GUITAR FREAK SYSTEM [ Método de Violão e Guitarra ]

Iniciante, Intermediário e Avançado.

4.32 (292 reviews)
GUITAR FREAK SYSTEM [ Método de Violão e Guitarra ]
1 287
13.5 hours
Jan 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Ser capaz de tocar guitarra e violão com técnicas e conhecimentos avançados e irá adquirir habilidades para atuar musicalmente, como amador ou profissional.




Why take this course?

¡Hola! Parece que tienes una lista detallada de lecciones y temas para un curso de guitarra, ya sea para un aprendizaje personal o para impartir como profesor. Aquí te doy una breve descripción de cada una de las aulas listadas, basándome en los títulos y su secuencia:

  1. Modalidades Violonísticas: Estas lecciones probablemente se centran en cómo los violines (violinistas) utilizan diferentes modos dentro de la música clásica y cómo se aplican a la guitarra.

  2. Levadas de Música Brasileira: Aquí se enseñarían las técnicas y estilos característicos de la música brasileña, como las levadas en la guitarra.

3-10 Funk - Guitarra Rítmica, Estudio en Do Mayor, Estudio en Mi Menor, Minueto en Sol Mayor, Romance de Amor, Minueto en Mi Mayor, Como Descober Ir Acalde Ideal para un Acorde, Blues Menor, Escala de Blues Voodoo, A Little Country Bluegrass Jam: Estas lecciones abarcan estilos específicos y técnicas, desde el funk hasta el country, pasando por blues y música clásica.

11-20 Saltos, Independencia de la Mano Izquierda, [Música BÔNUS] Prelúdio BWV 1007, Exercicios Complementares, Arpejos (Preparados y Livres), Arpejos de Carlevaro, Escalas en 2 y 3 Oitavas, Rasgueado Abanicaro, [Música BÔNUS] Canarios, Vibrato - Exercício, Oitavas - Exercicios: Estas lecciones se centran en técnicas avanzadas para la guitarra, incluyendo ejercicios y piezas de repertorio.

21-30 Tremolo, Tremolo Estudio, Warm Up, Warm Up #1, Warm Up #2, Warm Up #3, Warm Up #4, Tabla de Escalas, Simetrías, Escala Mayor y Menor Relativa, Escala Pentatônica, Escala de Blues, Escala Menor Harmónica, Escala Menor Melódica, Escala Pentatônica 6, Escala Pentatonante Domínante, Escala Pentatonada Alterada, Escala de Bebop, Escalas Simétricas, Escala Cromática, Escala de Tonos Enteros, Escala Diminutos y Dominantes, Escalas Exóticas, Escalas Menores - Porque Existen 3 Formas: Estas lecciones son más teóricas y se centran en el conocimiento y dominio de las escalas y su aplicación en la guitarra.

40 Congratulaciones: La última aula parece ser un momento para celebrar y reconocer el progreso y los esfuerzos realizados durante el curso.

Cada una de estas lecciones es fundamental para desarrollar habilidades completas en la guitarra, cubriendo desde técnicas básicas hasta ejercicios y estilos avanzados. Si necesitas material adicional o tienes alguna pregunta específica sobre cualquiera de estos temas, estaré encantado de ayudarte.


GUITAR FREAK SYSTEM [ Método de Violão e Guitarra ] - Screenshot_01GUITAR FREAK SYSTEM [ Método de Violão e Guitarra ] - Screenshot_02GUITAR FREAK SYSTEM [ Método de Violão e Guitarra ] - Screenshot_03GUITAR FREAK SYSTEM [ Método de Violão e Guitarra ] - Screenshot_04

Our review

Global Course Rating: 4.35


  • High-Quality Content: The course offers a substantial amount of material for study, which is of excellent quality.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: It provides detailed and comprehensive explanations on various aspects of learning the guitar, including understanding pedals and their effects, among others.
  • Expert Instructor: The professor demonstrates deep knowledge and competence in the subject matter, passionately guiding students through the course.
  • Effective Teaching Methods: The didactic approach is well-received, with clear and efficient abordment of topics.
  • Versatile Learning Path: The course caters to beginners and can take learners from zero to expert level, provided they are willing to learn and not lazy.
  • Engaging and Interactive: Many students find the course engaging, offering a step-by-step learning experience that is both enjoyable and enriching.
  • Recommendation for All: The course is highly recommended by several students who have praised its quality and the professor's teaching ability.


  • Content Repetition: Some students felt that the content was repetitive, especially if they had already taken other courses by the same instructor.
  • Technical Issues with Material: A few students mentioned issues with the video and audio quality of certain materials within the course.
  • Inadequate for Experienced Learners: For those who already possess a solid foundation in guitar playing, some content may seem redundant or not entirely new.
  • Potential Misalignment with Expectations: A student expressed that they expected unique content from this course but found it to be similar to other courses offered by the same professor.
  • Initial Technical Difficulties: Some users reported technical issues, such as poor sound quality and unclear visuals upon starting the course.

Overall Impression: The "Guitar Freak System" course receives a high rating due to its comprehensive content, expert instructor, and positive reception among students. However, potential learners should be aware that some of the material may overlap with other courses by the same professor, and there are a few technical issues that need addressing. Despite these minor drawbacks, the course is still highly valued for its educational value and teaching approach, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced guitar players looking to refine their skills.

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