Hacking Etico a Redes Sociales
Aprende las técnicas que usan los hackers para hacking de REDES SOCIALES. Aprende Hacking Etico y Ciberseguridad

What you will learn
Conocerás las técnicas que utilizan los cibercriminales para acceder a cuentas de redes sociales
Aprenderás a como defenderte ante los ataques de los cibercriminales
Aprenderás a configurar un entorno de trabajo con Kali Linux
Aprenderás a como los cibercriminales realizan ataques como Phishing
Sabrás como los hacker recolectan informacion por medio de OSINT
Aprenderas a como se crea el malware
Why take this course?
🧩 ¡Descubre el Mundo del Hacking Ético en Redes Sociales! 🌐
Bienvenido al Curso de Hacking Ético a Redes Sociales 🚀
Este es el lugar perfecto para ti si estás fascinado por la seguridad cibernética y quieres conocer las técnicas utilizadas por los hackers éticos en el mundo de las redes sociales. Aprenderás en este curso cómo proteger tu información personal y tus cuentos online, a través de una perspectiva ética y legal.
¿Qué Aprenderás? 📚
Las Técnicas de Hacking Ético: Comprende las prácticas legales y éticas que resaltan la importancia de la seguridad en redes sociales como Instagram, Facebook e Twitter.
Ingeniería Social y Phishing: Descubre cómo los hackers pueden engañarte para obtener acceso a tus datos personales o cuentas.
Herramientas de OSINT: Aprende a utilizizar la inteligencia abierta para recopilar información útil y legal sobre individuos o empresas en línea.
Protección y Medidas de Seguridad: Adquieres conocimientos prácticos para fortalecer tus contraseñas, navegar de forma segura y mantener la privacidad en las redes sociales.
Estructura del Curso 🎓
- Conocimiento inicial sobre Hacking Ético y su importancia.
Instalación de Entorno de Trabajo 🛠️
- Instalación de Kali Linux y VirtualBox para configurar tu espacio de laboratorio seguro.
Hacking Ético hacia Redes Sociales
- Creación de Emails Maliciosos + Phishing específico para Facebook, Instagram, Gmail e Ingeniería Social.
- Captura de contraseñas utilizando software de registro de teclado (keyloggers).
Creación de Troyanos
- Cómo desarrollar y utilizar programas troyanos para obtener acceso a sistemas remotos.
Transferencia de Archivos
- Métodos para pasar archivos entre dispositivos de forma segura y conocida.
- Técnicas para investigar en redes sociales como Facebook e Instagram, y obtener contraseñas filtradas desde un email.
Google Hacking
- Aprende técnicas avanzadas de búsqueda para encontrar información sensible en Google.
Medidas de Seguridad
- Cómo crear una contraseña segura, navegar de manera segura y protegerte contra ataques cibernéticos.
Aviso Importante ⚠️
Todo el contenido del curso es para fines educacionales y éticos. Estoy comprometido a enseñar estas habilidades de una manera responsable, enfocándonos en la comprensión y la prevención de ataques cibernéticos. 🔐
¡Prepárate para un viaje en profundidad al mundo del Hacking Ético y la Ciberseguridad! Acompáname, Thiago Araujo, tu instructor experto, y al final del curso estarás equipado con las habilidades necesarias para proteger tus perfiles de redes sociales y entender cómo los hackers éticos operan.
¡Te espero en el curso! 💻✨

Our review
📚 Course Review: Overall Rating - 4.38
Course Content and Structure
- Practical and In-Depth Learning: Most users found the course to be practical, focusing on the essential aspects of the subject matter and providing examples that are directly applicable.
- Clear Explanations: The instructions and explanations given were generally well-articulated, allowing learners to understand the concepts being taught.
- Diverse Tools and Techniques: The course introduced various tools and techniques relevant to the field of study.
- Good Pacing: Users appreciated the pace at which the course was delivered, ensuring that the content was digestible and not overwhelming.
- Real-World Application: The course content seemed to align with real-world scenarios, offering users a sense of preparation for actual situations they may encounter.
- Accessibility for Beginners: Even those without prior knowledge in the field were able to follow along and find the course valuable.
- Omission of Key Details: Some users felt that the course omitted important details, such as installations of packages and key aspects of certain tools like keyloggers.
- Use of Outdated or Censored Content: A few reviews mentioned issues with outdated information and some content being cut off or censored, which hindered understanding.
- Lack of New Content: A couple of users pointed out that the techniques taught were not entirely new and that they used existing libraries without explaining their underlying mechanisms.
- Inconsistent Quality: Some users experienced technical difficulties with the tools and techniques demonstrated in the course, which affected their learning experience.
- Room for Improvement in Teaching Style: The instructor's explanation style was criticized for being unclear and resembling a student rather than a professional. It was suggested that the videos could benefit from fewer errors and more confidence in the explanations provided.
- Technical Glitches: Specific tools recommended in the course did not function as expected, and there were instances where the instructor combined tools in ways that were confusing to learners.
General Observations:
- The overall sentiment towards the course is positive, with a high rating indicating that most users found value in it.
- The course's practical approach and clear explanations are highly regarded, making it suitable for beginners as well as experienced learners looking to refresh their knowledge or learn new techniques.
- Despite the positive aspects, there are notable issues with the technical execution of some parts of the course and the presentation style that need addressing.
- The course is appreciated for its comprehensive coverage of topics, but users expect more up-to-date information and consistent quality in both content delivery and teaching methodology.
In conclusion, the course offers a solid foundation and practical skills in its area of focus. With some improvements on technical aspects and clarity in explanations, it has the potential to be an even more valuable resource for those interested in learning about hacking or security techniques. It is recommended with the understanding that users may need to supplement their learning with additional resources for a comprehensive understanding.