i Vlog di Davide Vasta: Video, Fotografia, Tecnologia

Un appuntamento con approfondimenti, suggerimenti e tecnologie legate al mondo della Fotografia e VideoMaking

4.55 (68 reviews)
Video Design
i Vlog di Davide Vasta: Video, Fotografia, Tecnologia
3.5 hours
Apr 2022
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Recensioni di alcuni strumenti per il VideoMaking

Approfondimenti su tematiche legate alla musica per i video

Approfondimenti su tecniche di ripresa quali il LipDub

Approfondimenti su alcuni effetti speciali tra i quali l'Ipervelocità

e molto altro ancora...

Why take this course?

I Vlog di Davide Vasta sono pillole di formazione gratuite che esplorano i campi del VideoMaking, della Fotografia, della Tecnologia e molto altro ancora. Confezionati in mini video diretti e semplici, sono contraddistinti dallo stesso approccio pratico che Davide utilizza nei suoi corsi a pagamento qui su UDEMY. Lo studente potrá cosí approfondire tematiche importanti in modo semplice e veloce, senza dover seguire un vero e proprio videocorso. Tra i vari argomenti figurano alcune chicche interessanti. C'é ad esempio un Vlog dedicato a come si realizza un videoclip che, attraverso immagini di backstage e racconto in prima persona permette di comprendere le dinamiche che si celano dietro questo tipo di produzione. Ma non mancano i testi di attrezzatura! Ce n'é uno molto interessante dedicato al sistema di autofocus della Nikon Z6 con prove sul campo specifiche per ogni lente, sopratutto quelle piú datate, che dimostrano come una fotocamera dotata di un buon sistema di messa a fuoco sia in grado di far funzionare bene anche ottiche non recentissime. Un altro approfondimento é dedicato ai sistemi di stabilizzazione e a quanto oggi sia piú utile una SteadyCam o in Gimbal. Insomma, si parla di tecnologia ma anche di produzione video, approcci, metodi e molto altro ancora!

Our review

🌟 **Global Course Rating:** 4.55 **Course Overview:** The course by Davide Vasta offers a comprehensive look into video and photography gear, providing both novices and seasoned videomakers with valuable insights and practical knowledge. The course is delivered through vlogs that cover a wide range of topics from the basics of video making to advanced techniques and equipment reviews. **Pros:** - **Engaging Content:** The course is highly rated for its engaging and informative content, particularly praised for its ability to spark curiosity in students about the world of videomaking. - **Educational Value:** Reviewers have found the course to be incredibly educational, offering a solid foundation for beginners and useful tips for more experienced videomakers. - **Expertise of Instructor:** Davide Vasta is commended for his expertise and clear didactic style, making complex concepts understandable for learners at all levels. - **Variety of Topics:** The course covers a broad spectrum of subjects, from the Mannequin Challenge to gear reviews, inquadrature techniques, and sound utilization. - **Passionate Teaching:** The instructor's passion for the subject is evident and appreciated by learners, as it makes the learning experience enjoyable and inspiring. - **Practical Application:** The course provides practical insights that are not only theoretical but also applicable in real-world situations, allowing learners to assess which equipment might be suitable for their specific needs. - **Free Access:** The fact that the course is free and offers more value than some paid courses is highlighted as a significant advantage. **Cons:** - **Brief Overview:** Some users found the reviews of equipment to be brief, prompting them to look elsewhere for in-depth information on specific gear. - **Advanced Knowledge Required:** While the course is accessible to beginners, some sections may require a prior understanding of video making concepts to fully grasp the advanced techniques discussed. - **Encouragement for Further Learning:** The brevity and clarity of the explanations are seen as strengths, but they also encourage learners to seek more detailed information in specialized courses. In summary, Davide Vasta's course is a well-received and highly rated learning experience that offers a broad overview of video and photography gear. It's praised for its educational content, clarity, and the instructor's passion. While it is particularly appreciated by beginners, even experienced users find it useful for sparking new ideas and approaches to their work. The course's only drawbacks are that some may need additional resources for more in-depth equipment reviews and that certain advanced sections might assume a level of prior knowledge. Overall, this vlog-based course is a valuable resource for anyone interested in video making.



i Vlog di Davide Vasta: Video, Fotografia, Tecnologia - Price chart


i Vlog di Davide Vasta: Video, Fotografia, Tecnologia - Ratings chart

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