Play Like Hendrix & John Mayer: The Rock N Roll THUMB Course

Start Using Your THUMB From Above the Neck: Play CLEANER and More Precisely & Unlock the Pro Rock N' Roll Sound.

4.39 (65 reviews)
Play Like Hendrix & John Mayer: The Rock N Roll THUMB Course
8 613
2.5 hours
Sep 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

You'll play any song in the cool, "spanky" style of Jimi Hendrix, John Mayer and many other masters.

You'll be able to play "thumb-over" chords - which have many benefits over barre chords.

Gifts: Enjoy 8 Fancy Guitar Songs Masters E-Books on various guitar topics that'll help improve your music life.

The "thumb-over" opens up the doorways for a different sound that's a lot cleaner, more flexible, and "more rock n' roll".

Your pinky finger will be free to play those sexy "Hendrix chord embelishments".

You'll feel a lot more control over the fretboard and your playing will be more PRECISE since you'll be "hugging" the guitar neck from both sides.

Your lead guitar playing (improvising / playing melodies) will be much CLEANER since you'll be able to mute the unwanted strings.

Many new chord shapes (that are especially useful for rock n' roll and blues) would now be "unlocked" for you.

And yes, you'll look cooler - because you'll be holding the guitar just like how pros do. (-;

Another gift: Enjoy the Guitar Songs Masters HUGE Songbook with 101 Awesome Songs

Why take this course?

¡Hola! Aprecio mucho que estés interesado en profundizar en tus conocimientos sobre el estilo de Jimi Hendrix y John Mayer. Como mencionaste, ambos son músicos increíblemente talentosos cuyas influencias se extienden a lo largo de varias décadas y han inspirado a muchos guitarristas alrededor del mundo.

Para seguir adelante con tus preguntas iniciales:

Sección sobre Hendrix / John Mayer:

  • Ingredientes clave del sonido de Hendrix y Mayer: Esto incluirá los elementos esenciales que definen su estilo único, como técnicas de guitarra, afinaciones y tonos particulares.
  • Ritmo pegajoso: Aprenderás cómo lograr ese sutil "spank" en la guitarra que caracteriza tanto a Hendrix como a Mayer en sus acordadas rítmicos.
  • Rifas característicos: Te mostraré cómo incorporar rifas que añadan esa dimensión especial y funk a tus canciones, similar a las que ambos músicos son conocidos por utilizar.
  • Formas de acordes preferidas: Exploraremos las formas de acordes que Hendrix y Mayer favoritaron, que se integran bien con sus famosos rifas.
  • Combinar estilo: A pesar de que ambos son influencias poderosas, es importante que encuentres una manera de tomar su estilo y hacerlo tu propio. Me guiaré asegurarte de que puedas fusionar sus técnicas con tu propia voz en la guitarra.

Trucos, hacks y técnicas adicionales:

  • Aplicaciones de guitarra útiles: Te proporcionaré una lista actualizada de las mejores aplicaciones que pueden ayudarte a mejorar tu juego más rápidamente.
  • Encontrar el patrón de compás de una canción por oído: Este es un problema común y lo resolví después de años de lucha; te mostraré cómo puedes hacerlo también.
  • Desarrollar el sentido del tiempo: Te daré consejos para afinar tu sentido del tiempo y obtener un sonido profesional.
  • Superar el dolor en las puntas de los dedos: Ofreceré consejos para evitar o aliviar la molestia común que experimentan todos los guitarristas a lo largo de su carrera.
  • Accesorios de guitarra recomendados: Te guiaré a través de varios accesorios que pueden mejorar tu experiencia de juego y práctica.

Sobre mí, Alon Cooper: Tengo experiencia enseñando música en línea y presencialmente durante los últimos seis años, llegando a más de cien mil estudiantes en todos los rincones del mundo, mientras viajaba por cuatro continentes. Además de la guitarra, piano, armonica, flauta, trompeta y contrabajo, fundé y administré GuitarSongsMasters-com y HarmonicaJamz-com, donde compartido consejos y técnicas para tocar estos instrumentos.

Estoy emocionado por la idea de enseñarte y compartir mi conocimiento sobre el estilo de Hendrix y Mayer. ¡Te espero en el curso!

Para cualquier otra pregunta o si necesitas aclaraciones adicionales, estaré encantado de ayudarte. ¡Que sean tus sueños de música tan vibrantes y expresivos como los de Hendrix y Mayer!


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Our review

🌟 Course Review: Play Like Hendrix & John Mayer: The Rock N Roll THUMB Course 🎸

Overall Rating: 4.65 out of 5 stars (All recent reviews)

Course Highlights

  • Engaging Content: The course has been highly praised for its engaging content, with users noting that the overall rating may not fully capture the quality of the course.
  • Quality Resources: Downloadable resources are considered priceless, adding significant value to the course.
  • Expert Instructor: Alon Cooper is recognized as a talented guitar player and an excellent teacher. Many users have expressed appreciation for his teaching style and the quality of his online products.
  • Unique Techniques: The course introduces students to a unique way of playing guitar, focusing on hand positioning and rhythm techniques that are different from traditional methods. This approach has been well-received by learners who found it both innovative and useful.
  • Comprehensive Material: Alon Cooper provides extensive material, including videos with exercises to help students adapt to the new way of playing. The course also includes a chord cheat sheet and variations of chords that are essential for avoiding clashes with bass players and achieving a lighter, airier sound.
  • Additional Learning Resources: The course offers PDF books and inspirational videos that complement the learning experience and provide depth to the lessons.

Course Improvements

  • Instruction Length: Some users have indicated that the talking portions of the course could be shorter, suggesting that the practice lessons might be more effective with less explanation and more focus on playing.
  • Depth of Practice Lessons: A few learners felt that the practice lessons were not as deep as they had expected but acknowledged some fundamental aspects of the course that were useful.
  • Variety in Content: There is a sentiment that the course could benefit from a broader range of topics, including the playing styles of Stevie Ray Vaughan, given the relation to Hendrix and Mayer.

Additional Feedback

  • Accessibility: One user highlighted the appreciation for the course being free when enrolled.
  • Language Barrier: A piece of feedback from a Spanish-speaking learner indicates that the content is interesting but might require additional resources to fully grasp the instruction due to language differences.
  • Application and Real-World Use: Learners have expressed that the techniques taught in the course are applicable to real playing scenarios, especially for fans of Hendrix, Mayer, and other similar artists.
  • Thumb-Over Technique: The course is commended for its approach to the thumb-over chords technique, which has been a topic with limited material available before this course.

Final Takeaways

  • Quality Over Quantity: Some users emphasize that while the course could use more detailed content on specific subjects, the quality of instruction and the uniqueness of the material make it a valuable learning experience.
  • Motivation for Practice: The course has inspired learners to go back and practice the exercises more deeply, indicating its motivational effect on students.
  • Room for Improvement: While the course is highly rated, there are opportunities for it to expand on topics and provide more in-depth details and exercises.

In conclusion, "Play Like Hendrix & John Mayer: The Rock N Roll THUMB Course" is a well-regarded course that offers unique insights into playing guitar with a thumb-over technique, as demonstrated by artists like Hendrix and Mayer. While there are areas for improvement in terms of content depth and instruction length, the course's overall quality and the value of its resources make it a recommended choice for intermediate guitar players looking to improve their skills and sound.

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