The Complete Google BiqQuery Masterclass: Beginner to Expert
Master Google BigQuery Analytics with SQL used in Big Query to analyze Real data for data scientists, Developers, etc.

What you will learn
What is google Bigquery?
Google Bigquery in analytics
Bigquery for Google Analytics
Master all the important concepts of Google BigQuery
Digital Marketers will be able to create their own analysis sheet using BigQuery
Students will be expert in Arrays, UNNEST, STRUCT, CTE, Derived Tables, Structed data, unstructured data, etc
Master all the concepts of SQL in Big Query
Can write all the commands like Joins, Group by, Order By, Having clause, SubQueries, etc.
Create tables with partitioning
Can easily connect the Google BigQuery to Google Data Studio
Learning based on real time project which helps students to apply the concepts in his job
Helps the students to be Job ready in Google BigQuery
The SQL command learned in Google Bigquery can also be used in other Database tools like mySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, SQLite, PostGreSQL, etc
Why take this course?
İşte Google BigQuery ve SQL'e öğrenme konusunda size yardımcı olan kursun tamamlayıcı detayları:
Google BigQuery Nedir? - Kursa, BigQuery'in temel kavramlarını ve Google tarafından sunulan hizmetin özelliklerini öğreneceksiniz.
BigQuery'yi Nasıl Kullanacağınız? - BigQuery'yi etkileyici biçimde kullanma ve verilerinizi analize ederek pratik bilgi edineyebilirsiniz.
Tamamlanan Google BigQuery Tutoriali - Kurs, adım adım BigQuery'den basit göreli sorgulara kadar her şeyi kapsayacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.
Public Datasets Analizi - BigQuery public veri setlerini analiz ederek gerçek dünya verilerine erişebilirsiniz.
Dize, Tablo ve Veri Yükleme - Farklı yollarlarla verilerinizi tablola yükleyebilir ve BigQuery'deki veri yönetim konusunda bilgi edineceksiniz.
Günlük SQL Aktarımı - Kurs, BigQuery'de kullanilebilen tüm önemli SQL ifadelerini ve sorguları, ayrıca BigQuery özelliklerine özgü tüm fonksiyonlarıyi da içerecektir.
Sayısal, Tarih ve Metin Fonksiyonları - SQL'nin temel numerik, date ve string fonksiyonlarını öğrenip BigQuery'de kullanma biçimi ayrıca özel BigQuery fonksiyonları da anladığınızda sağlıklı bir şekilde bahsetecektir.
Join, SubQuery, UNION - Joins, subqueries ve unions gibi karmaşık SQL sorguları BigQuery'de nasıl kullanıldığı detaylı olarak açıklanacaktır.
CTE (Common Table Expression) ve Derived Tables - CTE ve derived tables kullanımı Big Query'de nasıl yapılacağı gösterecektir ve birçok örnekle destek olacaktır.
Pattern Arama - BigQuery'de verileri aramak ve karmaşık düzensizlikler için pattern arama yapma biçiminde rehberlik edecektir.
Arrays, Struct, UNNEST Gibi Veri Türleri - BigQuery'de arrays, struct ve unnest gibi karmaşık veri türleri kullanma biçiminde bilgi edinmeye yardımcı olacak örnekler sunacaktır.
Google BigQuery SQL Enuma - Kurs, Google BigQuery'deki tüm SQL ifadelerini ve fonksiyonlarını kapsayacaktır.
Tablo ve Görüntü Oluşturma - Tablo ve görüntü oluşturma yöntemleri Big Query'de nasıl uygulanacağı gösterecektir.
Kurs Tamamlandığında Sertifikaya Emanet - Udemy platformu tarafından sağlanan Google BigQuery sertifika alabilirsiniz.
Bu kurs, SQL'yi öğrenmenize yardımcı olarak ve Google BigQuery hizmetini kullanmaya başlama noktası olanlara doğrudan rehberlik edecektir. Kursa, teorik bilgilerin yanı sıra pratik ödevler, gerçek dünya veri setleri üzeri uygulama ve bir sonuca kendi analizlerinizi gerçekleştirebilme fırsatı sunulacaktır. Eğitimcilerin desteklediği ve sorularınıza yanışırağı süre boyunca öğrenme deneyiminizi pekişmeye cezve edecektir. Kursa, hem günlük SQL bilgisi hem de BigQuery hakkındaki faydalı bilgiler edinmenize yardımcı olacaktır.

Our review
🌟 Global Course Rating: 4.38
Overall Review
The course on BigQuery for SQL users has garnered a mixed bag of reviews from recent learners. The majority of reviewers have found the course to be a valuable resource, particularly for those new to BigQuery or looking to refresh their SQL skills within the context of BigQuery. The course is praised for its step-by-step approach, starting with basic concepts and progressing to more advanced topics.
- Introduction and Advanced Material: The course provides a solid introduction to BigQuery and delves into advanced materials on the subject. (👍)
- Expert Instructor Responsiveness: Learners have reported excellent response times from the instructor, which is crucial for online courses. (👍)
- Real-world Application: The course is practical, offering insights into real-world applications of BigQuery. (👍)
- Layman Term Explanations: Concepts are well-explained in layman terms, making it accessible to beginners and effective for revision. (👍)
- Hands-On Learning: The course includes practical examples and hands-on learning experiences, which is appreciated by learners. (👍)
- Comprehensive Coverage: The course covers a wide range of topics within BigQuery and SQL, providing a thorough understanding of the platform's capabilities. (👍)
- Confidence Building: Learners feel significantly more confident in their understanding and practical use of BigQuery, especially complex concepts like unnesting. (👍)
- Outdated UI References: Some reviewers have pointed out that the user interface of BigQuery has changed since the course was recorded, leading to confusion and difficulty following along. (⚠️)
- Lack of Formal Assessments: A few learners have expressed a desire for more formal assessments beyond the given assignments to test their knowledge. (⚠️)
- Basic SQL Focus: The course is considered too basic for those with prior SQL experience and does not delve deeply into foundational concepts like
clause, or temporary tables. (⚠️) - Captions Inconsistencies: Captions provided during the course have been reported to be out of sync with the actual content being presented, which can be a barrier for learners with hearing impairments or those who rely on captions. (⚠️)
- Missing Interface Updates: Some interface changes that have occurred since the course recording are not addressed in the course material, leading to a mismatch and potential confusion. (⚠️)
- Practice Exercises/Challenges: The course could benefit from more practice exercises or challenges immediately following the introduction of new concepts to solidify understanding. (⚠️)
- Specific BigQuery Content Desired: A few learners have indicated a preference for more specialized content on BigQuery, rather than extensive coverage of standard SQL practices. (⚠️)
Additional Notes
- The course's title, "Master Class in BigQuery," suggests a comprehensive guide to the platform, but some reviewers felt it lacked best practices and performance optimization tips for queries.
- Learners who are already familiar with GCP may still find value in the course as a refresher.
- The course's content is highly regarded for its practicality and the value it offers for the price.
Final Thought: This course is recommended for those new to BigQuery or looking to enhance their SQL skills within this environment. However, it may be less beneficial for advanced SQL users or those expecting a detailed exploration of all BigQuery features post-2023 when the interface has undergone significant changes.