Practice Exams | Flutter Certified Application Developer

Real World Exam Simulator with 4 Complete Practice Tests, Answer Explanations, References and Instructor Support

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IT Certification
Practice Exams | Flutter Certified Application Developer
180 questions
Nov 2024
last update
regular price

What you will learn

Practice for the AFD-200 exam with 4 full practice exams of 45 questions each

Consolidate and validate your learning in the world of Flutter programming

Why take this course?

🚀 Master Your Skills with Practice Exams for Flutter Certification! 🎓

Welcome to the ultimate preparation tool for acing your Android ATC Flutter Certified Application Developer (AFD-200) certification. This course is meticulously designed to give you a competitive edge with a simulator featuring 🤝 4 Complete Practice Tests that closely resemble the real exam experience.

🎉 Key Features of the Course:

  • Realistic Questions: The tone and tenor of the questions are carefully crafted to mirror the actual exam, ensuring you're fully prepared for what to expect.

  • Comprehensive Explanations & References: Each question comes with a detailed description and is extensively referenced against the official Flutter documentation. This will not only help you understand the concepts but also strengthen your knowledge of the AFD-200 exam syllabus.

🛠️ Quality Assurance: We've put immense effort into creating high-quality content, and we believe the quality speaks for itself. Consider this course your final pit-stop before you confidently stride towards becoming a Flutter Certified Application Developer!

👀 Preview a Sample Question:

Question: How do you generate launcher icons for both Android and iOS in a Flutter project?

  • A) flutter_launcher_icons:android & flutter_launcher_icons:ios
  • B) flutter pub get launcher_icons:main
  • C) flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main
  • D) flutter run launcher_icons:all

What's your guess? 🤔 Scroll below for the answer...

✍️ Correct Answer: The correct command is option C: flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main. This will create launcher icons for both Android and iOS, and here's what you can expect in the terminal:

  • Android icon creation output
  • Overwriting the default Android launcher icon with a new icon
  • Overwriting the default iOS launcher icon with a new icon

📚 Course Highlights:

  • Exam Syllabus Aligned: The questions are designed as per the AFD-200 exam syllabus of the official documentation.

  • Unlimited Practice: Retake the exams as many times as you wish to ensure you're fully prepared.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The tests are updated regularly to align with the latest syllabus and Flutter updates.

  • In-Depth Explanations: Every answer comes with detailed explanations, reference links, and official documentation for a deeper understanding.

  • Realistic Test Conditions: With 45 multiple-choice questions, a 90-minute duration, and a passing grade set at 70%, this exam simulator truly mimics the real Flutter certification exam experience.

  • Mobile Accessibility: All practice tests are fully compatible with the Udemy App, allowing you to learn on the go.

  • Satisfaction Guaranteed: We offer a 💫30-Day Money-Back Guarantee if you're not satisfied with the course.

🎉 Get Started Today! 🌟

Embark on your journey to becoming a Flutter Certified Application Developer with confidence and support from our comprehensive course. Happy learning, and we wish you the best of luck for your exam! 🚀✨

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