【Unity C# ゲーム開発脱初心者】本格チェス開発講座


4.41 (52 reviews)
Game Development
【Unity C# ゲーム開発脱初心者】本格チェス開発講座
7 hours
Dec 2023
last update
regular price

What you will learn






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🎮 【Unity C# ゲーム開発脱初心者】本格チェス開発講座 streng{font-size: 24px;} strong{font-weight: bold;}




ボードゲーム制作を通して、ゲームクリエイターへの第一歩を踏み出そう! つまづきやすい部分は資料付きで解説を入れたり、画面ズームを使って進める構成になっており、毎日少しずつでも学環境で簡単にフォローできるハンズオン形式のレクチャーが特徴です。 1レクチャーあたり約10分程度にまとめているため、効率的に学習できる内容となっております。

今回の題材は**「チェス」**に焦点を当て、ボードゲームの基本的なロジックを学びましょう。 主にボードゲームのロジックが学習できる内容で、ゲームロジックを実装して幅広いゲーム開発の知識を手に入れよう! この入門クラス/初心者クラス向けのコースです。


  • C#の基本的な使い方を効率的に学習
  • チェスのルールを理解
  • チェスの作り方を実践



  • 日々頂いたレビューに対応し、コース内容を持続的にアップデート。
  • 高評価&レビューを受けていただけるこの講座が、学びを進めるモチベーションになります。


  1. UnityとC#の導入 - Unityエディタの基本操作から始め、C#の基本構文を学びます。
  2. チェスのルール理解 - チェスの基本的なルールや戦略を解説します。
  3. チェスのデザインと制作 - チェスボードの設計から、プレイヤーの動きや操作をプログラミングしていきます。
  4. ゲームロジックの実装 - AIの設定やタイルマッピングなど、ゲームの基本的なロジックを実装していきます。
  5. グラフィックとサウンドの追加 - ゲームに美しいビジュアルと響きを加えて、完成 Productsを目指します。

このコースを通じて、Unityを使ったゲーム開発の基礎から応用まで、一躍達してみませんか? 今すぐ登録し、ゲームクリエイターとしての新たな旅を始めよう! 🚀

: このコースは、UnityとC#を初心者から学びたい方に特におすすめです。ゲーム開発の基本から応用技術まで、ステップバイステップがわかりやすく解説されています。チェスを題材にした例を通じて、ボードゲーム制作からゲームロジックの理解を深めることができるでしょう。アンナルやレビューを受けていただければと思われますが、あなたのフィードバックはコースの質の向上に大きく寄与します。

Our review

***** Course Overview *****

Introduction This course is designed for individuals interested in creating a board game similar to Chess, utilizing Unity as their development platform. It offers a step-by-step guide on how to develop a simple board game, with the focus being on a Chess-like game in this instance. The course aims to provide a clear understanding of the mechanics and design principles behind developing such games.


  • Educational Value: The content is generally clear and understandable for beginners looking to learn how to create a board game within Unity. It's particularly beneficial for those with an interest in Chess and wanting to implement its rules into a digital format.
  • Comprehensive Guidance: The course provides a comprehensive overview of the development process from conceptualization to implementation. This is useful for students who want to understand how game development flows in Unity.
  • Resourceful: The course materials, including the provided code and references to other resources, are helpful for learners who wish to expand their understanding beyond the scope of the course.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: The course offers a supportive learning environment with a clear structure that guides students from initial setup to the completion of their Chess game.


  • Code Quality and Design: Some reviews highlight issues with code quality and design principles, suggesting that while the course helps create a functioning game, it may not emphasize the importance of a clean, scalable architecture, especially for more complex games.
  • Room for Improvement: There are concerns regarding the use of global variables and looping imports, which can lead to bugs and make future expansions more challenging. The course would benefit from a stronger focus on best practices in software development and design patterns.
  • Target Audience Misalignment: The course may not be ideal for those looking to apply development concepts to original game designs, as it seems to cater more to beginners who aim to replicate an existing Chess game rather than expand or innovate upon it.
  • Design Flaws: Some aspects of the game's design might require additional study and repetition of videos to fully grasp for more advanced learners. The course is less suitable for those seeking comprehensive, error-free design principles from the outset.

Additional Feedback

  • Positive Experience: A number of students found the course very helpful, especially after completing similar tutorials on Reversi (a logic puzzle game). It was a valuable learning experience that allowed them to successfully develop a Chess game in Unity from start to finish.
  • Recommendation for Improvement: Some feedback suggests that the course would be more beneficial if it included more intermediate-level tutorials for Unity, as there is a noted lack of such resources currently available.

Final Thoughts Overall, this course offers a solid foundation for beginners interested in board game development within Unity, with particular focus on creating a Chess game. It is recommended for those who are new to Unity and game development but are looking to create a functional game. For those seeking advanced design principles or looking to develop original games, additional resources may be necessary to complement this course. The course could significantly improve by incorporating best practices in software development, design patterns, and ensuring a cleaner, more scalable approach to game architecture.

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