Geographic Information System Simplified


3.75 (105 reviews)
Teacher Training
Geographic Information System Simplified
1 850
28 mins
Aug 2018
last update
regular price

What you will learn

At the end of this course, students will have a better understanding of Geographic Information Systems

Why take this course?

🚀 Explore the World of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with Ease! Ți dorim să înveți cum să folosești Sistemele de Informații Geografice (GIS) pentru a analiza și interpreta datele spatiale? 🌍 Geographic Information System Simplified este cursul perfect pentru tine!

📚 Course Overview: In această cursă completă, instructorul experimat Gofamodimo Mashama voi duce-ți prin lupa unul dintre cele mai puternice tool-uri pentru înțelegerea și analiza spatiale - GIS. Desde definiția fundamentală până la tehnici avansate, vom călători pe largul întregii gamze de abilități oferite de GIS.

🔍 What You'll Learn:

  • Definition and History: Îngrijești baza ta de cunoștere cu originile și evoluția sistemelor GIS.
  • Software and Data Types: Descoperă diversele tipuri de software și tipuri de date care fac GIS atât flexibil, cât și puternic.
  • Data Formats and Resolutions: Aprendeți cum să gestionați diferitele formaturi de date și rezoluții pentru a obține cele mai precise reprezentări ale realității geografice.
  • Coordinate Systems: Întindege viziunea ta cu sisteme de coordonate care sunt esențiale în GIS.
  • Databases and Data Structures: Stabiliți bazele de date eficiente și structura date pentru optimizarea operărilor GIS.
  • Map Production: Aprendeți pașii pentru a produce hărți detaliate și înformative.
  • Image Interpretation Elements: Descoperiți principiile elementare ale interpretării imaginilor în cadrul sistemelor GIS.
  • GIS Methods and Spatial Analysis: Puneți în practică diverse metode GIS și efectuați analize spatiale avansate.
  • Validation of GIS Maps: Îți cresc dărzeniea verificând acuratețea și exactitatea hărților GIS pe care le crezi.

🎓 Why Take This Course?

  • Simplified Learning: Descompunem conceptele complexe în concepte simplu-înțelibile.
  • Practical Examples: Aplicarea cunoștere în scenarii reale pentru o înțelegere profundă a aplicării GIS.
  • Expert Instructor: Învățăți sub îndrumarea lui Gofamodimo Mashama, un specialist cu experiență vastă în domeniu.
  • Interactive Content: Participați la webinarii, exercitiile practice și testele interactive pentru a consolida cunoștințele tale.
  • Community Support: Faciți parte dintr-o comunitate activă și obțineți sprijinul necesar pentru a depăși orice obstacol.

🌟 Ready to Master GIS? Ce așteptă? Înscriezi acum și transformă-ți datele geografice în informații de valoare cu Geographic Information System Simplified! 📡🌍🔍

📆 Enroll Now and Transform Your Career with GIS Expertise! Cursul este deschis pentru inscriere și este așteptat cu drag să îți deschide porțile către lumea GIS. Nu rămâne singur! Începe acum această călătorie fascinantă! 🚀🌏✨


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Our review

Course Review Synthesis:

Overview: The online course in question has received a global rating of 3.89, with all recent reviews consistently positive, reflecting the participants' satisfaction and gratitude for the knowledge imparted. The course appears to be designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of its subject matter, suitable for both novices and those seeking to deepen their expertise.


  • Comprehensive Content: Users have noted that the course provides a complete insight into its topic, suitable for a 3-credit course. Students expressed joy and appreciation for the opportunity to learn through this course.
  • Ease of Understanding: The content is described as simplified enough for beginners to grasp most concepts, indicating that it is accessible to individuals with varying levels of prior knowledge.
  • Reduction of Ignorance: The course is acknowledged as pre-foundational, helping to reduce total ignorance on the subject matter. It serves as an informative starting point for those new to the field.
  • Positive Impact: Participants reported a sense of joy and happiness, as well as gratitude towards the instructors and the course structure.
  • Precision: The course is appreciated for its short and precise sections which facilitate understanding of the concepts presented.


  • Audio Quality: Several reviews mention issues with audio quality, suggesting that it could be improved. This was a recurring point, indicating that it may significantly affect the learning experience.
  • Instructor's Presentation Style: Some learners found the instructor's method of reading text from slides to be less engaging or effective than alternative delivery methods, such as a brief white paper. It is suggested that this style could be supplemented with additional explanations or interactive elements for a more dynamic learning experience.
  • Audio Clarity: Particularly concerning was the feedback regarding the instructor's accent and audio quality during parts of the course where text on slides was not provided, leading to difficulties in comprehension for some learners.

Course Delivery:

  • The instructor appears to rely heavily on reading from slides, which, while informative, could benefit from a more varied presentation style or supplementary materials to enhance learning retention.
  • Audio quality is inconsistent and should be addressed to ensure all students can hear the content clearly.

Final Thoughts: Despite some shortcomings in audio clarity and delivery, the course has been overall well-received for its educational value and the broad appeal of its content. The positive feedback from users indicates that with minor improvements, this course could be a highly effective tool for learning. Recommendations include enhancing audio quality, supplementing the reading of slides with additional explanations or interactive components, and possibly providing alternative written materials to accompany the verbal presentations.

Recommendations for Improvement:

  • Audio Enhancement: Invest in better equipment or post-production editing to improve the overall audio quality.
  • Instructor's Presentation Techniques: Encourage the instructor to incorporate diverse teaching methods, such as storytelling, real-world examples, or interactive elements to engage learners more effectively.
  • Supplementary Materials: Provide written transcripts of the slides or additional written content that complements the spoken explanations to aid in comprehension and learning retention.
  • Accessibility Features: Consider adding subtitles for those with hearing difficulties or for use where audio quality is insufficient.

By addressing these concerns, the course can be transformed into an even more impactful educational experience.



Geographic Information System Simplified - Price chart


Geographic Information System Simplified - Ratings chart

Enrollment distribution

Geographic Information System Simplified - Distribution chart

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