「集計したデータを、うまく伝えられない」と悩むビジネスパーソン必見です。見やすいグラフ作成の基本、様々なグラフの活用法を学ぶ講座です。さらに Excel ショートカットや便利機能を学んで、面倒なグラフ作成を一気にスピードアップしましょう!

What you will learn
「クライアントに見せても恥ずかしくない」見やすい Excel グラフ作成テクニック
Why take this course?
📊 【数字を分かりやすく伝える】エクセルで学ぶグラフ作成マスターコース
Excel グラフ作成の基本から応用、効率テクニックまでを学べる豊富なコースです。これは、ビジュアルな情報提示を効率的に行うための知識と技術を身につける最適なチャンスです。
- 見やすい Excel グラフ作成
- 軸ラベル、凡例、データラベルなどの工夫
- さまざまなグラフの種類
- 折れ線、積み上げ縦棒、ウォーターフォール、円、面グラフなど、それぞれの適用方法
- 効率化
- Alt キーなどのショートカットの活用、標準グラフ、書式コピー、テンプレートなどで作業をスピードアップ!
1. 見やすいグラフ作成の基本
- 縦軸ラベル、横軸ラベル、目盛線の設定
- 見やすいグラフ色の選択
- 単位、タイトルの挿入方法
- 凡例の追加と工夫
- 図形、テキストを挿入する技術
- グラフ表示形式の選択
2. 比較、内訳、割合を示すグラフ
- 横棒グラフ(軸の反転)の作成と調整
- 折れ線グラフ(凡例の調整、点線を追加)の工夫
- 積み上げ縦棒グラフ、積み上げ面グラフの使い方
- ウォーターフォールの作成と補助情報の追加
- 円グラフと100%積み上げグラフの違いと作成方法
3. 分布、関係性を示すグラフ
- ヒストグラム(ビンの数の調整)の作成
- パレート図と散布図の違いと作成方法
- バブルチャートの基本と応用
4. グラフ作成の効率化
- ショートカットの基本(Alt キー)で作業を加速
- 標準グラフ(Alt + F1)への切り替え方法
- 軸ラベル、データ ラベルの書式設定(Ctrl + 1)
- テンプレートの利用方法
- 配色パターン、フォントの設定
- グラフ書式だけコピペ(Alt H V S)でデザインを統一
立ち入れるだけで、データの視覚的な表現におい、あなたのスキルレベルを一層引き上げる機会がここに競っています。今すぐ登録し、Excelのグラフ作成能力を向けにスタートしましょう! 🌟
Our review
Course Review: Mastering Graph Creation with Excel
Introduction: The course "Mastering Graph Creation with Excel" has been highly rated by recent students, with a global rating of 4.29. This review synthesizes the feedback provided by these learners to give you an overview of the course's strengths and areas for improvement.
Comprehensive Coverage: The course offers a comprehensive and concise overview of the essential points required for graph creation in Excel, which helps the information to stick and be readily applicable in real-world scenarios.
Practical Application: The course provides practical knowledge that can be directly applied to the job, focusing on the most important aspects that are necessary in professional settings.
User-Friendly Content Delivery: The course is designed with ease of understanding in mind, as evidenced by comments praising its clarity and the ability to follow along without needing to pause or turn on the sound.
Versatile Learning Environment: Even though some supplementary materials differ from the lectures, students find it beneficial for learning purposes, as it allows them to practice creating those materials themselves.
Engaging Content: The course's explanations are clear and engaging, leading to a deep understanding of the subject matter which can then be applied in future professional work, such as improving business efficiency.
Flexible Learning: Learners can watch the lectures repeatedly for reinforcement, suggesting that the content is valuable enough to warrant multiple views.
Additional Course Purchases: The high quality of instruction prompts students to consider purchasing additional courses from the same instructor.
Technical Issues: Some users pointed out that the cursor used by the instructor moved on its own, which may cause concern for those who are sensitive to such issues. However, this did not significantly detract from the learning experience.
Supplementary Materials Discrepancies: A few students mentioned that occasionally, the attached materials differed from what was discussed in the lecture. This could be a point of improvement for ensuring consistency between explanations and supplementary content.
In bold, we have the key takeaway from the course: the ability to efficiently and effectively create graphs in Excel is not only comprehendible but also immediately applicable, as highlighted by the positive feedback from the students who found the course both informative and user-friendly. The course has been recognized for its clear and practical approach, which makes learning Excel graph creation a rewarding experience for professionals looking to enhance their skill set in data visualization.
Overall, "Mastering Graph Creation with Excel" is a highly recommended course for those seeking to improve their proficiency in using Excel for business analytics and reporting purposes. The course's structured approach, combined with real-world examples and interactive learning elements, makes it an excellent choice for anyone looking to upskill in data visualization and presentation.


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