
【最短攻略】Google Cloud 認定 Professional Data Engineer 模擬問題集

150問 (50問 × 3セット) 本番用問題集(詳解付き)

3.65 (296 reviews)
IT Certification
【最短攻略】Google Cloud 認定 Professional Data Engineer 模擬問題集
2 600
150 questions
May 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Google Cloud認定試験 Professional Data Engineerの試験対策を行うことができます。

本番試験を複数回受験して傾向と対策を熟知した筆者によって精選された、本番ライクな問題を170問(50問 × 3セット + 20問)解くことができます。


Google Cloudの公式ドキュメントを含む、参照URLを多数用意しているので、Google Cloudに関するより深い理解が得られます。

Why take this course?

🚀 【最短攻略】Google Cloud 認定 Professional Data Engineer 模擬問題集 🎫 GroupLayout: 150問(50問×3セット)本番用問題集(詳解付き)


このコースは、Google Cloud認定試験 Professional Data Engineerに向けた最終的な対策として設計されています。実際の本番試騎を多数受騒経験者が選んだ、本番ライクな問題集を 150問(50問ずつ3セット)で提供しております。これらの問題は、各領域の深い理解と専門的な知識を試すものであり、詳細な解説が付属しており、試騎に必要な準備を効率的に行うことができます。


  • 🎯 本番ライク: 実際に挑むことができる、Google Cloud Platformの最新のプロフェッショナルデータエンジニアへの質問。
  • ✏️ 詳解付き: 各問題には、明確でわかりやすい解説が含まれており、学習プロセスをサポートします。
  • 🛠️ 実践的な対策: 理論だけでなく、実際のデータエンジニアリングのシナリオにおける問題解決能力を養うことができます。
  • 📈 スキル向上: 自分の弱点を明らかにし、積極的な学習と改善に集中することができます。
  • 🌍 グローバルナレッジ: Google Cloudの最新トレンドとベストプラクティスを学びます。


  1. データアクセスと管理 - BigQuery、Cloud Storage、Dataflowなどのサービスを使用したデータの取り込み、管理、分析。
  2. データの変換と処理 - DataflowやApache Beamを使ったデータフローの設計と最適化。
  3. 機械学習とAIの統合 - 予測分析やリアルタイム分析など、AIを活用したデータエンジニアリングの実践。
  4. パフォーマンスと最適化 - クエリの最適化、資源の効率的な利用。
  5. 安全性とコンプライアンス - IAMやKMSを使ったデータのセキュリティとプライバシーの保護。


  • 👩‍💻 プロフェッショナルデータエンジニア候補者: Google Cloudのデータエンジニアリング技術を学び、認定を取得する目標を持つ方。
  • 📈 データ分析家とエンジニア: データの理解を深め、データエンジニアリングのスキルを磨くための学びを求める方。
  • 🚀 カリア形成者: Cloud技術分野でのキャリアを構築し、Google Cloud認定を身につけたいと考え中の方。

この模擬問題集は、あなたがGoogle Cloud認定 Professional Data Engineerの試騎に臨む前に、必要な知識を確実に鍵づけるための完全配信されたツールです。今すぐ登録し、あなたのカリアへの一歩を踏み出しましょう!

Our review

Overall Course Rating: 3.26

Pros of the Course:

  • The course has generally improved from previous versions, especially in terms of the clarity of explanations and the detail provided in the materials.
  • Essential information is covered, which proved useful to students.
  • A number of students successfully passed the exam after completing the simulated questions, indicating the practical value of the course content.
  • The structure of the course allows for a comprehensive review of Google Cloud Platform concepts, which is beneficial for exam preparation.

Cons of the Course:

  • There are noticeable typos and some incorrect explanations in the materials, such as inaccuracies regarding non-global window descriptions.
  • While Udemy's randomization of questions and answers can be a positive feature, it raises the question of whether this level of customization is expected for a paid course.
  • Some students reported issues with missing translations or problem texts that disappear during the learning process, which should be addressed to enhance user experience.
  • Inaccurate explanations for incorrect answer choices can leave learners without a clear understanding of why an answer is wrong, suggesting that more detailed feedback and QA responses would improve the course.
  • The lack of comprehensive explanations in the tutorials, with some guidance being incomplete or incorrect, may lead to wasted time for students trying to grasp complex concepts.
  • The course's content appears to be outdated regarding changes in the 2024 exam format for the Professional Data Engineer certification, making it less recommended for those preparing for this specific exam.

Course Review Summary: The course is generally considered to provide a solid foundation with clear and detailed explanations that have seen improvement from past iterations. However, students have encountered several issues including typographical errors, incomplete or incorrect problem statements, and a notable lack of explanation for the reasoning behind incorrect answers. This can lead to confusion and a less than optimal learning experience. Additionally, there are concerns about the course's relevance to upcoming exam formats, particularly for those aiming to obtain the Professional Data Engineer certification after 2024. Despite these drawbacks, students have managed to pass the exam using this course as a reference, suggesting that with careful study and additional resources, the course can still be a useful tool in preparing for the Google Cloud Certified - Data Engineer exam.

Recommendations for Improvement:

  • Thoroughly review all materials for typos and incorrect information, such as problem statements and explanations.
  • Ensure that all simulated questions are functioning correctly and provide accurate and helpful feedback.
  • Update the course content to align with the latest exam format and requirements for certifications like the Professional Data Engineer.
  • Provide more detailed and accurate explanations for both correct and incorrect answer choices.
  • Enhance the quality and timeliness of responses in the QA section to build trust and credibility among learners.
  • Consider adding additional resources or guidance for students to study key terms and concepts that are covered in the simulated questions to ensure a more comprehensive learning experience.



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Enrollment distribution

【最短攻略】Google Cloud 認定 Professional Data Engineer 模擬問題集 - Distribution chart
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