【Unity C# ゲーム開発初心者レベルアップ】7つのトランプゲームを作っておぼえる!UnityとC#講座

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🎮 【Unity C# ゲーム開発初心者レベルアップ】7つのトランプゲームを作っておぼえる!
このコースでは、1レクチャー10分で仕組みやルールを噛み砕いて プログラミングを進めるように設計されています。その結果、誰にでも分かりやすい内容 になっており、初心者から脱初心者、そしてゲーム開発の旅を一緒に Walkerthrough!
- 7つのトランプゲーム制作 を通じて、カードゲームやボードゲームの基本的な制作方法 を学びます。
- 制作したゲームはそれぞれ独立して遊べるものであり、オリジナルゲームに組み込むことも可能です!
- カードゲーム、ボードゲーム制作スキル の基礎になる部分がたくさん含まれています。ぜひこの機会にチャレンジしてみてください!
- 資料付きで解説を入れ 、画面ズームを使って進めるなど、挫折しにくい構成です。これにより、毎日少しづつでも動画でやっていることを真似するだけでもOK で、効率的に学習できます。
- トランプ をテーマにしたカードゲーム、ボードゲームのロジックを学び、幅広いゲーム開発の知識を手に入れよう!
- C#の基本的な使い方 を理解します。
- トランプゲームのロジック を実装して駆使します。
- カードゲーム、ボードゲームの汎用的な制作手法 を学びます。
このコースでは、スクリプトを活用して 制作していくため、アイデア次第で 汎用的なカードゲームやボードゲームを制作する知識 も身につきます。
- 日々頂いたレビューに対応し、アップデートを行なう ことで、高評価&レビューが多いようになる可能性があります。これは学習の進歩をモチベーションに変えてくれる励みになるでしょう。
- このコースは初心者 にもアクセスしやすいです。ゲーム開発の基礎から、ステップアップで "初心者レベルアップ" として設計されています。
- 入門→初心者→脱初心者→初級者→中級者 の中で、このコースは初心者のレベルに適したものです。
このコースを選択することで、UnityとC#を使ってゲーム開発の世界を探索し、7つのトランプゲーム を作り上げる経験を積むことができます。さあ、今なら!ゲーム開発の旅を始めてください!🎲👾
注意: UnityとC#についての基本的な知識がない場合は、それらの基礎コースをまず勉強することをお勧めします。ゲーム開発の世界は、一歩づつ学び続けることで、あなたの技術力に新たな飛躍をもたらすでしょう。 Let's get started!

Our review
Overview of the Course "Unity to Make a Trading Card Game"
The course "Unity to Make a Trading Card Game" has been rated 4.25 by recent reviewers, with varying experiences and suggestions for improvement. Below is a detailed review of the course structure, content, and user feedback.
Engaging Content and Practical Application: Several users have indicated that the course provides well-explained materials that are practical in creating a trading card game using Unity. The inclusion of real project files allows learners to open and use the games created directly within Unity, which is a significant advantage for hands-on learning.
Achievable Goal for Beginners: The course seems to be particularly well-suited for individuals who are just starting out with Unity and programming in C#. It covers key concepts such as arrays, lists, dictionaries, and enums, which are essential for game development.
Real-World Application: Reviewers have praised the course for its ability to teach not just theoretical concepts but also how to apply them in a real-world project like building a trading card game. This hands-on approach is highly valued by learners.
Sense of Accomplishment: The process of revisiting and understanding difficult material, as mentioned by one reviewer who took two months to complete the course, can lead to a sense of achievement upon successful completion.
Inspiration for Further Projects: Some users have expressed that after completing the course, they feel confident in creating other games using Unity and are inspired to tackle new projects such as a sevens bridge game.
Lack of Detailed Explanation at Times: A few reviewers found the explanations for certain aspects of the code or the game development process to be insufficient, resulting in some confusion during learning. They recommend more detailed step-by-step guidance.
Challenging for Beginners: One user mentioned that due to a lack of prior experience with Unity and understanding of C# concepts such as arrays, lists, dictionaries, and enums, the course content could be challenging for those who are just starting out.
Repetition of Material: It was noted that certain chapters were too repetitive, which could have been minimized by providing a recap or summary of previously covered topics.
Pacing Issues: The pacing might not be suitable for all learners, with one user indicating it took them over two months to complete the course due to the need to repeatedly watch and understand some segments.
Excessive Silence on Screen: A reviewer suggested that the moments of coded development without any verbal or visual explanation could have been shortened or replaced with more engaging teaching methods, such as charts or visual aids to better convey the thought process.
Benchmarking Against Other Content Providers: The course was compared to other English language content on Udemy and it was suggested that there is room for improvement in providing foundational teaching methods that could be shared with all content creators on the platform.
The "Unity to Make a Trading Card Game" course offers valuable learning opportunities for beginners looking to enter the field of game development using Unity. While there are areas for improvement in terms of pacing, detail in explanations, and repetition, the practical nature of the course, along with the accessible end product, makes it a recommendable choice for those interested in game creation. Additionally, the course serves as a stepping stone to other projects within the Unity ecosystem.
For individuals with no prior experience in Unity or programming, this course could be particularly beneficial. It is also suitable for beginners who are looking to create a trading card game as their first project in Unity. Those who complete this course may find themselves inspired to explore further into the world of game development and potentially pursue more complex projects in the future.