Play YOUR Favorite Songs: The Guitar Super-Course

The only beginners course that'll teach you how to play all of YOUR favorite songs + 36 shortcuts, hacks, tips & tricks

4.62 (526 reviews)
Play YOUR Favorite Songs: The Guitar Super-Course
45 258
12.5 hours
Sep 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

You'll BEAUTIFULLY play all of your favorite rock, pop or country songs on your guitar. You'll see how simple it can be when it's learned efficiently.

You'll play all the chords in a CLEAN, gorgeous manner, while every string is clearly heard.

You'll always find the perfect strumming pattern for any song, (just like how it's played in the original recording) and strum in a steady, confident rhythm.

Gift: Printable 35 Campfire Songs PDF Songbook - each song has a detailed video lesson.

Gift: Enjoy 8 Fancy Guitar Songs Masters E-Books on various guitar topics that'll help improve your music life.

You'll EASILY switch between chords - the #1 key to playing songs FLUENTLY and effortlessly!

You'll learn new chords in the shortest time possible.

You'll develop a rock-solid SENSE OF RHYTHM that'll make you sound way better than 90% of beginners and intermediates.

Why take this course?

¡Claro! La descripción que has proporcionado parece ser una vista previa detallada del contenido y las promesas de un curso de guitarra en línea. Este tipo de curso suele incluir una variedad de recursos y enseñanzas diseñadas para guiar a los principiantes y a los guitarristas con experiencia a desarrollar sus habilidades. Aquí tienes una resumen y respuesta a la descripción que has compartido:

Resumen del Curso de Guitarra:

  • Estructura Logical y Sistemática: El curso está diseñado para enseñar de manera ordenada, desde los fundamentos hasta técnicas más avanzadas.
  • Lecciones en Video HD: Con alta calidad de producción, incluyendo múltiples ángulos de cámara y gráficos animados para facilitar el aprendizaje.
  • Música Real: Aprende a tocar canciones reales desde el principio, no solo teoría o ejercicios abstraídos.
  • Metodología Personal: El curso está adaptado para aquellos que aprenden de manera independiente, con énfasis en cómo aplicar lo aprendido a las canciones que amas.
  • Recursos Adicionales: Ejemplos prácticos, lecciones de video para canciones específicas y un libro de canciones con más de 35 canciones.
  • Actualizaciones Regulares: Nuevas lecciones y canciones se añaden con frecuencia para mantenerte inspirado y aprendiendo.
  • Cumplimiento a Largo Plazo: El curso está pensando, es decir, está diseñado para motivarte a largo plazo para siempre compromiso asegurar que continúe tocando tu música. Promes y Beneficios:
  • Aprender Rápidamente: El curso pretende que tienes todo lo necesitas para aprender rápidamente las cuerdas de guitarra.
  • Pasión y Motivación: Se enfoca en inspirarte y mantenerte motivado a tocar la guitar para siempre.
  • Método Probado: El curso se basa en métodos probados, no solo en métodos probados de aprendizaje independiente.
  • Canciones Favoritas: Aprenderás a tocar tus canciones favoritas con música que ames.
  • Soporte Continuo: Con nuevas lecciones y canciones añad regularmente para mantenerte aprendiendo continuamente. Preguntas Comunes:
  • ¿Por qué no simplemente usar YouTube? La respuesta es que el curso está diseñado para optimizar tu tiempo de aprendizaje y para evitar las trampas comunes del aprendizaje independiente de la guitar.
  • ¿Cómo Me En Este Curso? El enfoque del curso se centra en los independientes que buscan aprender de manera sistemática, lógica y probada, similar a cómo me habilitado tú mismo. Testimonios:
  • Alon Zilberbrand: El creador del curso, según su descripción, es un guitarrista independiente que creó este curso como el guide de oro que quería que buscaba aprender de manera eficiente y con énfas enfoque.
  • Fred Bogdan: Un estudiante satisfecho que encuentra su camino a través del curso y espera continuuar con entusiasmo y con interés. Conclusión: Este curso de guitar parecer serio y completo para aquellos que deseen aprender y tocar la guitar de manera eficiente, sistemática y con pasión. Con un enfoque claro en el aprendizaje independiente y con recursos adicionales, este curso está diseñado para llevar a un guitarrista de cualquier nivel a través del camino del aprendizaje de la guitar. Espero que encuentes este curso tan motivador como lo describes, y que disfrutes tocando tus canciones favoritas con música durante mucho tiempo. ¡Buena suerte!


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Our review

Course Review: Ultimate Beginner Guitar Course


The Ultimate Beginner Guitar Course has garnered an impressive global course rating of 4.30, with all recent reviews being overwhelmingly positive. The course is designed for individuals ranging from complete beginners to those looking to refresh and solidify their existing skills. The instructor, Alon Cooper, has been commended for his clear audio, patient teaching style, and ability to make learning the guitar both educational and enjoyable.


  • Engaging Presentation: The course is praised for its engaging presentation, with several reviewers noting that the instructor's clear audio and step-by-step explanations make complex concepts easy to understand.

  • Immediate Practical Application: Many users appreciate the practical approach of the course, which emphasizes learning to play songs from the very beginning, keeping students motivated and excited about their progress.

  • Comprehensive Learning Materials: The course includes a wealth of resources such as tablatures, chord diagrams, and instructional videos that facilitate a deeper understanding of guitar playing.

  • Personalized Teaching Style: Alon Cooper's approach is described as personal and relatable, which helps students feel supported and encouraged throughout their learning journey.

  • Diverse Range of Songs: The course covers a variety of songs, catering to different musical tastes and interests, which enhances the overall learning experience.

  • Value for Money: Users consistently report that the course offers great value for its price, with many feeling that it has been well worth their investment.

  • Adaptive for Different Levels: The course is beneficial for both absolute beginners and those with some prior knowledge, as it adapts to various levels of skill and experience.


  • Limited Focus on Vocal-less Songs: A few users have expressed a desire for more content on playing songs without vocals, especially for those who cannot sing while playing.

  • Pace Might Be Too Fast for Complete Beginners: While the course is praised for its pace, some beginners might find it moving quickly, and they may need to pause and practice before moving on.

User Experiences

  • Satisfaction: The majority of users are highly satisfied with the content and presentation of the course, with many indicating that they have already seen improvements in their playing skills and are enjoying learning new songs.

  • Refreshment for Experienced Players: Experienced players find the course helpful for refreshing their knowledge and discovering new techniques and ways to approach the guitar.

  • Accessibility: The course is accessible to a wide range of ages, as evidenced by users who have started playing at various stages in life, from youth to late adulthood.

  • Language Considerations: Some users mention that while the instructions are clear, non-native English speakers might find occasional language barriers.


The Ultimate Beginner Guitar Course is a highly recommended learning tool for anyone interested in starting or continuing their guitar journey. With its clear instruction, practical approach, and comprehensive materials, it provides an enriching and effective way to learn the guitar while keeping students engaged and motivated. Despite a few minor drawbacks, the course stands out for its overall quality and the positive impact it has on its users. Whether you're picking up the guitar for the first time or revisiting it after a break, this course offers an excellent foundation and a treasure trove of songs to learn and enjoy.


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