Flutter Essencial

Aprenda a criar aplicativos nativos para Android/iOS com Flutter

4.80 (1821 reviews)
Mobile Apps
Flutter Essencial
22.5 hours
Jun 2021
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Desenvolver aplicativos nativos para Android/iOS utilizando Flutter

Why take this course?

Observação: Em Fev/2019 publiquei o curso Flutter Essencial na Udemy, lembro que na época pouca gente já estava falando de Flutter. Com a chegada do Flutter 2.0 e Null Safety o curso ficou desatualizado e neste momento não tenho tempo de atualizá-lo. Sendo assim, já solicitei para a Udemy para remover o curso. Se você ainda está vendo essa página é porque o curso está na Udemy Business e estão processando. Tenho certeza de que dei minha contribuição para a comunidade, que agora já está muito forte. Sucesso a todos e vamos construir muitos apps com Flutter. Se deseja prosseguir, este é o texto que publiquei na época.


Como o curso está na Udemy Business demora uns dias para remover, mas já está em andamento, então quem ainda quiser comprar corre rsrs.

Aprenda a desenvolver aplicativos nativos para Android/iOS com o Flutter, o novo framework do Google.

As aulas deste curso são rápidas, sem enrolação e direto ao assunto. Você vai aprender Flutter rapidamente!

O Flutter torna o desenvolvimento de aplicativos muito simples e produtivo, pois possui diversos Widgets para criar a interface gráfica e o conceito de "hot reload" que atualiza a interface automaticamente sempre que o código for salvo.

Neste curso você vai aprender:

- Criar interfaces gráficas com Flutter

- Desenvolver aplicativos com web services e banco de dados

- Padrões de código para Flutter

- Utilizar diversos plugins do Flutter, como para tirar fotos e usar mapas

Our review

🌟 **Overall Course Review:** **Pros:** - **Clear and Direct:** The course is praised for its straightforward approach, avoiding unnecessary complexity and focusing on the essentials. ([Review 1](#), [Review 3](#), [Review 7](#), [Review 8](#), [Review 12](#)) - **Practical and Effective:** Many learners find the course to be highly practical, with a focus on building apps with Flutter and resolving doubts effectively. ([Review 4](#), [Review 6](#), [Review 9](#), [Review 10](#), [Review 15](#)) - **Well-Organized Content:** The course structure is described as easy to navigate, allowing learners to quickly find and review information when needed. ([Review 8](#), [Review 14](#)) - **Detailed Explanations:** Instructor Ricardo Lecheta is commended for demonstrating deep knowledge of Flutter and providing detailed explanations that clear up confusion and address douchase comprehensively. ([Review 12](#), [Review 16](#)) - **Engaging Teaching Style:** The course content, especially the tutorials on Android Studio and widget organization, is engaging and educational for learners. ([Review 11](#), [Review 13](#)) - **Excellent Didactic:** The professor's didactic approach is considered sensational with a highly positive impact on learning outcomes. ([Review 17](#), [Review 18](#)) - **Suitable for Beginners:** The course starts from the basics and progresses in an orderly fashion, which is highly appreciated by beginners. ([Review 20](#)) **Cons:** - **Outdated Content:** Some learners point out that the course material is outdated or not fully up-to-date with the latest Flutter version, which may affect the relevance of the learning experience. ([Review 19](#), [Review 22](#)) - **Pacing for Beginners:** A few learners suggest that the pace of the course could be slower to accommodate those who are completely new to Flutter or programming. ([Review 23](#)) - **Need for Update Notifications:** Learners have expressed a desire for the instructor to provide updates on the code and content, especially since they invested in the course at an earlier date. ([Review 21](#), [Review 24](#)) **Neutral Feedback:** - **Installation and Setup Guidance:** The initial setup part of the course is described as clear and straightforward. ([Review 5](#)) **Final Thoughts:** Despite some concerns regarding content updates, the consensus among learners is that this course is an excellent resource for understanding and implementing Flutter. The clear, concise, and practical approach, combined with the instructor's deep knowledge and engaging teaching style, make it a valuable learning tool for both beginners and those looking to enhance their Flutter skills. The positive feedback significantly outweighs the concerns about the course being slightly outdated, suggesting that with an update, this course could be one of the best on the market. Learners are encouraged to stay tuned for any updates from the instructor and to follow best practices for code versioning and maintenance independently. **Note:** All direct quotes have been paraphrased to provide a cohesive summary of the feedback provided by the learners. Individual reviews can be found by clicking on the references marked with `(#))`.



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Enrollment distribution

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