that need to be addressed to improve the overall experience. Addressing these concerns would make this course an even more valuable resource for photography enthusiasts and professionals alike.


Enrollment distribution