
End-to-End Data Science Project | Arabic

Real-World Projects from Data to Deployment Using Python

4.71 (111 reviews)
IT Certification
End-to-End Data Science Project | Arabic
6 584
6.5 hours
Jan 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Exploratory Data Analysis

Data Visualization

Feature Engineering

Data Preprocessing

Building Models

Models Tuning


Heroku Hosting

Houses Prices Prediction

Why take this course?

🌟 End-to-End Data Science Project: Arabic Edition 🌟

Course Headline: Real-World Projects from Data to Deployment Using Python

Course Description:

Embark on a transformative journey with "End-to-End Data Science Project", an Arabic content-enriched course designed for enthusiasts and professionals alike. This comprehensive, interactive, and application-focused program takes you through the entire lifecycle of a data science project – from data acquisition to model deployment and hosting.

Who is this for? This course is tailored for individuals who have a basic grasp of Python fundamentals, data analysis basics, and machine learning principles. Prior knowledge of machine learning algorithms can be obtained through our esteemed Machine Learning and Data Science Diploma. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced data scientist, this course will cater to your level of expertise.

Course Outline:

Our journey begins with setting up a Python Anaconda environment, ensuring you have the right tools at your fingertips. We'll then dive into the world of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), where you'll learn to uncover insights from data through:

  • Data Visualization:
    • Univariate and Bivariate Analysis
    • Multivariate Visualization Techniques
  • Data Preprocessing: Cleaning, normalizing, and transforming your data for optimal analysis.
  • Feature Engineering: Crafting features that drive model performance.
  • Model Building: A hands-on approach to creating models using a variety of techniques:
    • Linear Regression Model
    • Ridge Model
    • Lasso Model
    • ElasticNet Model
    • Polynomial Regression
    • Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
    • K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
    • Random Forest Regression
    • Extreme Gradient Boosting Regression (XGBoost)
  • Model Tuning: Fine-tuning your models for the best performance.
  • Deployment Techniques: Bring your models to life with:
    • Flask and FastAPI
  • Hosting: Deploying your project on Heroku for real-world application and accessibility.

Throughout the course, you'll apply these skills in a comprehensive project, predicting house prices using various regression techniques and learning frameworks like Grid Search Cross-Validation and Random Search Cross-Validation.

Course Highlights:

  • Comprehensive Environment Setup: Python Anaconda environment ready for your data science adventure.
  • Hands-On EDA: Discover the stories behind your data with effective visualization techniques.
  • Advanced Data Preprocessing: Learn to handle missing values, outliers, and more.
  • Feature Engineering Mastery: Understand how to create features that can significantly improve model performance.
  • Model Comparison: Explore different regression models, from simple to complex, to find the best fit for your data.
  • Deployment Know-How: Learn to deploy your models using Flask and FastAPI, and host them on Heroku.
  • Project-Driven Learning: Apply your skills in real-world scenarios, from data analysis to deployment.

Why Choose This Course?

  • Practical Skills: Gain hands-on experience with real-world data science projects.
  • Expert Guidance: Learn from the expertise of Mohammed Agoor, a seasoned course instructor.
  • Cultural Relevance: The content is enriched with Arabic language resources to ensure comprehension and cultural resonance.
  • Community Support: Join a community of like-minded learners who share your passion for data science.

Ready to take the leap? 🚀 Enroll in "End-to-End Data Science Project" today and unlock the full potential of your data science capabilities! With this course, you'll not only understand the mechanics behind data science projects but also be able to deploy them into the real world. 🎓✨

Enroll Now and transform your data into actionable insights!


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August 6, 2023
دورة مفيدة جدا استفدت منها واضافت لي الكثير خصوصا في احتراف انشاء بيئة عمل مماثلة للمحترفين وكذلك ساعدتني في فهم الخطوات المتبعة للوصول الى مرحلة إستضافة المشروع
August 2, 2022
Wonderful practical hands-on. Have learned a lot. Thank you very much for this valuable information. Keep enriching the Arab content in AI field, ENG:Mohamed Agoor
July 31, 2022
ما شاء الله حقيقي من أجمل الكورسات اللي أخذتها والجميل انه المهندس محمد متعاون وشرحه يناسب المستوى المتقدم اللي حابب يسترجع بعض الأفكار وأيضا مستوى المبتدئ أرشح الكورس لأي شخص يريد تعلم علوم البيانات وتعلم الآلة
July 12, 2022
thanks agoor for this great course it covered a lot of information and I learned a lot from it, so I am looking forward to see other courses for you



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